Process control pneumatics.

Process control pneumatics

If some industrial process is to be automatically controlled, there will be many process variables (e.g. temperature, flow, pressure, level) which need to be measured and kept at the correct value for safety and economical operation. In Figure 7.1, for example, water flow in a pipe is to be kept at some preset value.

In Figure 7.1 the flow is measured to give the current value (usually termed PV- for process variable). This is compared with the required flow (called SP- for set point) to give an error signal, which is passed to a controller. This adjusts the actuator drive signal to move the valve in the direction to give the required flow (i.e. PV = SP, giving zero error). The arrangement of Figure 7.1 is called closed loop control because a loop is formed by the controller, actu­ator and measuring device.

In many plants, closed loop control is achieved by electronics, or even computer, techniques with the various signals represented by electric currents. A common standard uses a current within the

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range 4 to 20 rnA. If this represents a water flow from 0 to 1500 1 min-I, for example, a flow of 1000 1 min- 1 is represented by a current of 14.67 rnA.

Electrical representation, and electronic devices, are not the only possibility, however. Process control history goes back before the advent of electronics (some early examples being speed governors on steam engines and an early servo system for ships’ rudders designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunei). Much of the original process control work was based around pneumatic devices, with the various signals represented by pneumatic pressures.

Perhaps surprisingly, pneumatic process control has by no means been superseded by electronic and microprocessor technology, so it is worth looking at the reasons for its popularity. First and foremost is safety. Much process control is done in chemical or petrochemi­cal plants where explosive atmospheres are common. If electrical signals are used, great care must be taken to ensure no possible fault can cause a spark, which could ignite an explosive atmosphere. While this can be achieved, the result is complex and maintenance may be difficult (test instruments must also be classified safe for use in an explosive atmosphere).

A pneumatic system contains only air, so it presents no hazard under these conditions. No particular care needs to be taken with installation, and maintenance work can be carried out ‘live’ with simple non-electrical test instruments.

A great deal of design and application experience has evolved over the years, and this base of knowledge is another major reason for the continuing popularity of pneumatic control. Companies with a significant investment in pneumatic control and a high level of staff competency are unlikely to change.

Many devices in the loop are, in any case, best provided by pneu­matic techniques. Although electrical actuators are available, most valves are driven by pneumatic signals- even when transducer and controller are electronic.

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