■ SUMMARY In the RISC approach, the most frequently occurring instructions are optimized by eliminating or reducing the complexity of other instructions and addressing modes commonly found in CISC architectures. The performance of RISC architectures is further enhanced by pipelining and increasing the number of registers available to the CPU. Superscalar and VLIW architectures are […]
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Trends in computer architecture: case study: parallel processing in the sega genesis (the sega genesis architecture, sega genesis operation and sega genesis programming).

  Case Study: Parallel Processing in the Sega Genesis Home video game systems are examples of (nearly) full-featured computer architectures. They have all of the basic features of modern computer architectures, and several advanced features. One notably lacking feature is permanent storage (like a hard disk) for saving information, although newer models even have that […]
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Trends in computer architecture: parallel architecture (mapping an algorithm onto a parallel architecture, fine-grain parallelism – the connection machine cm-1 and course-grain parallelism: the cm-5).

MAPPING AN ALGORITHM ONTO A PARALLEL ARCHITECTURE The process of mapping an algorithm onto a parallel architecture begins with a dependency analysis in which data dependencies among the operations in a program are identified. Consider the C code shown in Figure 10-23. In an ordinary SISD processor, the four numbered statements require four time steps […]
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Trends in computer architecture: parallel architecture (the Flynn taxonomy and interconnection networks).

Parallel Architecture One method of improving the performance of a processor is to decrease the time needed to execute instructions. This will work up to a limit of about 400 MHz (Stone, 1991), at which point an effect known as ringing on busses prohibits further speedup with conventional bus technology. This is not to say […]
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Trends in computer architecture: vliw machines and case study: the anthelia- 64 (Merced) architecture (background—the 80×86 cisc architecture and the Merced: an epic architecture).

10.7 VLIW Machines There is an architecture that is in a sense competitive with superscalar architectures, referred to as the VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) architecture. In VLIW machines, multiple operations are packed into a single instruction word that may be 128 or more bits wide. The VLIW machine has multiple execution units, similar to […]
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Trends in computer architecture: multiple instruction issue (supers alar) machines – the power pc 601 and case study: the power pc™ 601 as a superscalar architecture (instruction set architecture of the power pc 601 and hardware architecture of the power pc 601).

10.4 Multiple Instruction Issue (Supers alar) Machines – The PowerPC 601 In the earlier pipelining discussion, we see how several instructions can be in various phases of execution at once. Here, we look at superscalar architecture, where, with separate execution units, several instructions can be executed simul- taneously. In a superscalar architecture, there might be […]
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Trends in computer architecture: overlapping register windows

Overlapping Register Windows One modern architectural feature that has not been as widely adopted as other features (such as pipelining) is overlapping register windows, which to date has only been adopted by the SPARC family. This feature is based upon studies that show typical programs spend much of their time dealing with procedure call-and-return overhead, […]
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Trends in computer architecture: pipelining the data path (arithmetic, branch, and load-store instructions, pipelining instructions and keeping the pipeline filled).

10.2 Pipelining the Data path The flow of instructions through a pipeline follows the steps normally taken when an instruction is executed. In the discussion below we consider how three classes of instructions: arithmetic, branch, and load-store, are executed, and then we relate this to how the instructions are pipelined. 10.3.1 ARITHMETIC, BRANCH, AND LOAD-STORE […]
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10.1 From CISC to RISC Historically, when memory cycle times were very long and when memory prices were high, fewer, complicated instructions held an advantage over more, simpler instructions. There came a point, however, when memory became inexpensive enough and memory hierarchies became fast and large enough, that computer architects began reexamining this advantage. One […]
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Trends in computer architecture: quantitative analyses of program execution(quantitative performance analysis).

TRENDS IN COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE In the earlier chapters, the fetch-execute cycle is described in the form: “fetch an instruction, execute that instruction, fetch the next instruction, etc.” This gives the impression of a straight-line linear progression of program execution. In fact, the processor architectures of today have many advanced features that go beyond this simple […]
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