SUMMARY Of Microprocessors, Microcomputers, and Assembly Language

SUMMARY The various concepts and terms discussed in this chapter are summarized below: Computer Structure · Digital Computer-a programmable machine that processes binary data. It includes four components: CPU (ALU plus control unit), memory, input, and output. · CPU-the Central Processing Unit. The group of circuits that processes data and provides control signals and timing. […]
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MICROPROCESSOR INSTRUCTION SET AND COMPUTER LANGUAGES Microprocessors recognize and operate in binary numbers. However, each micro­processor has its own binary words, instructions, meanings, and language. The words are formed by combining a number of bits for a given machine. The word (or word length), as defined earlier, is the number of bits the microprocessor rec­ognizes […]
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Organization of a Microprocessor-Based System

Organization of a Microprocessor-Based System Figure 3 shows a simplified but formal structure of a microprocessor-based sys­tem or a product. Since a microcomputer is one among many microprocessor ­based systems, it will have the same structure as shown in Figure 3. It includes four components: microprocessor. input, output; and memory (Read/Write Mem­ory and Read-Only Memory). […]
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MICROPROCESSORS A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable logic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory, accepts binary data as input and processes data according to those instructions, and provides results as output . A typical programmable machine can be represented with three components: mi­croprocessor. memory, and 110 as shown in Figure […]
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