Electric Motor Manual – INSTALLATION METHODS – Identification diagrams speed troubleshooting

Identification diagrams speed troubleshooting

UNSCHEDULED DOWNTIME is amajor concern in most industrial plants, especially in continuous-process facilities where an interruption in production can cost thousands of dollars.
Generally, these facilities employ skillful electrical people who know the latest troubleshooting techniques and have access to modern tools and instruments to assure efficiency.
Wiring diagrams, schematics and related data are essential to the troubleshooting process. However, for maximum effectiveness, a total plan identifying every component in complex
interrelated power and control systems should be followed. This plan should consist of a set of documents—com pletely correlated drawings, schedules and procedures to simplify equipment
and system operation and speed circuit tracing. To accomplish this, the following are required:
1. One-line diagrams, schematics, internal wiring diagrams and external connection diagrams for each system.
2. A tabulated cable schedule showing the identification number, routing, number of conductors, and rating of each cable in the plant.
3. A complete set of conduit drawings, with the cable numbers marked on all conduit runs.
4. An identification label for each piece of equipment noting its relation to the process.
5. Clear and permanent identification of every wire at every termination in every circuit.
6. Careful supervision and inspection during equipment installation or alterations to be certain that identification labels as required are properly installed. It is highly recommended
that the identifications on the equipment and those shown on working drawings, shop drawings, and trouble shooting drawings be thoroughly
checked to be certain that all are in agreement .

Identification diagrams speed troubleshooting

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