Measurement:Acoustic Intensity Level (LI), Acoustic Power Level (LW), and Acoustic Pressure Level (LP)

Acoustic Intensity Level (LI), Acoustic Power Level (LW), and Acoustic Pressure Level (LP)

Acoustic Intensity Level, LI

The acoustic intensity Ia (the acoustic power per unit of area—usually in W/m2 or W/cm2) is found by


Acoustic Power Level, LW

The total acoustic power can also be expressed as a level (LW):


Acoustic Pressure Level, LP

To identify each of these parameters more clearly, consider a sphere with a radius of 0.282 m. (Since the surface area of a sphere equals 4πr2, this yields a sphere with a surface area of 1 m2.) An omnidirectional point source radiating one acoustic watt is placed into the center of this sphere. Thus we have, by definition, an acoustic intensity at the surface of the sphere of 1 W/m2. From this we can calculate the Prms:


where Wa is the total acoustic power in watts and ρc equals 406 RAYLS and is called the characteristic acoustic resistance.

Knowing the acoustic watts, Prms is easy to find:


Thus the LP, LI, and LW at 0.282 m are the same numerical value if the source is omnidirectional (see Figure 2.4).


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