Z80 INSTRUCTIONS RELATED TO INDEX REGISTERS   The Z80 microprocessor includes two 16-bit index registers IX and IY, and they are used primarily as memory pointers. In the previous sections, we discussed instructions concerning data copy, arithmetic, and branch operations. The Z80 can perform these operations with the contents of memory registers using the index […]
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Relative Jump Instructions

Relative Jump Instructions The Z80 instruction set includes two types of relative Jump instructions: uncon­ditional and conditional. The new address to which the program sequence is re­directed is specified by an 8-bit offset (displacement) value relative to the Jump instruction. The displacement can be positive (forward jump), specified by the seven bits D6-D0 (the MSB […]
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BRANCH OPERATIONS The branch instructions and their associated flags are the key to the power of a computer or its microprocessor. These instructions can change the sequence of execution based on certain data conditions indicated by the flags; thus, they are decision-making instructions. The branch instructions are classified into three categories, as listed in Chapter […]
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ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS The Z80 microprocessor performs various arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, increment/decrement, and I’s and 2’s complement. Most of these op­erations are concerned, with 8-bit operands. The instruction set also includes some 16-bit operations that will be discussed in later chapters. (See Appendix A for a complete alphabetical listing of the Z80 instruction […]
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DATA COPY (LOAD) OPERATIONS In this section, we focus on three types of data copy operations: data copy related to microprocessor registers, memory, and I/Os. Instructions frequently used are illustrated below, and the Z80 block transfer instruction will be discussed later in the chapter. In addition, one machine control instructionــــHALTــــis introduced; this instruction is necessary […]
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Introduction to Z80 Instructions and Programming Techniques

Introduction to Z80 Instructions and Programming Techniques     When a microcomputer is asked to execute a program stored in its memory, it reads one in­struction at a time and performs the task spec­ified by the instruction. Each instruction in the program is a command, in binary, to the micro­processor to perform an operation. In […]
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