There are several load-effective address instructions in the microprocessor instruction set. The LEA instruction loads any 16-bit register with the offset address, as determined by the addressing mode selected for the instruction. The LDS and LES variations load any 16-bit register with the offset address retrieved from a memory location, and then load either DS or ES with a segment address retrieved from memory. In the 80386 and above, LFS, LGS, and LSS are added to the instruction set, and a 32-bit register can be selected to receive a 32-bit offset from memory. In the 64-bit mode for the Pentium 4, the LDS and LES instructions are invalid and not used because the segments have no function in the flat memory model. Table 4–10 lists the load-effective address instructions.


The LEA instruction loads a 16- or 32-bit register with the offset address of the data specified by the operand. As the first example in Table 4–9 shows, the operand address NUMB is loaded into register AX, not the contents of address NUMB.

By comparing LEA with MOV, we observe that LEA BX,[DI] loads the offset address specified by [DI] (contents of DI) into the BX register; MOV BX,[DI] loads the data stored at the memory location addressed by [DI] into register BX.

Earlier in the text, several examples were presented by using the OFFSET directive. The OFFSET directive performs the same function as an LEA instruction if the operand is a dis- placement. For example, the MOV BX,OFFSET LIST performs the same function as LEA BX,LIST. Both instructions load the offset address of memory location LIST into the BX register. See Example 4–3 for a short program that loads SI with the address of DATA1 and DI with the address of DATA2. It then exchanges the contents of these memory locations. Note that the LEA and MOV with OFFSET instructions are both the same length (3 bytes).

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But why is the LEA instruction available if the OFFSET directive accomplishes the same task? First, OFFSET only functions with simple operands such as LIST. It may not be used for an operand such as [DI], LIST [SI], and so on. The OFFSET directive is more efficient than the LEA instruction for simple operands. It takes the microprocessor longer to execute the LEA BX,LIST instruction than the MOV BX,OFFSET LIST. The 80486 microprocessor, for example, requires two clocks to execute the LEA BX,LIST instruction and only one clock to execute MOV BX,OFFSET LIST. The reason that the MOV BX,OFFSET LIST instruction executes faster is because the assembler calculates the offset address of LIST, whereas the microprocessor calculates the address for the LEA instruction. The MOV BX,OFFSET LIST instruction is actually assembled as a move immediate instruction and is more efficient.

Suppose that the microprocessor executes an LEA BX,[DI] instruction and DI contains a 1000H. Because DI contains the offset address, the microprocessor transfers a copy of DI into BX. A MOV BX,DI instruction performs this task in less time and is often preferred to the LEA BX,[DI] instruction.

Another example is LEA SI,[BX + DI]. This instruction adds BX to DI and stores the sum in the SI register. The sum generated by this instruction is a modulo-64K sum. (A modulo-64K sum drops any carry out of the 16-bit result.) If BX = 1000H and DI = 2000H, the offset address moved into SI is 3000H. If BX = 1000H and DI = FF00H, the offset address is 0F00H instead of 10F00H. Notice that the second result is a modulo-64K sum of 0F00H.


The LDS, LES, LFS, LGS, and LSS instructions load any 16-bit or 32-bit register with an offset address, and the DS, ES, FS, GS, or SS segment register with a segment address. These instructions use any of the memory-addressing modes to access a 32-bit or 48-bit section of memory that contains both the segment and offset address. The 32-bit section of memory contains a 16- bit offset and segment address, while the 48-bit section contains a 32-bit offset and a segment address. These instructions may not use the register addressing mode 1MOD = 112. Note that the LFS, LGS, and LSS instructions are only available on 80386 and above, as are the 32-bit registers.

Figure 4–17 illustrates an example LDS BX,[DI] instruction. This instruction transfers the 32-bit number, addressed by DI in the data segment, into the BX and DS registers. The LDS, LES, LFS, LGS, and LSS instructions obtain a new far address from memory. The offset address appears first, followed by the segment address. This format is used for storing all 32-bit memory addresses.

A far address can be stored in memory by the assembler. For example, the ADDR DD FAR PTR FROG instruction stores the offset and segment address (far address) of FROG in 32 bits of memory at location ADDR. The DD directive tells the assembler to store a doubleword (32-bit number) in memory address ADDR.

In the 80386 and above, an LDS EBX,[DI] instruction loads EBX from the 4-byte section of memory addressed by DI in the data segment. Following this 4-byte offset is a word that is loaded to the DS register. Notice that instead of addressing a 32-bit section of memory, the 80386 and above address a 48-bit section of the memory whenever a 32-bit offset address is loaded to a 32-bit register. The first 4 bytes contain the offset value loaded to the 32-bit register and the last 2 bytes contain the segment address.

The most useful of the load instructions is the LSS instruction. Example 4–4 shows a short program that creates a new stack area after saving the address of the old stack area. After executing some dummy instructions, the old stack area is reactivated by loading both SS and SP with the LSS instruction. Note that the CLI (disable interrupt) and STI (enable interrupt) instructions must be included to disable interrupts. (This topic is discussed near the end of this chapter.) Because the LSS instruction functions in the 80386 or above, the .386 statement appears after

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the .MODEL statement to select the 80386 microprocessor. Notice how the WORD PTR directive is used to override the doubleword (DD) definition for the old stack memory location. If an 80386 or newer microprocessor is in use, it is suggested that the .386 switch be used to develop software for the 80386 microprocessor. This is true even if the microprocessor is a Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, or Core2. The reason is that the 80486–Core2 microprocessors add only a few additional instructions to the 80386 instruction set, which are seldom used in software development. If the need arises to use any of the CMPXCHG, CMPX- CHG8 (new to the Pentium), XADD or BSWAP instructions, select either the .486 switch for the 80486 microprocessor of the .586 switch for the Pentium. You can even specify the Pentium II –Core2 using the .686 switch.

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