1. Addition (ADD) can be 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits. The ADD instruction allows any address- ing mode except segment register addressing. Most flags (C, A, S, Z, P, and O) change when the ADD instruction executes. A different type of addition, add-with-carry (ADC), adds two operands and the contents of the carry flag (C). The 80486 through the Core2 processors have an additional instruction (XADD) that combines an addition with an exchange.

2. The increment instruction (INC) adds 1 to the byte, word, or doubleword contents of a register or memory location. The INC instruction affects the same flag bits as ADD except the carry flag. The BYTE PTR, WORD PTR, DWORD PTR, or QWORD PTR directives appear with the INC instruction when the contents of a memory location are addressed by a pointer.

3. Subtraction (SUB) is a byte, word, doubleword, or quadword and is performed on a register or a memory location. The only form of addressing not allowed by the SUB instruction is segment register addressing. The subtract instruction affects the same flags as ADD and sub- tracts carry if the SBB form is used.

4. The decrement (DEC) instruction subtracts 1 from the contents of a register or a memory location. The only addressing modes not allowed with DEC are immediate or segment reg- ister addressing. The DEC instruction does not affect the carry flag and is often used with BYTE PTR, WORD PTR, DWORD PTR, or QWORD PTR.

5. The comparison (CMP) instruction is a special form of subtraction that does not store the difference; instead, the flags change to reflect the difference. Comparison is used to com- pare an entire byte or word located in any register (except segment) or memory location.

An additional comparison instruction (CMPXCHG), which is a combination of compari- son and exchange instructions, is found in the 80486–Core2 processors. In the Pentium–Core2 processors, the CMPXCHG8B instruction compares and exchanges quadword data. In the 64-bit Pentium 4 and Core2, a COMPXCHG16B instruction is available.

6. Multiplication is byte, word, or doubleword, and it can be signed (IMUL) or unsigned (MUL). The 8-bit multiplication always multiplies register AL by an operand with the prod- uct found in AX. The 16-bit multiplication always multiplies register AX by an operand with the product found in DX–AX. The 32-bit multiply always multiplies register EAX by an operand with the product found in EDX–EAX. A special IMUL immediate instruction exists on the 80186–Core2 processors that contains three operands. For example, the IMUL BX,CX,3 instruction multiplies CX by 3 and leaves the product in BX. In the Pentium 4 and Core2 with 64-bit mode enabled, multiplication is 64 bits.

7. Division is byte, word, or doubleword, and it can be signed (IDIV) or unsigned (DIV). For an 8-bit division, the AX register divides by the operand, after which the quotient appears in AL and the remainder appears in AH. In the 16-bit division, the DX–AX register divides by the operand, after which the AX register contains the quotient and DX contains the remainder. In the 32-bit division, the EDX–EAX register is divided by the operand, after which the EAX register contains the quotient and the EDX register contains the remainder. Note that the remainder after a signed division always assumes the sign of the dividend.

8. BCD data add or subtract in packed form by adjusting the result of the addition with DAA or the subtraction with DAS. ASCII data are added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided when the operations are adjusted with AAA, AAS, AAM, and AAD. These instructions do not function in the 64-bit mode.

9. The AAM instruction has an interesting added feature that allows it to convert a binary number into unpacked BCD. This instruction converts a binary number between 00H–63H into unpacked BCD in AX. The AAM instruction divides AX by 10, and leaves the remainder in AL and quotient in AH. These instructions do not function in the 64-bit mode.

10. The AND, OR, and Exclusive-OR instructions perform logic functions on a byte, word, or doubleword stored in a register or memory location. All flags change with these instructions, with carry (C) and overflow (O) cleared.

11. The TEST instruction performs the AND operation, but the logical product is lost. This instruction changes the flag bits to indicate the outcome of the test.

12. The NOT and NEG instructions perform logical inversion and arithmetic inversion. The NOT instruction one’s complements an operand, and the NEG instruction two’s comple- ments an operand.

13. There are eight different shift and rotate instructions. Each of these instructions shifts or rotates a byte, word, or doubleword register or memory data. These instructions have two operands: The first is the location of the data shifted or rotated, and the second is an immediate shift or rotate count or CL. If the second operand is CL, the CL register holds the shift or rotate count. In the 80386 through the Core2 processors, two additional double-precision shifts (SHRD and SHLD) exist.

14. The scan string (SCAS) instruction compares AL, AX, or EAX with the contents of the extra segment memory location addressed by DI.

15. The string compare (CMPS) instruction compares the byte, word, or doubleword contents of two sections of memory. One section is addressed by DI in the extra segment, and the other is addressed by SI in the data segment.

16. The SCAS and CMPS instructions repeat with the REPE or REPNE prefixes. The REPE prefix repeats the string instruction while an equal condition exists, and the REPNE repeats the string instruction while a not-equal condition exists.

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