Languages and the machine: case study: extensions to the instruction set – the intel mm x™ and motorola altivec simd instructions (background, the base architectures, vector registers, vector arithmetic operations, vector compare operations and case study summary).

Case Study: Extensions to the Instruction Set – The Intel MM X™ and Motorola AltiVec SIM Dinstructions.

As integrated circuit technology provides ever increasing capacity within the processor, processor vendors search for new ways to use that capacity. One way that both Intel and Motorola capitalized on the additional capacity was to extend their ISAs with new registers and instructions that are specialized for processing streams or blocks of data. Intel provides the MMX extension to their Pentium processors and Motorola provides the AltiVec extension to their PowerPC processors. In this section we will discuss why the extensions are useful, and how the two companies implemented them.


The processing of graphics, audio, and communication streams requires that the same repetitive operations be performed on large blocks of data. For example a graphic image may be several megabytes in size, with repetitive operations required on the entire image for filtering, image enhancement, or other processing. So-called streaming audio (audio that is transmitted over a network in real time) may require continuous operation on the stream as it arrives. Likewise 3-D image generation, virtual reality environments, and even computer games require extraordinary amounts of processing power. In the past the solution adopted by many computer system manufacturers was to include special purpose processors explicitly for handling these kinds of operations.

Although Intel and Motorola took slightly different approaches, the results are quite similar. Both instruction sets are extended with SIMD (Single Instruction stream / Multiple Data stream) instructions and data types. The SIMD approach applies the same instruction to a vector of data items simultaneously. The term “vector” refers to a collection of data items, usually bytes or words.

Vector processors and processor extensions are by no means a new concept. The earliest CRAY and IBM 370 series computers had vector operations or extensions. In fact these machines had much more powerful vector processing capabilities than these first microprocessor-based offerings from Intel and Motorola. Nevertheless, the Intel and Motorola extensions provide a considerable speedup in the localized, recurring operations for which they were designed. These extensions are covered in more detail below, but Figure 5-11 gives an introduction to


the process. The figure shows the Intel PADDB (Packed Add Bytes) instruction, which performs 8-bit addition on the vector of eight bytes in register MM0 with the vector of eight bytes in register MM1, storing the results in register MM0.


Before we cover the SIMD extensions to the two processors, we will take a look at the base architectures of the two machines. Surprisingly, the two processors could hardly be more different in their ISAs.

The Intel Pentium

Aside from special-purpose registers that are used in operating system-related matters, the Pentium ISA contains eight 32-bit integer registers, with each register having its own “personality.” For example, the Pentium ISA contains a single accumulator (EAX) which holds arithmetic operands and results. The processor also includes eight 80-bit floating-point registers, which, as we will see, also serve as vector registers for the MMX instructions. The Pentium instruction set would be characterized as CISC (Complicated Instruction Set Computer). We will dis- cuss CISC vs. RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) in more detail in Chapter 10, but for now, suffice it to say that the Pentium instructions vary in size from a single byte to 9 bytes in length, and many Pentium instructions accomplish very complicated actions. The Pentium has many addressing modes, and most of its arithmetic instructions allow one operand or the result to be in either memory or a register. Much of the Intel ISA was shaped by the decision to make it binary-compatible with the earliest member of the family, the 8086/8088, introduced in 1978. (The 8086 ISA was itself shaped by Intel’s decision to make it assembly-language compatible with the venerable 8-bit 8080, introduced in 1973.)

The Motorola PowerPC

The PowerPC, in contrast, was developed by a consortium of IBM, Motorola and Apple, “from the ground up,” forsaking backward compatibility for the ability to incorporate the latest in RISC technology. The result was an ISA with fewer, simpler instructions, all instructions exactly one 32-bit word wide, 32 32-bit general purpose integer registers and 32 64-bit floating point registers. The ISA employs the “load/store” approach to memory access: memory operands have to be loaded into registers by load and store instructions before they can be used. All other instructions must access their operands and results in registers.

As we shall see below, the primary influence that the core ISAs described above have on the vector operations is in the way they access memory.


Both architectures provide an additional set of dedicated registers in which vector operands and results are stored. Figure 5-12 shows the vector register sets for the two processors. Intel, perhaps for reasons of space, “aliases” their floating point registers as MMX registers. This means that the Pentium’s 8 64-bit floating-point


registers also do double-duty as MMX registers. This approach has the disadvantage that the registers can be used for only one kind of operation at a time. The register set must be “flushed” with a special instruction, EMMS (Empty MMX State) after executing MMX instructions and before executing floating-point instructions.

Motorola, perhaps because their PowerPC processor occupies less silicon, implemented 32 128-bit vector registers as a new set, separate and distinct from their floating-point registers.

Vector operands

Both Intel and Motorola’s vector operations can operate on 8, 16, 32, 64, and, in Motorola’s case, 128-bit integers. Unlike Intel, which supports only integer vectors, Motorola also supports 32-bit floating point numbers and operations.

Both Intel and Motorola’s vector registers can be filled, or packed, with 8, 16, 32, 64, and in the Motorola case, 128-bit data values. For byte operands, this results in 8 or 16-way parallelism, as 8 or 16 bytes are operated on simultaneously. This is how the SIMD nature of the vector operation is expressed: the same operation is performed on all the objects in a given vector register.

Loading to and storing from the vector registers

Intel continues their CISC approach in the way they load operands into their vector registers. There are two instructions for loading and storing values to and from the vector registers, MOVD and MOVQ, which move 32-bit doublewords and 64-bit quadwords, respectively. (The Intel word is 16-bits in size.) The syntax is:


In addition, in the Intel vector arithmetic operations one of the operands can be in memory, as we will see below.

Motorola likewise remained true to their professed RISC philosophy in their load and store operations. The only way to access an operand in memory is through the vector load and store operations. There is no way to move an operand between any of the other internal registers and the vector registers. All operands must be loaded from memory and stored to memory. Typical load opcodes are:


where vD stands for one of the 32 vector registers. The memory address of the operand is computed from (rA|0 + rB), where rA and rB represent any two of the integer registers r0-r32, and the “|0” symbol means that the value zero may be substituted for rA. The byte, half word, word, or doubleword is fetched from that address. (PowerPC words are 32 bits in size.)

The term “indexed” in the list above refers to the location where the byte, half- word or word will be stored in the vector register. The least significant bits of the memory address specify the index into the vector register. For example, LSB’s 011 would specify that the byte should be loaded into the third byte of the register. Other bytes in the vector register are undefined.

The store operations work exactly like the load instructions above except that the value from one of the vector registers is stored in memory.


The vector arithmetic operations form the heart of the SIMD process. We will see that there is a new form of arithmetic, saturation arithmetic, and several new and exotic operations.

Saturation arithmetic

Both vector processors provide the option of doing saturation arithmetic instead of the more familiar modulo wraparound kind discussed in Chapters 2 and 3. Saturation arithmetic works just like two’s complement arithmetic as long as the results do not overflow or underflow. When results do overflow or under- flow, in saturation arithmetic the result is held at the maximum or minimum allowable value, respectively, rather than being allowed to wrap around. For example two’s complement bytes are saturated at the high end at +127 and at the low end at -128. Unsigned bytes are saturated at 255 and 0. If an arithmetic result overflows or underflows these bounds the result is clipped, or “saturated” at the boundary.

The need for saturation arithmetic is encountered in the processing of color information. If color is represented by a byte in which 0 represents black and 255 represents white, then saturation allows the color to remain pure black or pure white after an operation rather than inverting upon overflow or underflow.

Instruction formats

As the two architectures have different approaches to addressing modes, so their SIMD instruction formats also differ. Intel continues using two-address instructions, where the first source operand can be in an MM register, an integer register, or memory, and the second operand and destination is an MM register:


Motorola requires all operands to be in vector registers, and employs three-operand instructions:


This approach has the advantage that no vector register need be overwritten. In addition, some instructions can employ a third operand, Vc.

Arithmetic operations

Perhaps not too surprisingly, the MMX and AltiVec instructions are quite similar. Both provide operations on 8, 16, 32, 64, and in the AltiVec case, 128-bit operands. In Table 5.1 below we see examples of the variety of operations pro- vided by the two technologies. The primary driving forces for providing these particular operations is a combination of wanting to provide potential users of the technology with operations that they will find needed and useful in their particular application, the amount of silicon available for the extension, and the base ISA.


The ordinary paradigm for conditional operations: compare and branch on condition, will not work for vector operations, because each operand undergoing the comparison can yield different results. For example, comparing two word vectors for equality could yield TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE. There is no good way to employ branches to select different code blocks depending upon the truth or falsity of the comparisons. As a result, vector comparisons in both MMX and AltiVec technologies result in the explicit generation of TRUE or FALSE. In both cases, TRUE is represented by all 1’s, and FALSE by all 0’s in the destination operand. For example byte comparisons yield FFH or 00H, 16-bit comparisons yield FFFFH or 0000H, and so on for other operands. These values, all 1’s or all 0’s, can then be used as masks to update values.

Example: comparing two byte vectors for equality

Consider comparing two MMX byte vectors for equality. Figure 5-13 shows the results of the comparison: strings of 1’s where the comparison succeeded, and 0’s where it failed. This comparison can be used in subsequent operations. Consider the high-level language conditional statement:


The comparison in Figure 5-13 above yields the mask that can be used to control the byte-wise assignment. Register mm2 is ANDed with the mask in mm0 and the result stored in mm2, as shown in Figure 5-14. By using various combinations of comparison operations and masks, a full range of conditional operations


Vector permutation operations

The AltiVec ISA also includes a useful instruction that allows the contents of one vector to be permuted, or rearranged, in an arbitrary fashion, and the permuted result stored in another vector register.


The SIMD extensions to the Pentium and PowerPC processors provide powerful operations that can be used for block data processing. At the present time there are no common compiler extensions for these instructions. As a result, programmers that want to use these extensions must be willing to program in assembly language.

An additional problem is that not all Pentium or PowerPC processors contain the extensions, only specialized versions. While the programmer can test for the presence of the extensions, in their absence the programmer must write a “manual” version of the algorithm. This means providing two sets of code, one that utilizes the extensions, and one that utilizes the base ISA.

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