Coal Furnaces,Wood Furnaces, and Multi-Fuel Furnaces:System Accessory Devices

System Accessory Devices

A coal furnace used in a central forced-warm-air heating system may include some or all of the following accessories:

1. Electronic air filter

2. Humidifier

3. Dehumidifier

4. Electronic air cleaner

5. High performance media filter

6. Central air evaporator coil

7. Domestic hot-water coil

8. Condensate pump

Each of these accessories is covered in Volumes 2 and 3. They may also be used with wood and multi-fuel furnaces.

One method of adding summer air conditioning to a coal-fired heating installation is to install a separate and independent air conditioning system. This is expensive, because it includes the equipment and separate ducts, but it avoids many complications.

If you are considering the idea of adding air conditioning at some future date, you should select a solid-fuel furnace capable of meeting your cooling needs. For example, Oneida All-Fuel and Two-in-One furnaces are equipped with blowers large enough to handle up to 4 tons of air conditioning and electronic air cleaning.

Wood Furnaces

A wood furnace is very similar in design to a coal furnace except that it burns wood. The components are identical (sealed firebox, exchanger, blower, etc.), and it can be combined with the same types of accessories (electronic air cleaner, humidifier, etc.) Figure 13-13 shows a wood furnace.

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