Conversion Efficiency Improvement in GaAs Solar Cells:Minimum Light Reflection for Different Nano-gratings

Minimum Light Reflection for Different Nano-gratings

This section considered different aspect ratios for the nano-grating period or pitches of 830 nm to obtain the minimum light reflection for GaAs solar cells structure.

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Figure 16 shows the minimum light reflection for the grating pitch (period) of 830 nm. For this case, the minimum light reflection is 1-2 % with the nano- grating height of 300-400 nm, when the aspect ratio is ‘0’. However, the light reflection is increased to 1-4 % (with the aspect ratio 0.5) and grating height of 250-450 nm; and reaches to 13-17 % with the aspect ratio 0.8 and the nano- grating height of 200-450 nm.

Figure 17 shows the minimum light reflection versus the aspect ratio characteristics for different nano-grating heights. For this case, the nano-grating height is

varied from 50 to 500 nm. Here, the grating period is kept constant at 830 nm. Here, the aspect ratio is varied from 0 to 1. As discussed earlier, when the aspect ratio is ‘0’ then the shape of the nano-grating is triangular, when the aspect ratio is [0 but 1\ then the shape of the nano-grating is trapezoidal, and when the aspect ratio is ‘1’ then the shape of the nano-grating is rectangular. The results show light reflection for 50 nm grating height is [26 %, which is like a flat type (*30 % light reflection) substrates. From the plot, it shows clearly that when the grating height increasing from 50 to 250–350 nm, then the light reflection is decreasing sharply and drops to 1-2 % (with the aspect ratio of 0.4-0.6). However, further increasing the nano-grating height then the reflection loss is increasing rapidly and reached toward 50 nm grating height.

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