Careers in Electricity and Electronics:gaining experience in the workplace

gaining experience in the workplace

To gain experience in a chosen career field, it is possible for a student try out a specific career in the work- place through several different options offered by the education provider and an employer. These include the following:

● Apprenticeship

● Co-op learning

● Externship

● Internship

● Job shadowing

● Mentoring

An apprenticeship is a program provided by an employer in which an apprentice learns a craft or trade through hands-on experience by working with a skilled worker. For those joining the workforce, an apprenticeship program combines on-the-job training with academic instruction and can last for four to five years. In an apprenticeship program, the apprentice is paid, with salary increases reflecting completion of different levels of training.

The primary purpose of an apprenticeship pro- gram is to help employers develop employees who will improve the quality of the workforce and to increase productivity.

An import concept to keep in mind is that apprentices who complete an apprenticeship program are accepted by the industry as journey-workers (journey- men). Any certification earned through an approved apprenticeship program is recognized nationwide and will often transfer.

A cooperative education program (co-op) allows a student to combine class time with work experience by spending part of the day in class and the balance of the day working full-time in a job related to his or her chosen career field. At the college level, the student might attend classes one semester and then spend the next semester working off-campus with pay, to gain experience in a career field that relates to the student’s classes.

A co-op assignment is a supervised work experience in which the individual has identified learning goals that reflect what is to be learned throughout the co-op experience. To form a successful co-op pro- gram, a partnership is developed between the educational provider and an employer.

An externship is similar to an internship, but for a shorter duration; it is also similar to job shadowing. An externship may last from one day to several weeks and is intended to offer the student an idea of the work requirements in a particular career field. It also pro- vides the student with professional contacts for future networking in the career field of choice.

The time spent with an externship can take many forms because of its short duration. Participants can ask questions, attend meetings, spend the day observing, and even get an opportunity to participate in a project. An externship provides a tour of a participating organization and an opportunity to meet with people working in the organization. Externships allow participants to learn more about and meet with people working in their chosen career fields.

An internship is an opportunity to mix education with a chosen career field by participating in super- vised work experience (Figure 1-8). An internship is similar to an apprenticeship for trade and vocational jobs and is established between an employer and a school. Although internships are typically found at the college or university level, they are sometimes offered at the high school level.

Typically, an internship provides an exchange of the intern’s services for the opportunity to gain experience in a chosen career field. It can also help students determine whether their interest in a particular career is real. Some interns find permanent employment with the companies in which they interned. Employers benefit from hiring experienced interns because they require little or no training when they start full-time employment.

Job shadowing is a work experience program

that helps an individual find out what a chosen career

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field is like. Shadowing an experienced professional can help the individual choose a good career fit and identify the appropriate training or college program. The individual doing the shadowing observes a work environment and the necessary skills in practice, and gains an understanding of what further training may be needed, as well as other related potential career options.

Job shadowing increases an individual’s career awareness, helps to model behavior through examples, and reinforces the connection between classroom learning and work experience. A successful job-shadowing program is formed by a partnership between an educational provider and an employer.

Mentoring describes a partnership between

experienced trade professionals and less experienced workers who want to increase their knowledge and skills. Mentors share their knowledge, information, per- spective, and skills, and their mentees ask for advice and seek the support of their more experienced mentors.

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The power of mentoring is that it creates an opportunity for a student to be exposed to a chosen career field. The mentor provides the counseling, guidance, and wisdom to the mentee to advance his or her knowledge in the chosen career field (Figure 1-9).


1. What opportunities exist to increase knowledge in an individual’s chosen career field?

2. What is the purpose of an apprenticeship?

3. How does an externship differ from an internship?

4. What function does an internship serve?

5. Where does job shadowing fit in when learning about a chosen career field?

6. What is the power behind a mentoring program?

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