The program control instructions direct the flow of a program and allow the flow to change. A change in flow often occurs after a decision made with the CMP or TEST instruction is followed by a conditional jump instruction. This chapter explains the program control instructions, including the jumps, calls, returns, interrupts, and machine control instructions.

This chapter also presents the relational assembly language statements (.IF, .ELSE, .ELSEIF, .ENDIF, .WHILE, .ENDW, .REPEAT, and .UNTIL) that are available in version 6.xx and above of MASM or TASM, with version 5.xx set for MASM compatibility. These relational assembly language commands allow the programmer to develop control flow portions of the program with C/C++ language efficiency.


Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to:

1. Use both conditional and unconditional jump instructions to control the flow of a program.

2. Use the relational assembly language statements .IF, .REPEAT, .WHILE, and so forth in programs.

3. Use the call and return instructions to include procedures in the program structure.

4. Explain the operation of the interrupts and interrupt control instructions.

5. Use machine control instructions to modify the flag bits.

6. Use ENTER and LEAVE to enter and leave programming structures.


The main program control instruction, jump (JMP), allows the programmer to skip sections of a program and branch to any part of the memory for the next instruction. A conditional jump instruction allows the programmer to make decisions based upon numerical tests. The results of numerical tests are held in the flag bits, which are then tested by conditional jump instructions. Another instruction similar to the conditional jump, the conditional set, is explained with the conditional jump instructions in this section.

In this section of the text, all jump instructions are illustrated with their uses in sample pro- grams. Also revisited are the LOOP and conditional LOOP instructions, first presented in Chapter 3, because they are also forms of the jump instruction.

Unconditional Jump (JMP)

Three types of unconditional jump instructions (see Figure 6–1) are available to the micro- processor: short jump, near jump, and far jump. The short jump is a 2-byte instruction that allows jumps or branches to memory locations within +127 and –128 bytes from the address following the jump. The 3-byte near jump allows a branch or jump within ±32K bytes (or any- where in the current code segment) from the instruction in the current code segment. Remember that segments are cyclic in nature, which means that one location above offset address FFFFH is offset address 0000H. For this reason, if you jump 2 bytes ahead in memory and the instruction pointer addresses offset address FFFFH, the flow continues at offset address 0001H. Thus, a dis- placement of ±32K bytes allows a jump to any location within the current code segment. Finally, the 5-byte far jump allows a jump to any memory location within the real memory system. The short and near jumps are often called intrasegment jumps, and the far jumps are often called intersegment jumps.

In the 80386 through the Core2 processors, the near jump is within ±2G if the machine is operated in the protected mode, with a code segment that is 4G bytes long. If operated in the real mode, the near jump is within ±32K bytes. In the protected mode, the 80386 and above use a 32- bit displacement that is not shown in Figure 6–1. If the Pentium 4 is operated in the 64-bit mode, a jump can be to any address in its 1T memory space.

Short Jump. Short jumps are called relative jumps because they can be moved, along with their related software, to any location in the current code segment without a change. This is because the jump address is not stored with the opcode. Instead of a jump address, a distance, or displacement, follows the opcode. The short jump displacement is a distance represented by a 1-byte signed number whose value ranges between +127 and -128. The short jump instruction appears in Figure 6–2. When the microprocessor executes a short jump, the displacement is sign- extended and added to the instruction pointer (IP/EIP) to generate the jump address within the current code segment. The short jump instruction branches to this new address for the next instruction in the program.

Example 6–1 shows how short jump instructions pass control from one part of the program to another. It also illustrates the use of a label (a symbolic name for a memory address) with the jump instruction. Notice how one jump (JMP SHORT NEXT) uses the SHORT directive to force

Program Control InstructionsA-0205Program Control InstructionsA-0206

a short jump, while the other does not. Most assembler programs choose the best form of the jump instruction so the second jump instruction (JMP START) also assembles as a short jump. If the address of the next instruction (0009H) is added to the sign-extended displacement (0017H) of the first jump, the address of NEXT is at location 0017H + 0009H or 0020H.

Program Control InstructionsA-0207

Whenever a jump instruction references an address, a label normally identifies the address. The JMP NEXT instruction is an example; it jumps to label NEXT for the next instruction. It is very rare to use an actual hexadecimal address with any jump instruction, but the assembler sup- ports addressing in relation to the instruction pointer by using the $+a displacement. For exam- ple, the JMP $+2 instruction jumps over the next two memory locations (bytes) following the JMP instruction. The label NEXT must be followed by a colon (NEXT:) to allow an instruction to reference it for a jump. If a colon does not follow a label, you cannot jump to it. Note that the only time a colon is used after a label is when the label is used with a jump or call instruction. This is also true in Visual C++.

Near Jump. The near jump is similar to the short jump, except that the distance is farther. A near jump passes control to an instruction in the current code segment located within ±32K bytes from the near jump instruction. The distance is ±2G in the 80386 and above when operated in protected mode. The near jump is a 3-byte instruction that contains an opcode followed by a signed 16-bit displacement. In the 80386 through the Pentium 4 processors, the displacement is 32 bits and the near jump is 5 bytes long. The signed displacement adds to the instruction pointer (IP) to generate the jump address. Because the signed displacement is in the range of ±32K, a

Program Control InstructionsA-0208

near jump can jump to any memory location within the current real mode code segment. The protected mode code segment in the 80386 and above can be 4G bytes long, so the 32-bit displacement allows a near jump to any location within ±2G bytes. Figure 6–3 illustrates the operation of the real mode near jump instruction.

The near jump is also relocatable (as was the short jump) because it is also a relative jump. If the code segment moves to a new location in the memory, the distance between the jump instruction and the operand address remains the same. This allows a code segment to be relocated by simply moving it. This feature, along with the relocatable data segments, makes the Intel family of microprocessors ideal for use in a general-purpose computer system. Software can be written and loaded anywhere in the memory and function without modification because of the relative jumps and relocatable data segments.

Example 6–2 shows the same basic program that appeared in Example 6–1, except that the jump distance is greater. The first jump (JMP NEXT) passes control to the instruction at offset memory location 0200H within the code segment. Notice that the instruction assembles as E9 0200 R. The letter R denotes a relocatable jump address of 0200H. The relocatable address of 0200H is for the assembler program’s internal use only. The actual machine language instruction assembles as E9 F6 01, which does not appear in the assembler listing. The actual displacement is 01F6H for this jump instruction. The assembler lists the jump address as 0200 R, so the address is easier to interpret as software is developed. If the linked execution file (.EXE) or command file (.COM) is displayed in hexadecimal code, the jump instruction appears as E9 F6 01.

Program Control InstructionsA-0209

Far Jump. A far jump instruction (see Figure 6–4) obtains a new segment and offset address to accomplish the jump. Bytes 2 and 3 of this 5-byte instruction contain the new offset address; bytes

Program Control InstructionsA-0210

4 and 5 contain the new segment address. If the microprocessor (80286 through the Core2) is operated in the protected mode, the segment address accesses a descriptor that contains the base address of the far jump segment. The offset address, which is either 16 or 32 bits, contains the off- set address within the new code segment.

Example 6–3 lists a short program that uses a far jump instruction. The far jump instruction sometimes appears with the FAR PTR directive, as illustrated. Another way to obtain a far jump is to define a label as a far label. A label is far only if it is external to the current code segment or procedure. The JMP UP instruction in the example references a far label. The label UP is defined as a far label by the EXTRN UP:FAR directive. External labels appear in pro- grams that contain more than one program file. Another way of defining a label as global is to use a double colon (LABEL::) following the label in place of the single colon. This is required inside procedure blocks that are defined as near if the label is accessed from outside the procedure block.

When the program files are joined, the linker inserts the address for the UP label into the JMP UP instruction. It also inserts the segment address in the JMP START instruction. The segment address in JMP FAR PTR START is listed as – – – – R for relocatable; the segment address in JMP UP is listed as – – – – E for external. In both cases, the – – – – is filled in by the linker when it links or joins the program files.

Program Control InstructionsA-0211

Jumps with Register Operands. The jump instruction can also use a 16- or 32-bit register as an operand. This automatically sets up the instruction as an indirect jump. The address of the jump is in the register specified by the jump instruction. Unlike the displacement associated

with the near jump, the contents of the register are transferred directly into the instruction pointer. An indirect jump does not add to the instruction pointer, as with short and near jumps. The JMP AX instruction, for example, copies the contents of the AX register into the IP when the jump occurs. This allows a jump to any location within the current code segment. In the 80386 and above, a JMP EAX instruction also jumps to any location within the current code segment; the difference is that in protected mode the code segment can be 4G bytes long, so a 32-bit offset address is needed.

Example 6–4 shows how the JMP AX instruction accesses a jump table in the code segment. This DOS program reads a key from the keyboard and then modifies the ASCII code to 00H in AL for a ‘1’, 01H for a ‘2’, and 02H for a ‘3’. If a ‘1’, ‘2’, or ‘3’ is typed, AH is cleared to 00H. Because the jump table contains 16-bit offset addresses, the contents of AX are doubled to 0, 2, or 4, so a 16-bit entry in the table can be accessed. Next, the offset address of the start of the jump table is loaded to SI, and AX is added to form the reference to the jump address. The MOV AX,[SI] instruction then fetches an address from the jump table, so the JMP AX instruction jumps to the addresses (ONE, TWO, or THREE) stored in the jump table.

Program Control InstructionsA-0212

Indirect Jumps Using an Index. The jump instruction may also use the [ ] form of addressing to directly access the jump table. The jump table can contain offset addresses for near indirect jumps, or segment and offset addresses for far indirect jumps. (This type of jump is also known as a double-indirect jump if the register jump is called an indirect jump.) The assembler assumes that the jump is near unless the FAR PTR directive indicates a far jump instruction. Here Example 6–5 repeats Example 6–4 by using the JMP TABLE [SI] instead of JMP AX. This reduces the length of the program.

Program Control InstructionsA-0213

The mechanism used to access the jump table is identical with a normal memory reference. The JMP TABLE [SI] instruction points to a jump address stored at the code segment offset loca- tion addressed by SI. It jumps to the address stored in the memory at this location. Both the register and indirect indexed jump instructions usually address a 16-bit offset. This means that both types of jumps are near jumps. If a JMP FAR PTR [SI] or JMP TABLE [SI], with TABLE data defined with the DD directive appears in a program, the microprocessor assumes that the jump table contains doubleword, 32-bit addresses (IP and CS).

Conditional Jumps and Conditional Sets

Conditional jump instructions are always short jumps in the 8086 through the 80286 micro- processors. This limits the range of the jump to within +127 bytes and -128 bytes from the location following the conditional jump. In the 80386 and above, conditional jumps are either short or near jumps (±32K). In the 64-bit mode of the Pentium 4, the near jump distance is ±2G for the conditional jumps. This allows these microprocessors to use a conditional jump to any location within the current code segment. Table 6–1 lists all the conditional jump instructions with their test conditions. Note that the Microsoft MASM version 6.x assembler automatically adjusts conditional jumps if the distance is too great.

The conditional jump instructions test the following flag bits: sign (S), zero (Z), carry (C), parity (P), and overflow (0). If the condition under test is true, a branch to the label associated with the jump instruction occurs. If the condition is false, the next sequential step in the program executes. For example, a JC will jump if the carry bit is set.

The operation of most conditional jump instructions is straightforward because they often test just one flag bit, although some test more than one. Relative magnitude comparisons require more complicated conditional jump instructions that test more than one flag bit.

Program Control InstructionsA-0214

numbers. The 16- and 32-bit numbers follow the same order as the 8-bit numbers, except that they are larger. Notice that an FFH (255) is above the 00H in the set of unsigned numbers, but an FFH (-1) is less than 00H for signed numbers. Therefore, an unsigned FFH is above 00H, but a signed FFH is less than 00H.

When signed numbers are compared, use the JG, JL, JGE, JLE, JE, and JNE instructions. The terms greater than and less than refer to signed numbers. When unsigned numbers are com- pared, use the JA, JB, JAB, JBE, JE, and JNE instructions. The terms above and below refer to unsigned numbers.

The remaining conditional jumps test individual flag bits, such as overflow and parity. Notice that JE has an alternative opcode JZ. All instructions have alternates, but many aren’t used in programming because they don’t usually fit the condition under test. (The alternates appear in Appendix B with the instruction set listing.) For example, the JA instruction (jump if above) has the alternative JNBE (jump if not below or equal). A JA functions exactly as a JNBE, but a JNBE is awkward in many cases when compared to a JA.

The conditional jump instructions all test flag bits except for JCXZ (jump if CX = 0) and JECXZ (jump if ECX = 0). Instead of testing flag bits, JCXZ directly tests the contents of the CX register without affecting the flag bits, and JECXZ tests the contents of the ECX register. For the JCXZ instruction, if CX = 0, a jump occurs, and if CX != 0, no jump occurs. Likewise for the JECXZ instruction, if ECX = 0, a jump occurs; if ECX != 0, no jump occurs. In the Pentium 4 or Core2 operated in the 64-bit mode, the JRCXZ instruction jumps is RCX = 0.

A program that uses JCXZ appears in Example 6–6. Here, the SCASB instruction searches a table for 0AH. Following the search, a JCXZ instruction tests CX to see if the count has reached zero. If the count is zero, the 0AH is not found in the table. The carry flag is used in this example to pass the not found condition back to the calling program. Another method used to test to see if the data are found is the JNE instruction. If JNE replaces JCXZ, it performs the same function. After the SCASB instruction executes, the flags indicate a not-equal condition if the data were not found in the table.

Program Control InstructionsA-0215

The Conditional Set Instructions. In addition to the conditional jump instructions, the 80386 through the Core2 processors also contain conditional set instructions. The conditions tested by conditional jumps are put to work with the conditional set instructions. The conditional set instructions set a byte to either 01H or clear a byte to 00H, depending on the out- come of the condition under test. Table 6–2 lists the available forms of the conditional set instructions.

These instructions are useful where a condition must be tested at a point much later in the program. For example, a byte can be set to indicate that the carry is cleared at some point in the program by using the SETNC MEM instruction. This instruction places 01H into memory location MEM if carry is cleared, and 00H into MEM if carry is set. The contents of MEM can be

Program Control InstructionsA-0216

tested at a later point in the program to determine if carry is cleared at the point where the SETNC MEM instruction executed.


The LOOP instruction is a combination of a decrement CX and the JNZ conditional jump. In the 8086 through the 80286 processors, LOOP decrements CX; if CX != 0, it jumps to the address indicated by the label. If CX becomes 0, the next sequential instruction executes. In the 80386 and above, LOOP decrements either CX or ECX, depending upon the instruction mode. If the 80386 and above operate in the l6-bit instruction mode, LOOP uses CX; if operated in the 32-bit instruction mode, LOOP uses ECX. This default is changed by the LOOPW (using CX) and LOOPD (using ECX) instructions in the 80386 through the Core2. In the 64-bit mode, the loop counter is in RCX and is 64 bits wide.

Example 6–7 shows how data in one block of memory (BLOCK1) add to data in a second block of memory (BLOCK2), using LOOP to control how many numbers add. The LODSW and STOSW instructions access the data in BLOCK1 and BLOCK2. The ADD AX, ES:[DI] instruction accesses the data in BLOCK2 located in the extra segment. The only reason that BLOCK2 is in the extra segment is that DI addresses extra segment data for the STOSW instruction. The .STARTUP directive only loads DS with the address of the data segment. In this example, the extra segment also addresses data in the data segment, so the con- tents of DS are copied to ES through the accumulator. Unfortunately, there is no direct move from segment register to segment register instruction.

Program Control InstructionsA-0217

Conditional LOOPs. As with REP, the LOOP instruction also has conditional forms: LOOPE and LOOPNE. The LOOPE (loop while equal) instruction jumps if CX != 0 while an equal condition exists. It will exit the loop if the condition is not equal or if the CX register decrements to 0. The LOOPNE (loop while not equal) instruction jumps if CX != 0 while a not-equal condition exists. It will exit the loop if the condition is equal or if the CX register decrements to 0. In the 80386 through the Core2 processors, the conditional LOOP instruction can use either CX or ECX as the counter. The LOOPEW/LOOPED or LOOPNEW/LOOPNED instructions override the instruction mode if needed. Under 64-bit operation, the loop counter uses RCX and is 64 bits in width.

As with the conditional repeat instructions, alternates exist for LOOPE and LOOPNE. The LOOPE instruction is the same as LOOPZ, and the LOOPNE instruction is the same as LOOPNZ. In most programs, only the LOOPE and LOOPNE apply.




1. Select an ADD instruction that will:

(a) add BX to AX

(b) add 12H to AL

(c) add EDI and EBP

(d) add 22H to CX

(e) add the data addressed by SI to AL

(f) add CX to the data stored at memory location FROG

(g) add 234H to RCX

2. What is wrong with the ADD RCX,AX instruction?

3. Is it possible to add CX to DS with the ADD instruction?

4. If AX = 1001H and DX = 20FFH, list the sum and the contents of each flag register bit (C, A, S, Z, and O) after the ADD AX,DX instruction executes.

5. Develop a short sequence of instructions that adds AL, BL, CL, DL, and AH. Save the sum in the DH register.

6. Develop a short sequence of instructions that adds AX, BX, CX, DX, and SP. Save the sum in the DI register.

7. Develop a short sequence of instructions that adds ECX, EDX, and ESI. Save the sum in the EDI register.

8. Develop a short sequence of instructions that adds RCX, RDX, and RSI. Save the sum in the R12 register.

9. Select an instruction that adds BX to DX, and also adds the contents of the carry flag (C) to the result.

10. Choose an instruction that adds 1 to the contents of the SP register.

11. What is wrong with the INC [BX] instruction?

12. Select a SUB instruction that will:

(a) subtract BX from CX

(b) subtract 0EEH from DH

(c) subtract DI from SI

(d) subtract 3322H from EBP

(e) subtract the data address by SI from CH

(f) subtract the data stored 10 words after the location addressed by SI from DX

(g) subtract AL from memory location FROG

(h) subtract R9 from R10

13. If DL = 0F3H and BH = 72H, list the difference after BH is subtracted from DL and show the contents of the flag register bits.

14. Write a short sequence of instructions that subtracts the numbers in DI, SI, and BP from the AX register. Store the difference in register BX.

15. Choose an instruction that subtracts 1 from register EBX.

16. Explain what the SBB [DI–4],DX instruction accomplishes.

17. Explain the difference between the SUB and CMP instruction.

18. When two 8-bit numbers are multiplied, where is the product found?

19. When two 16-bit numbers are multiplied, what two registers hold the product? Show the reg- isters that contain the most and least significant portions of the product.

20. When two numbers multiply, what happens to the O and C flag bits?

21. Where is the product stored for the MUL EDI instruction?

22. Write a sequence of instructions that cube the 8-bit number found in DL. Load DL with a 5 initially, and make sure that your result is a l6-bit number.

23. What is the difference between the IMUL and MUL instructions?

24. Describe the operation of the IMUL BX,DX,100H instruction.

25. When 8-bit numbers are divided, in which register is the dividend found?

26. When l6-bit numbers are divided, in which register is the quotient found?

27. When 64-bit numbers are divided, in which register is the quotient found?

28. What errors are detected during a division?

29. Explain the difference between the IDIV and DIV instructions.

30. Where is the remainder found after an 8-bit division?

31. Where is the quotient found after a 64-bit division?

32. Write a short sequence of instructions that divides the number in BL by the number in CL and then multiplies the result by 2. The final answer must be a 16-bit number stored in the DX register.

33. Which instructions are used with BCD arithmetic operations?

34. Explain how the AAM instruction converts from binary to BCD.

35. Which instructions are used with ASCII arithmetic operations?

36. Develop a sequence of instructions that converts the unsigned number in AX (values of 0–65535) into a 5-digit BCD number stored in memory, beginning at the location addressed by the BX register in the data segment. Note that the most significant character is stored first and no attempt is made to blank leading zeros.

37. Develop a sequence of instructions that adds the 8-digit BCD number in AX and BX to the 8-digit BCD number in CX and DX. (AX and CX are the most significant registers. The result must be found in CX and DX after the addition.)

38. Does the AAM instruction function in the 64-bit mode?

39. Select an AND instruction that will:

(a) AND BX with DX and save the result in BX

(b) AND 0EAH with DH

(c) AND DI with BP and save the result in DI

(d) AND 1122H with EAX

(e) AND the data addressed by BP with CX and save the result in memory

(f) AND the data stored in four words before the location addressed by SI with DX and save the result in DX

(g) AND AL with memory location WHAT and save the result at location WHAT

40. Develop a short sequence of instructions that clears (0) the three leftmost bits of DH without changing the remainder of DH and stores the result in BH.

41. Select an OR instruction that will:

(a) OR BL with AH and save the result in AH

(b) OR 88H with ECX

(c) OR DX with SI and save the result in SI

(d) OR 1122H with BP

(e) OR the data addressed by RBX with RCX and save the result in memory

(f ) OR the data stored 40 bytes after the location addressed by BP with AL and save the result in AL

(g) OR AH with memory location WHEN and save the result in WHEN

42. Develop a short sequence of instructions that sets (1) the rightmost 5 bits of DI without changing the remaining bits of DI. Save the results in SI.

43. Select the XOR instruction that will:

(a) XOR BH with AH and save the result in AH

(b) XOR 99H with CL

(c) XOR DX with DI and save the result in DX

(d) XOR lA23H with RSP




As illustrated in Chapter 4, the string instructions are very powerful because they allow the programmer to manipulate large blocks of data with relative ease. Block data manipulation occurs with the string instructions MOVS, LODS, STOS, INS, and OUTS. In this section, additional string instructions that allow a section of memory to be tested against a constant or against another section of memory are discussed. To accomplish these tasks, use the SCAS (string scan) or CMPS (string compare) instructions.


The SCAS (string scan instruction) compares the AL register with a byte block of memory, the AX register with a word block of memory, or the EAX register (80386-Core2) with a double- word block of memory. The SCAS instruction subtracts memory from AL, AX, or EAX without affecting either the register or the memory location. The opcode used for byte comparison is SCASB, the opcode used for the word comparison is SCASW, and the opcode used for a doubleword comparison is SCASD. In all cases, the contents of the extra segment memory location addressed by DI is compared with AL, AX, or EAX. Recall that this default segment (ES) can- not be changed with a segment override prefix.

Like the other string instructions, SCAS instructions use the direction flag (D) to select either auto-increment or auto-decrement operation for DI. They also repeat if prefixed by a conditional repeat prefix.

Suppose that a section of memory is 100 bytes long and begins at location BLOCK. This section of memory must be tested to see whether any location contains 00H. The program in Example 5–33 shows how to search this part of memory for 00H using the SCASB instruction. In this example, the SCASB instruction has an REPNE (repeat while not equal) prefix. The REPNE prefix causes the SCASB instruction to repeat until either the CX register reaches 0, or until an equal condition exists as the outcome of the SCASB instruction’s comparison. Another conditional repeat prefix is REPE (repeat while equal). With either repeat prefix, the contents of CX decrements without affecting the flag bits. The SCASB instruction and the comparison it makes change the flags.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0202

Suppose that you must develop a program that skips ASCII-coded spaces in a memory array. (This task appears in the procedure listed in Example 5–34.) This procedure assumes that the DI register already addresses the ASCII-coded character string and that the length of the string is 256 bytes or fewer. Because this program is to skip spaces (20H), the REPE prefix is used with a SCASB instruction. The SCASB instruction repeats the comparison, searching for a 20H, as long as an equal condition exists.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0203


The CMPS (compare strings instruction) always compares two sections of memory data as bytes (CMPSB), words (CMPSW), or doublewords (CMPSD). Note that only the 80386 through Core2 can use doublewords. In the Pentium 4 or Core2 operated in 64-bit mode, a CMPSQ instruction uses quadwords. The contents of the data segment memory location addressed by SI are compared with the contents of the extra segment memory location addressed by DI. The CMPS instruction increments or decrements both SI and DI. The CMPS instruction is normally used with either the REPE or REPNE prefix. Alternates to these prefixes are REPZ (repeat while zero) and REPNZ (repeat while not zero), but usually the REPE or REPNE prefixes are used in programming.

Example 5–35 illustrates a short procedure that compares two sections of memory searching for a match. The CMPSB instruction is prefixed with REPE. This causes the search to continue as long as an equal condition exists. When the CX register becomes 0 or an unequal condition exists, the CMPSB instruction stops execution. After the CMPSB instruction ends, the CX register is 0 or the flags indicate an equal condition when the two strings match. If CX is not 0 or the flags indicate a not-equal condition, the strings do not match.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0204




1. Addition (ADD) can be 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits. The ADD instruction allows any address- ing mode except segment register addressing. Most flags (C, A, S, Z, P, and O) change when the ADD instruction executes. A different type of addition, add-with-carry (ADC), adds two operands and the contents of the carry flag (C). The 80486 through the Core2 processors have an additional instruction (XADD) that combines an addition with an exchange.

2. The increment instruction (INC) adds 1 to the byte, word, or doubleword contents of a register or memory location. The INC instruction affects the same flag bits as ADD except the carry flag. The BYTE PTR, WORD PTR, DWORD PTR, or QWORD PTR directives appear with the INC instruction when the contents of a memory location are addressed by a pointer.

3. Subtraction (SUB) is a byte, word, doubleword, or quadword and is performed on a register or a memory location. The only form of addressing not allowed by the SUB instruction is segment register addressing. The subtract instruction affects the same flags as ADD and sub- tracts carry if the SBB form is used.

4. The decrement (DEC) instruction subtracts 1 from the contents of a register or a memory location. The only addressing modes not allowed with DEC are immediate or segment reg- ister addressing. The DEC instruction does not affect the carry flag and is often used with BYTE PTR, WORD PTR, DWORD PTR, or QWORD PTR.

5. The comparison (CMP) instruction is a special form of subtraction that does not store the difference; instead, the flags change to reflect the difference. Comparison is used to com- pare an entire byte or word located in any register (except segment) or memory location.

An additional comparison instruction (CMPXCHG), which is a combination of compari- son and exchange instructions, is found in the 80486–Core2 processors. In the Pentium–Core2 processors, the CMPXCHG8B instruction compares and exchanges quadword data. In the 64-bit Pentium 4 and Core2, a COMPXCHG16B instruction is available.

6. Multiplication is byte, word, or doubleword, and it can be signed (IMUL) or unsigned (MUL). The 8-bit multiplication always multiplies register AL by an operand with the prod- uct found in AX. The 16-bit multiplication always multiplies register AX by an operand with the product found in DX–AX. The 32-bit multiply always multiplies register EAX by an operand with the product found in EDX–EAX. A special IMUL immediate instruction exists on the 80186–Core2 processors that contains three operands. For example, the IMUL BX,CX,3 instruction multiplies CX by 3 and leaves the product in BX. In the Pentium 4 and Core2 with 64-bit mode enabled, multiplication is 64 bits.

7. Division is byte, word, or doubleword, and it can be signed (IDIV) or unsigned (DIV). For an 8-bit division, the AX register divides by the operand, after which the quotient appears in AL and the remainder appears in AH. In the 16-bit division, the DX–AX register divides by the operand, after which the AX register contains the quotient and DX contains the remainder. In the 32-bit division, the EDX–EAX register is divided by the operand, after which the EAX register contains the quotient and the EDX register contains the remainder. Note that the remainder after a signed division always assumes the sign of the dividend.

8. BCD data add or subtract in packed form by adjusting the result of the addition with DAA or the subtraction with DAS. ASCII data are added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided when the operations are adjusted with AAA, AAS, AAM, and AAD. These instructions do not function in the 64-bit mode.

9. The AAM instruction has an interesting added feature that allows it to convert a binary number into unpacked BCD. This instruction converts a binary number between 00H–63H into unpacked BCD in AX. The AAM instruction divides AX by 10, and leaves the remainder in AL and quotient in AH. These instructions do not function in the 64-bit mode.

10. The AND, OR, and Exclusive-OR instructions perform logic functions on a byte, word, or doubleword stored in a register or memory location. All flags change with these instructions, with carry (C) and overflow (O) cleared.

11. The TEST instruction performs the AND operation, but the logical product is lost. This instruction changes the flag bits to indicate the outcome of the test.

12. The NOT and NEG instructions perform logical inversion and arithmetic inversion. The NOT instruction one’s complements an operand, and the NEG instruction two’s comple- ments an operand.

13. There are eight different shift and rotate instructions. Each of these instructions shifts or rotates a byte, word, or doubleword register or memory data. These instructions have two operands: The first is the location of the data shifted or rotated, and the second is an immediate shift or rotate count or CL. If the second operand is CL, the CL register holds the shift or rotate count. In the 80386 through the Core2 processors, two additional double-precision shifts (SHRD and SHLD) exist.

14. The scan string (SCAS) instruction compares AL, AX, or EAX with the contents of the extra segment memory location addressed by DI.

15. The string compare (CMPS) instruction compares the byte, word, or doubleword contents of two sections of memory. One section is addressed by DI in the extra segment, and the other is addressed by SI in the data segment.

16. The SCAS and CMPS instructions repeat with the REPE or REPNE prefixes. The REPE prefix repeats the string instruction while an equal condition exists, and the REPNE repeats the string instruction while a not-equal condition exists.




Shift and rotate instructions manipulate binary numbers at the binary bit level, as did the AND, OR, Exclusive-OR, and NOT instructions. Shifts and rotates find their most common applications in low-level software used to control I/O devices. The microprocessor contains a complete complement of shift and rotate instructions that are used to shift or rotate any memory data or register.


Shift instructions position or move numbers to the left or right within a register or memory location. They also perform simple arithmetic such as multiplication by powers of 2+n (left shift) and division by powers of 2–n (right shift). The microprocessor’s instruction set contains four different shift instructions: Two are logical shifts and two are arithmetic shifts. All four shift operations appear in Figure 5–9.

Notice in Figure 5–9 that there are two right shifts and two left shifts. The logical shifts move a 0 into the rightmost bit position for a logical left shift and a 0 into the leftmost bit position for a logical right shift. There are also two arithmetic shifts. The arithmetic shift left and logical left shift are identical. The arithmetic right shift and logical right shift are different because the arithmetic right shift copies the sign-bit through the number, whereas the logical right shift copies a 0 through the number.

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Logical shift operations function with unsigned numbers, and arithmetic shifts function with signed numbers. Logical shifts multiply or divide unsigned data, and arithmetic shifts multiply or divide signed data. A shift left always multiplies by 2 for each bit position shifted, and a shift right always divides by 2 for each bit position shifted. Shifting a number two places, to the left or right, multiplies or divides by 4.

Table 5–22 illustrates some addressing modes allowed for the various shift instructions. There are two different forms of shifts that allow any register (except the segment register) or memory location to be shifted. One mode uses an immediate shift count, and the other uses register CL to hold the shift count. Note that CL must hold the shift count. When CL is the shift count, it does not change when the shift instruction executes. Note that the shift count is a modulo-32 count, which means that a shift count of 33 will shift the data one place (33>32 = remainder of 1). The same applies to a 64-bit number, but the shift count is modulo-64.

Example 5–30 shows how to shift the DX register left 14 places in two different ways. The first method uses an immediate shift count of 14. The second method loads 14 into CL and then uses CL as the shift count. Both instructions shift the contents of the DX register logically to the left 14 binary bit positions or places.

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Suppose that the contents of AX must be multiplied by 10, as shown in Example 5–31. This can be done in two ways: by the MUL instruction or by shifts and additions. A number is doubled when it shifts left one place. When a number is doubled, and then added to the number times 8, the result is 10 times the number. The number 10 decimal is 1010 in binary. A logic 1 appears in both the 2’s and 8’s positions. If 2 times the number is added to 8 times the number, the result is 10 times the number. Using this technique, a program can be written to multiply by any constant. This technique often executes faster than the multiply instruction found in earlier versions of the Intel microprocessor.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0199

Double-Precision Shifts (80386–Core2 Only). The 80386 and above contain two double precision shifts: SHLD (shift left) and SHRD (shift right). Each instruction contains three operands, instead of the two found with the other shift instructions. Both instructions function with two 16-or 32-bit registers, or with one 16- or 32-bit memory location and a register.

The SHRD AX,BX,12 instruction is an example of the double-precision shift right instruction. This instruction logically shifts AX right by 12 bit positions. The rightmost 12 bits of BX shift into the leftmost 12 bits of AX. The contents of BX remain unchanged by this instruction. The shift count can be an immediate count, as in this example, or it can be found in register CL, as with other shift instructions.

The SHLD EBX,ECX,16 instruction shifts EBX left. The leftmost 16 bits of ECX fill the rightmost 16 bits of EBX after the shift. As before, the contents of ECX, the second operand, remain unchanged. This instruction, as well as SHRD, affects the flag bits.


Rotate instructions position binary data by rotating the information in a register or memory location, either from one end to another or through the carry flag. They are often used to shift or position numbers that are wider than 16 bits in the 8086–80286 microprocessors or wider than 32 bits in the 80386 through the Core2. The four available rotate instructions appear in Figure 5–10.

Numbers rotate through a register or memory location, through the C flag (carry), or through a register or memory location only. With either type of rotate instruction, the programmer can select either a left or a right rotate. Addressing modes used with rotate are the same as those used with shifts. A rotate count can be immediate or located in register CL. Table 5–23 lists some of the possible rotate instructions. If CL is used for a rotate count, it does not change. As with shifts, the count in CL is a modulo-32 count for a 32-bit operation and modulo-64 for a 64-bit operation.

Rotate instructions are often used to shift wide numbers to the left or right. The program listed in Example 5–32 shifts the 48-bit number in registers DX, BX, and AX left one binary place. Notice that the least significant 16 bits (AX) shift left first. This moves the leftmost bit of AX into the carry flag bit. Next, the rotate BX instruction rotates carry into BX, and its leftmost bit moves into carry. The last instruction rotates carry into DX, and the shift is complete.

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Bit Scan Instructions

Although the bit scan instructions don’t shift or rotate numbers, they do scan through a number searching for a 1-bit. Because this is accomplished within the microprocessor by shifting the number, bit scan instructions are included in this section of the text.

The bit scan instructions BSF (bit scan forward) and BSR (bit scan reverse) are available only in the 80386–Pentium 4 processors. Both forms scan through the source number, searching for the first 1-bit. The BSF instruction scans the number from the leftmost bit toward the right, and BSR scans the number from the rightmost bit toward the left. If a 1-bit is encountered, the zero flag is set and the bit position number of the 1-bit is placed into the destination operand. If no 1-bit is encountered (i.e., the number contains all zeros), the zero flag is cleared. Thus, the result is not-zero if no 1-bit is encountered.

For example, if EAX = 60000000H and the BSF EBX,EAX instruction executes, the number is scanned from the leftmost bit toward the right. The first 1-bit encountered is at bit position 30, which is placed into EBX and the zero flag bit is set. If the same value for EAX is used for the BSR instruction, the EBX register is loaded with 29 and the zero flag bit is set.




The basic logic instructions include AND, OR, Exclusive-OR, and NOT. Another logic instruction is TEST, which is explained in this section of the text because the operation of the TEST instruction is a special form of the AND instruction. Also explained is the NEG instruction, which is similar to the NOT instruction.

Logic operations provide binary bit control in low-level software. The logic instructions allow bits to be set, cleared, or complemented. Low-level software appears in machine language or assembly language form and often controls the I/O devices in a system. All logic instructions affect the flag bits. Logic operations always clear the carry and overflow flags, while the other flags change to reflect the condition of the result.

When binary data are manipulated in a register or a memory location, the rightmost bit position is always numbered bit 0. Bit position numbers increase from bit 0 toward the left, to bit 7 for a byte, and to bit 15 for a word. A doubleword (32 bits) uses bit position 31 as its leftmost bit and a quadword (64-bits) uses bit position 63 as it leftmost bit.


The AND operation performs logical multiplication, as illustrated by the truth table in Figure 5–3. Here, two bits, A and B, are ANDed to produce the result X. As indicated by the truth table, X is a logic 1 only when both A and B are logic 1s. For all other input combinations of A and B, X is a logic 0. It is important to remember that 0 AND anything is always 0, and 1 AND 1 is always 1.

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The AND instruction can replace discrete AND gates if the speed required is not too great, although this is normally reserved for embedded control applications. (Note that Intel has released the 80386EX embedded controller, which embodies the basic structure of the personal computer system.) With the 8086 microprocessor, the AND instruction often executes in about a microsecond. With newer versions, the execution speed is greatly increased. Take the 3.0 GHz Pentium with its clock time of 1/3 ns that executes up to three instruction per clock (1/9 ns per AND operation). If the circuit that the AND instruction replaces operates at a much slower speed than the microprocessor, the AND instruction is a logical replacement. This replacement can save a considerable amount of money. A single AND gate integrated circuit (74HCT08) costs approximately 40¢, while it costs less than 1/100¢ to store the AND instruction in read-only memory. Note that a logic circuit replacement such as this only appears in control systems based on microprocessors and does not generally find application in the personal computer.

The AND operation clears bits of a binary number. The task of clearing a bit in a binary number is called masking. Figure 5–4 illustrates the process of masking. Notice that the left- most 4 bits clear to 0 because 0 AND anything is 0. The bit positions that AND with 1s do not change. This occurs because if a 1 ANDs with a 1, a 1 results; if a 1 ANDs with a 0, a 0 results.

The AND instruction uses any addressing mode except memory-to-memory and segment register addressing. Table 5–16 lists some AND instructions and comments about their operations.

An ASCII-coded number can be converted to BCD by using the AND instruction to mask off the leftmost four binary bit positions. This converts the ASCII 30H to 39H to 0–9. Example 5–25 shows a short program that converts the ASCII contents of BX into BCD. The AND instruction in this example converts two digits from ASCII to BCD simultaneously.

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The OR operation performs logical addition and is often called the Inclusive-OR function. The OR function generates a logic 1 output if any inputs are 1. A 0 appears at the output only when all inputs are 0. The truth table for the OR function appears in Figure 5–5. Here, the inputs A and

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B OR together to produce the X output. It is important to remember that 1 ORed with anything yields a 1.

In embedded controller applications, the OR instruction can also replace discrete OR gates. This results in considerable savings because a quad, two-input OR gate (74HCT32) costs about 40¢, while the OR instruction costs less than 1/100¢ to store in a read-only memory.

Figure 5–6 shows how the OR gate sets (1) any bit of a binary number. Here, an unknown number (XXXX XXXX) ORs with a 0000 1111 to produce a result of XXXX 1111. The right- most 4 bits set, while the leftmost 4 bits remain unchanged. The OR operation sets any bit; the AND operation clears any bit.

The OR instruction uses any of the addressing modes allowed to any other instruction except segment register addressing. Table 5–17 illustrates several example OR instructions with comments about their operation.

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Suppose that two BCD numbers are multiplied and adjusted with the AAM instruction. The result appears in AX as a two-digit unpacked BCD number. Example 5–26 illustrates this multiplication and shows how to change the result into a two-digit ASCII-coded number using the OR instruction. Here, OR AX,3030H converts the 0305H found in AX to 3335H. The OR operation can be replaced with an ADD AX,3030H to obtain the same results.

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The Exclusive-OR instruction (XOR) differs from Inclusive-OR (OR). The difference is that a 1,1 condition of the OR function produces a 1; the 1,1 condition of the Exclusive-OR operation produces a 0. The Exclusive-OR operation excludes this condition; the Inclusive-OR includes it.

Figure 5–7 shows the truth table of the Exclusive-OR function. (Compare this with Figure 5–5 to appreciate the difference between these two OR functions.) If the inputs of the

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0187Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0188

Exclusive-OR function are both 0 or both 1, the output is 0. If the inputs are different, the out- put is 1. Because of this, the Exclusive-OR is sometimes called a comparator.

The XOR instruction uses any addressing mode except segment register addressing. Table 5–18 lists several Exclusive-OR instructions and their operations.

As with the AND and OR functions, Exclusive-OR can replace discrete logic circuitry in embedded applications. The 74HCT86 quad, two-input Exclusive-OR gate is replaced by one XOR instruction. The 74HCT86 costs about 40¢, whereas the instruction costs less than 1/100¢ to store in the memory. Replacing just one 74HCT86 saves a considerable amount of money, especially if many systems are built.

The Exclusive-OR instruction is useful if some bits of a register or memory location must be inverted. This instruction allows part of a number to be inverted or complemented. Figure 5–8 shows how just part of an unknown quantity can be inverted by XOR. Notice that when a 1 Exclusive-ORs with X, the result is X. If a 0 Exclusive-ORs with X, the result is X.

Suppose that the leftmost 10 bits of the BX register must be inverted without changing the rightmost 6 bits. The XOR BX,0FFC0H instruction accomplishes this task. The AND instruction clears (0) bits, the OR instruction sets (1) bits, and now the Exclusive-OR instruction inverts bits. These three instructions allow a program to gain complete control over any bit stored in any reg- ister or memory location. This is ideal for control system applications in which equipment must be turned on (1), turned off (0), and toggled from on to off or off to on.

A common use for the Exclusive-OR instruction is to clear a register to zero. For example, the XOR CH,CH instruction clears register CH to 00H and requires 2 bytes of memory to store the instruction. Likewise, the MOV CH, 00H instruction also clears CH to 00H, but requires 3 bytes of memory. Because of this saving, the XOR instruction is often used to clear a register in place of a move immediate.

Example 5–27 shows a short sequence of instructions that clears bits 0 and 1 of CX, sets bits 9 and 10 of CX, and inverts bit 12 of CX. The OR instruction is used to set bits, the AND instruction is used to clear bits, and the XOR instruction inverts bits.

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Test and Bit Test Instructions

The TEST instruction performs the AND operation. The difference is that the AND instruction changes the destination operand, whereas the TEST instruction does not. A TEST only affects the condition of the flag register, which indicates the result of the test. The TEST instruction uses the same addressing modes as the AND instruction. Table 5–19 lists some TEST instructions and their operations.

The TEST instruction functions in the same manner as a CMP instruction. The difference is that the TEST instruction normally tests a single bit (or occasionally multiple bits), whereas the CMP instruction tests the entire byte, word, or doubleword. The zero flag (Z) is a logic 1 (indicating a zero result) if the bit under test is a zero, and Z = 0 (indicating a nonzero result) if the bit under test is not zero.

Usually the TEST instruction is followed by either the JZ ( jump if zero) or JNZ ( jump if not zero) instruction. The destination operand is normally tested against immediate data. The value of immediate data is 1 to test the rightmost bit position, 2 to test the next bit, 4 for the next, and so on.

Example 5–28 lists a short program that tests the rightmost and leftmost bit positions of the AL register. Here, 1 selects the rightmost bit and 128 selects the leftmost bit. (Note: A 128 is an 80H.) The JNZ instruction follows each test to jump to different memory locations, depending on the outcome of the tests. The JNZ instruction jumps to the operand address (RIGHT or LEFT in the example) if the bit under test is not zero.

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The 80386 through the Pentium 4 processors contain additional test instructions that test single bit positions. Table 5–20 lists the four different bit test instructions available to these microprocessors.

All four forms of the bit test instruction test the bit position in the destination operand selected by the source operand. For example, the BT AX,4 instruction tests bit position 4 in AX. The result of the test is located in the carry flag bit. If bit position 4 is a 1, carry is set; if bit position 4 is a 0, carry is cleared.

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The remaining 3-bit test instructions also place the bit under test into the carry flag and change the bit under test afterward. The BTC AX,4 instruction complements bit position 4 after testing it, the BTR AX,4 instruction clears it (0) after the test, and the BTS AX,4 instruction sets it (1) after the test.

Example 5–29 repeats the sequence of instructions listed in Example 5–27. Here, the BTR instruction clears bits in CX, BTS sets bits in CX, and BTC inverts bits in CX.

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Logical inversion, or the one’s complement (NOT), and arithmetic sign inversion, or the two’s complement (NEG), are the last two logic functions presented (except for shift and rotate in the next section of the text). These are two of a few instructions that contain only one operand. Table 5–21 lists some variations of the NOT and NEG instructions. As with most other instructions, NOT and NEG can use any addressing mode except segment register addressing.

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The NOT instruction inverts all bits of a byte, word, or doubleword. The NEG instruction two’s complements a number, which means that the arithmetic sign of a signed number changes from positive to negative or from negative to positive. The NOT function is considered logical, and the NEG function is considered an arithmetic operation.




The microprocessor allows arithmetic manipulation of both BCD (binary-coded decimal) and ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) data. This is accomplished by instructions that adjust the numbers for BCD and ASCII arithmetic.

The BCD operations occur in systems such as point-of-sales terminals (e.g., cash registers) and others that seldom require complex arithmetic. The ASCII operations are performed on ASCII data used by many programs. In many cases, BCD or ASCII arithmetic is rarely used today, but some of the operations can be used for other purposes.

None of the instructions detailed in this section of the chapter function in the 64-bit mode of the Pentium 4 or Core2. In the future it appears that the BCD and ASCII instruction will become obsolete.

BCD Arithmetic

Two arithmetic techniques operate with BCD data: addition and subtraction. The instruction set provides two instructions that correct the result of a BCD addition and a BCD subtraction. The DAA (decimal adjust after addition) instruction follows BCD addition, and the DAS (decimal adjust after subtraction) follows BCD subtraction. Both instructions correct the result of the addition or subtraction so that it is a BCD number.

For BCD data, the numbers always appear in the packed BCD form and are stored as two BCD digits per byte. The adjustment instructions function only with the AL register after BCD addition and subtraction.

DAA Instruction. The DAA instruction follows the ADD or ADC instruction to adjust the result into a BCD result. Suppose that DX and BX each contain 4-digit packed BCD numbers. Example 5–18 provides a short sample program that adds the BCD numbers in DX and BX, and stores the result in CX.

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Because the DAA instruction functions only with the AL register, this addition must occur 8 bits at a time. After adding the BL and DL registers, the result is adjusted with a DAA instruction before being stored in CL. Next, add BH and DH registers with carry; the result is then adjusted with DAA before being stored in CH. In this example, a 1234 is added to 3099 to generate a sum of 4333, which moves into CX after the addition. Note that 1234 BCD is the same as 1234H.

DAS Instruction. The DAS instruction functions as does the DAA instruction, except that it follows a subtraction instead of an addition. Example 5-19 is the same as Example 5–18, except that it subtracts instead of adds DX and BX. The main difference in these programs is that the DAA instructions change to DAS, and the ADD and ADC instructions change to SUB and SBB instructions.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0174

ASCII Arithmetic

The ASCII arithmetic instructions function with ASCII-coded numbers. These numbers range in value from 30H to 39H for the numbers 0–9. There are four instructions used with ASCII arithmetic operations: AAA (ASCII adjust after addition), AAD (ASCII adjust before division), AAM (ASCII adjust after multiplication), and AAS (ASCII adjust after subtraction). These instructions use register AX as the source and as the destination.

AAA Instruction. The addition of two one-digit ASCII-coded numbers will not result in any useful data. For example, if 31H and 39H are added, the result is 6AH. This ASCII addition (1 + 9) should produce a two-digit ASCII result equivalent to a 10 decimal, which is a 31H and a 30H in ASCII code. If the AAA instruction is executed after this addition, the AX register will contain a 0100H. Although this is not ASCII code, it can be converted to ASCII code by adding 3030H to AX which generates 3130H. The AAA instruction clears AH if the result is less than 10, and adds 1 to AH if the result is greater than 10.

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Example 5–20 shows the way ASCII addition functions in the microprocessor. Please note that AH is cleared to zero before the addition by using the MOV AX,31H instruction. The operand of 0031H places 00H in AH and 31H into AL.

AAD Instruction. Unlike all other adjustment instructions, the AAD instruction appears before a division. The AAD instruction requires that the AX register contain a two-digit unpacked BCD number (not ASCII) before executing. After adjusting the AX register with AAD, it is divided by an unpacked BCD number to generate a single-digit result in AL with any remainder in AH.

Example 5–21 illustrates how 72 in unpacked BCD is divided by 9 to produce a quotient of 8. The 0702H loaded into the AX register is adjusted by the AAD instruction to 0048H. Notice that this converts a two-digit unpacked BCD number into a binary number so it can be divided with the binary division instruction (DIV). The AAD instruction converts the unpacked BCD numbers between 00 and 99 into binary.

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AAM Instruction. The AAM instruction follows the multiplication instruction after multiplying two one-digit unpacked BCD numbers. Example 5–22 shows a short program that multiplies 5 times 5. The result after the multiplication is 0019H in the AX register. After adjusting the result with the AAM instruction, AX contains 0205H. This is an unpacked BCD result of 25. If 3030H is added to 0205H, it has an ASCII result of 3235H.

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The AAM instruction accomplishes this conversion by dividing AX by 10. The remainder is found in AL, and the quotient is in AH. Note that the second byte of the instruction contains 0AH. If the 0AH is changed to another value, AAM divides by the new value. For example, if the second byte is changed to 0BH, the AAM instruction divides by 11. This is accomplished with DB 0D4H, 0BH in place of AAM, which forces the AMM instruction to multiply by 11.

One side benefit of the AAM instruction is that AAM converts from binary to unpacked BCD. If a binary number between 0000H and 0063H appears in the AX register, the AAM instruction converts it to BCD. For example, if AX contains a 0060H before AAM, it will con- tain 0906H after AAM executes. This is the unpacked BCD equivalent of 96 decimal. If 3030H is added to 0906H, the result changes to ASCII code.

Example 5–23 shows how the l6-bit binary content of AX is converted to a four-digit ASCII character string by using division and the AAM instruction. Note that this works for numbers between 0 and 9999. First DX is cleared and then DX–AX is divided by 100. For example, if AX = 24510, AX = 2 and DX = 45 after the division. These separate halves are converted to BCD using AAM, and then 3030H is added to convert to ASCII code.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0178

Example 5–24 uses the DOS 21H function AH = 02H to display a sample number in decimal on the video display using the AAM instruction. Notice how AAM is used to convert AL into BCD. Next, ADD AX,3030H converts the BCD code in AX into ASCII for display with DOS INT 21H. Once the data are converted to ASCII code, they are displayed by loading DL with the most significant digit from AH. Next, the least significant digit is displayed from AL. Note that the DOS INT 2lH function calls change AL.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0179

AAS Instruction. Like other ASCII adjust instructions, AAS adjusts the AX register after an ASCII subtraction. For example, suppose that 35H subtracts from 39H. The result will be 04H, which requires no correction. Here, AAS will modify neither AH nor AL. On the other hand, if 38H is subtracted from 37H, then AL will equal 09H and the number in AH will decrement by 1. This decrement allows multiple-digit ASCII numbers to be subtracted from each other.




Only modern microprocessors contain multiplication and division instructions. Earlier 8-bit microprocessors could not multiply or divide without the use of a program that multiplied or divided by using a series of shifts and additions or subtractions. Because microprocessor manufacturers were aware of this inadequacy, they incorporated multiplication and division instructions into the instruction sets of the newer microprocessors. The Pentium–Core2 processors contain special circuitry that performs a multiplication in as little as one clocking period, whereas it took over 40 clocking periods to perform the same multiplication in earlier Intel microprocessors.


Multiplication is performed on bytes, words, or doublewords, and can be signed integer (IMUL) or unsigned integer (MUL). Note that only the 80386 through the Core2 processors multiply 32-bit doublewords. The product after a multiplication is always a double-width product. If two 8-bit numbers are multiplied, they generate a 16-bit product; if two 16-bit numbers are multi- plied, they generate a 32-bit product; and if two 32-bit numbers are multiplied, a 64-bit product is generated. In the 64-bit mode of the Pentium 4, two 64-bit numbers are multiplied to generate a 128-bit product.

Some flag bits (overflow and carry) change when the multiply instruction executes and produce predictable outcomes. The other flags also change, but their results are unpredictable and therefore are unused. In an 8-bit multiplication, if the most significant 8 bits of the result are zero, both C and O flag bits equal zero. These flag bits show that the result is 8 bits wide (C = 0) or 16 bits wide (C = 1). In a 16-bit multiplication, if the most significant 16-bits part of

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0161

the product is 0, both C and O clear to zero. In a 32-bit multiplication, both C and O indicate that the most significant 32 bits of the product are zero.

8-Bit Multiplication. With 8-bit multiplication, the multiplicand is always in the AL register, whether signed or unsigned. The multiplier can be any 8-bit register or any memory location. Immediate multiplication is not allowed unless the special signed immediate multiplication instruction, discussed later in this section, appears in a program. The multiplication instruction contains one operand because it always multiplies the operand times the contents of register AL. An example is the MUL BL instruction, which multiplies the unsigned contents of AL by the unsigned contents of BL. After the multiplication, the unsigned product is placed in AX—a double-width product. Table 5–8 illustrates some 8-bit multiplication instructions.

Suppose that BL and CL each contain two 8-bit unsigned numbers, and these numbers must be multiplied to form a 16-bit product stored in DX. This procedure cannot be accomplished by a single instruction because we can only multiply a number times the AL register for an 8-bit multiplication. Example 5–13 shows a short program that generates DX = BL * CL. This example loads register BL and CL with example data 5 and 10. The product, a 50, moves into DX from AX after the multiplication by using the MOV DX,AX instruction.

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For signed multiplication, the product is in binary form, if positive, and in two’s complement form, if negative. These are the same forms used to store all positive and negative signed numbers used by the microprocessor. If the program of Example 5–13 multiplies two signed numbers, only the MUL instruction is changed to IMUL.

16-Bit Multiplication. Word multiplication is very similar to byte multiplication. The difference is that AX contains the multiplicand instead of AL, and the 32-bit product appears in DX–AX instead of AX. The DX register always contains the most significant 16 bits of the product, and AX contains the least significant 16 bits. As with 8-bit multiplication, the choice of the multiplier is up to the programmer. Table 5–9 shows several different 16-bit multiplication instructions.

A Special Immediate 16-Bit Multiplication. The 8086/8088 microprocessors could not per- form immediate multiplication; the 80186 through the Core2 processors can do so by using a special version of the multiply instruction. Immediate multiplication must be signed multiplication, and the instruction format is different because it contains three operands. The first operand is the 16-bit destination register; the second operand is a register or memory location

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0163

that contains the 16-bit multiplicand; and the third operand is either 8-bit or 16-bit immediate data used as the multiplier.

The IMUL CX,DX,12H instruction multiplies 12H times DX and leaves a 16-bit signed product in CX. If the immediate data are 8 bits, they sign-extend into a 16-bit number before the multiplication occurs. Another example is IMUL BX,NUMBER,1000H, which multiplies NUM- BER times 1000H and leaves the product in BX. Both the destination and multiplicand must be 16-bit numbers. Although this is immediate multiplication, the restrictions placed upon it limit its utility, especially the fact that it is a signed multiplication and the product is 16 bits wide.

32-Bit Multiplication. In the 80386 and above, 32-bit multiplication is allowed because these microprocessors contain 32-bit registers. As with 8- and 16-bit multiplication, 32-bit multiplication can be signed or unsigned by using the IMUL and MUL instructions. With 32-bit multiplication, the contents of EAX are multiplied by the operand specified with the instruction. The product (64 bits wide) is found in EDX–EAX, where EAX contains the least significant 32 bits of the product. Table 5–10 lists some of the 32-bit multiplication instructions found in the 80386 and above instruction set.

64-Bit Multiplication. The result of a 64-bit multiplication in the Pentium 4 appears in the RDX:RAX register pair as a 128-bit product. Although multiplication of this size is relatively rare, the Pentium 4 and Core2 can perform it on both signed and unsigned numbers. Table 5–11 shows a few examples of this high precision multiplication.

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As with multiplication, division occurs on 8- or 16-bit numbers in the 8086–80286 microprocessors, and on 32-bit numbers in the 80386 and above microprocessor. These numbers are signed (IDIV) or unsigned (DIV) integers. The dividend is always a double-width dividend that is divided by the operand. This means that an 8-bit division divides a 16-bit number by an 8-bit number; a 16-bit division divides a 32-bit number by a 16-bit number; and a 32-bit division divides a 64-bit number by a 32-bit number. There is no immediate division instruction available to any microprocessor. In the 64-bit mode of the Pentium 4 and Core2, a 64-bit division divides a 128-bit number by a 64-bit number.

None of the flag bits change predictably for a division. A division can result in two different types of errors; one is an attempt to divide by zero and the other is a divide overflow. A divide overflow occurs when a small number divides into a large number. For example, suppose that AX = 3000 and that it is divided by 2. Because the quotient for an 8-bit division appears in AL, the result of 1500 causes a divide overflow because the 1500 does not fit into AL. In either case, the microprocessor generates an interrupt if a divide error occurs. In most systems, a divide error interrupt displays an error message on the video screen. The divide error interrupt and all other interrupts for the microprocessor are explained in Chapter 6.

8-Bit Division. An 8-bit division uses the AX register to store the dividend that is divided by the contents of any 8-bit register or memory location. The quotient moves into AL after the division with AH containing a whole number remainder. For a signed division, the quotient is positive or negative; the remainder always assumes the sign of the dividend and is always an integer. For example, if AX = 0010H 1 + 162 and BL = 0FDH1 – 32 and the IDIV BL instruction exe- cutes, AX = 01FBH. This represents a quotient of –5 1AL2 with a remainder of 1 (AH). If, on the other hand, a – 16 is divided by + 3, the result will be a quotient of – 5 1AL2 with a remain- der of – 1 1AH2 . Table 5–12 lists some of the 8-bit division instructions.

With 8-bit division, the numbers are usually 8 bits wide. This means that one of them, the dividend, must be converted to a 16-bit wide number in AX. This is accomplished differently for signed and unsigned numbers. For the unsigned number, the most significant 8 bits must be cleared to zero (zero-extended). The MOVZX instruction described in Chapter 4 can be used to zero-extend a number in the 80386 through the Core2 processors. For signed numbers, the least significant 8 bits are sign-extended into the most significant 8 bits. In the micro- processor, a special instruction sign-extends AL into AH, or converts an 8-bit signed number in AL into a 16-bit signed number in AX. The CBW (convert byte to word) instruction per- forms this conversion. In the 80386 through the Core2, a MOVSX instruction (see Chapter 4) sign-extends a number.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0165Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0166

Example 5–14 illustrates a short program that divides the unsigned byte contents of memory location NUMB by the unsigned contents of memory location NUMB1. Here, the quotient is stored in location ANSQ and the remainder is stored in location ANSR. Notice how the contents of location NUMB are retrieved from memory and then zero-extended to form a 16-bit unsigned number for the dividend.

16-Bit Division. Sixteen-bit division is similar to 8-bit division, except that instead of dividing into AX, the 16-bit number is divided into DX–AX, a 32-bit dividend. The quotient appears in AX and the remainder appears in DX after a 16-bit division. Table 5–13 lists some of the 16-bit division instructions.

As with 8-bit division, numbers must often be converted to the proper form for the dividend. If a 16-bit unsigned number is placed in AX, DX must be cleared to zero. In the 80386 and above, the number is zero-extended by using the MOVZX instruction. If AX is a 16-bit signed number, the CWD (convert word to doubleword) instruction sign-extends it into a signed 32-bit number. If the 80386 and above is available, the MOVSX instruction can also be used to sign-extend a number.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0167

Example 5–15 shows the division of two 16-bit signed numbers. Here, – 100 in AX is divided by + 9 in CX. The CWD instruction converts the – 100 in AX to – 100 in DX–AX before the division. After the division, the results appear in DX–AX as a quotient of – 11 in AX and a remainder of – 1 in DX.

32-Bit Division. The 80386 through the Pentium 4 processors perform 32-bit division on signed or unsigned numbers. The 64-bit contents of EDX–EAX are divided by the operand spec- ified by the instruction, leaving a 32-bit quotient in EAX and a 32-bit remainder in EDX. Other than the size of the registers, this instruction functions in the same manner as the 8- and 16-bit divisions. Table 5–14 shows some 32-bit division instructions. The CDQ (convert doubleword to quadword) instruction is used before a signed division to convert the 32-bit contents of EAX into a 64-bit signed number in EDX–EAX.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0168Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0169

The Remainder. What is done with the remainder after a division? There are a few possible choices. The remainder could be used to round the quotient or just dropped to truncate the quotient. If the division is unsigned, rounding requires that the remainder be compared with half the divisor to decide whether to round up the quotient. The remainder could also be converted to a fractional remainder.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0170

Example 5–16 shows a sequence of instructions that divide AX by BL and round the unsigned result. This program doubles the remainder before comparing it with BL to decide whether to round the quotient. Here, an INC instruction rounds the contents of AL after the comparison.

Suppose that a fractional remainder is required instead of an integer remainder. A fractional remainder is obtained by saving the quotient. Next, the AL register is cleared to zero. The number remaining in AX is now divided by the original operand to generate a fractional remainder.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0171

Example 5–17 shows how 13 is divided by 2. The 8-bit quotient is saved in memory location ANSQ, and then AL is cleared. Next, the contents of AX are again divided by 2 to generate a fractional remainder. After the division, the AL register equals 80H. This is 100000002. If the binary point (radix) is placed before the leftmost bit of AL, the fractional remainder in AL is 0.100000002 or 0.5 decimal. The remainder is saved in memory location ANSR in this example.

64-Bit Division. The Pentium 4 processor operated in 64-bit mode performs 64-bit division on signed or unsigned numbers. The 64-bit division uses the RDX:RAX register pair to hold the dividend and the quotient is found in RAX and the remainder is in RDX after the division. Table 5–15 illustrates a few 64-bit division instructions.

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Arithmetic and Logic Instructions


In this chapter, we examine the arithmetic and logic instructions. The arithmetic instructions include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, comparison, negation, increment, and decrement. The logic instructions include AND, OR, Exclusive-OR, NOT, shifts, rotates, and the logical compare (TEST). This chapter also presents the 80386 through the Core2 instructions XADD, SHRD, SHLD, bit tests, and bit scans. The chapter concludes with a discussion of string comparison instructions, which are used for scanning tabular data and for comparing sections of memory data. Both comparison tasks are performed efficiently with the string scan (SCAS) and string compare (CMPS) instructions.

If you are familiar with an 8-bit microprocessor, you will recognize that the 8086 through the Core2 instruction set is superior to most 8-bit microprocessors because most of the instructions have two operands instead of one. Even if this is your first microprocessor, you will quickly learn that this microprocessor possesses a powerful and easy-to-use set of arithmetic and logic instructions.


Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to:

1. Use arithmetic and logic instructions to accomplish simple binary, BCD, and ASCII arithmetic.

2. Use AND, OR, and Exclusive-OR to accomplish binary bit manipulation.

3. Use the shift and rotate instructions.

4. Explain the operation of the 80386 through the Core2 exchange and add, compare and exchange, double-precision shift, bit test, and bit scan instructions.

5. Check the contents of a table for a match with the string instructions.


The bulk of the arithmetic instructions found in any microprocessor include addition, subtraction, and comparison. In this section, addition, subtraction, and comparison instructions are illustrated. Also shown are their uses in manipulating register and memory data.


Addition (ADD) appears in many forms in the microprocessor. This section details the use of the ADD instruction for 8-, 16-, and 32-bit binary addition. A second form of addition, called add-with-carry, is introduced with the ADC instruction. Finally, the increment instruction (INC) is presented. Increment is a special type of addition that adds 1 to a number. In Section 5–3, other forms of addition are examined, such as BCD and ASCII. Also described is the XADD instruction, found in the 80486 through the Pentium 4.

Table 5–1 illustrates the addressing modes available to the ADD instruction. (These addressing modes include almost all those mentioned in Chapter 3.) However, because there are more than 32,000 variations of the ADD instruction in the instruction set, it is impossible to list them all in this table. The only types of addition not allowed are memory-to-memory and segment register. The segment registers can only be moved, pushed, or popped. Note that, as with all other instructions, the 32-bit registers are available only with the 80386 through the Core2. In the 64-bit mode of the Pentium 4 and Core2, the 64-bit registers are also used for addition.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0142

Register Addition. Example 5–1 shows a simple sequence of instructions that uses register addition to add the contents of several registers. In this example, the contents of AX, BX, CX, and DX are added to form a 16-bit result stored in the AX register.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0143

Whenever arithmetic and logic instructions execute, the contents of the flag register change. Note that the contents of the interrupt, trap, and other flags do not change due to arithmetic and logic instructions. Only the flags located in the rightmost 8 bits of the flag register and the overflow flag change. These rightmost flags denote the result of the arithmetic or a logic operation. Any ADD instruction modifies the contents of the sign, zero, carry, auxiliary carry, parity, and overflow flags. The flag bits never change for most of the data transfer instructions presented in Chapter 4.

Immediate Addition. Immediate addition is employed whenever constant or known data are added. An 8-bit immediate addition appears in Example 5-2. In this example, DL is first loaded with 12H by using an immediate move instruction. Next, 33H is added to the 12H in DL by an immediate addition instruction. After the addition, the sum (45H) moves into register DL and the flags change, as follows:

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0144

Memory-to-Register Addition. Suppose that an application requires memory data to be added to the AL register. Example 5–3 shows an example that adds two consecutive bytes of data, stored at the data segment offset locations NUMB and NUMB + 1, to the AL register.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0145

The first instruction loads the destination index register (DI) with offset address NUMB. The DI register, used in this example, addresses data in the data segment beginning at memory location NUMB. After clearing the sum to zero, the ADD AL,[DI] instruction adds the contents of memory location NUMB to AL. Finally, the ADD AL,[ DI + I] instruction adds the contents of memory location NUMB plus 1 byte to the AL register. After both ADD instructions execute, the result appears in the AL register as the sum of the contents of NUMB plus the contents of NUMB + 1.

Array Addition. Memory arrays are sequential lists of data. Suppose that an array of data (ARRAY) contains 10 bytes, numbered from element 0 through element 9. Example 5–4 shows how to add the contents of array elements 3, 5, and 7 together.

This example first clears AL to 0, so it can be used to accumulate the sum. Next, register SI is loaded with a 3 to initially address array element 3. The ADD AL,ARRAY[SI] instruction adds the contents of array element 3 to the sum in AL. The instructions that follow add array elements 5 and 7 to the sum in AL, using a 3 in SI plus a displacement of 2 to address element 5, and a displacement of 4 to address element 7.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0146

assembler program cannot determine if, for example, the INC [DI] instruction is a byte-, word-, or doubleword-sized increment. The INC BYTE PTR [DI] instruction clearly indicates byte- sized memory data; the INC WORD PTR [DI] instruction unquestionably indicates a word-sized memory data; and the INC DWORD PTR [DI] instruction indicates doubleword-sized data. In 64-bit mode operation of the Pentium 4 and Core2, the INC QWORD PTR [RSI] instruction indicates quadword-sized data.

Example 5–6 shows how to modify Example 5–3 to use the increment instruction for addressing NUMB and NUMB + 1. Here, an INC DI instruction changes the contents of register DI from offset address NUMB to offset address NUMB + 1. Both program sequences shown in Examples 5–3 and 5–6 add the contents of NUMB and NUMB + 1. The difference between them is the way that the address is formed through the contents of the DI register using the increment instruction.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0147

Increment instructions affect the flag bits, as do most other arithmetic and logic operations. The difference is that increment instructions do not affect the carry flag bit. Carry doesn’t change because we often use increments in programs that depend upon the contents of the carry flag. Note that increment is used to point to the next memory element in a byte-sized array of data only. If word-sized data are addressed, it is better to use an ADD DI,2 instruction to modify the DI pointer in place of two INC DI instructions. For doubleword arrays, use the ADD DI,4 instruction to modify the DI pointer. In some cases, the carry flag must be preserved, which may mean that two or four INC instructions might appear in a program to modify a pointer.

Addition-with-Carry. An addition-with-carry instruction (ADC) adds the bit in the carry flag (C) to the operand data. This instruction mainly appears in software that adds numbers that are wider than 16 bits in the 8086–80286 or wider than 32 bits in the 80386–Core2.

Table 5–3 lists several add-with-carry instructions, with comments that explain their operation. Like the ADD instruction, ADC affects the flags after the addition.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0148

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0149

Suppose that a program is written for the 8086–80286 to add the 32-bit number in BX and AX to the 32-bit number in DX and CX. Figure 5–1 illustrates this addition so that the placement and function of the carry flag can be understood. This addition cannot be easily performed with- out adding the carry flag bit because the 8086–80286 only adds 8- or 16-bit numbers. Example 5–7 shows how the contents of registers AX and CX add to form the least significant 16 bits of the sum. This addition may or may not generate a carry. A carry appears in the carry flag if the sum is greater than FFFFH. Because it is impossible to predict a carry, the most significant 16 bits of this addition are added with the carry flag using the ADC instruction. The ADC instruction adds the 1 or the 0 in the carry flag to the most significant 16 bits of the result. This program adds BX–AX to DX–CX, with the sum appearing in BX–AX.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0150

Suppose the same software is rewritten for the 80386 through the Core2, but modified to add two 64-bit numbers in the 32-bit mode. The changes required for this operation are the use of the extended registers to hold the data and modifications of the instructions for the 80386 and above. These changes are shown in Example 5–8, which adds two 64-bit numbers. In the 64-bit mode of the Pentium 4 and Core2, this addition is handled with a single ADD instruction if the location of the operands is changed to RAX and RBX as in the instruction ADD RAX,RBX, which adds RBX to RAX.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0151

Exchange and Add for the 80486–Core2 Processors. A new type of addition called exchange and add (XADD) appears in the 80486 instruction set and continues through the Core2. The XADD instruction adds the source to the destination and stores the sum in the destination, as with any addition. The difference is that after the addition takes place, the original value of the destination is copied into the source operand. This is one of the few instructions that change the source.

For example, if BL = 12H and DL = 02H, and the XADD BL,DL instruction executes, the BL register contains the sum of 14H and DL becomes 12H. The sum of 14H is generated and the original destination of 12H replaces the source. This instruction functions with any register size and any memory operand, just as with the ADD instruction.


Many forms of subtraction (SUB) appear in the instruction set. These forms use any addressing mode with 8-, 16-, or 32-bit data. A special form of subtraction (decrement, or DEC) subtracts 1 from any register or memory location. Section 5–3 shows how BCD and ASCII data subtract. As with addition, numbers that are wider than 16 bits or 32 bits must occasionally be subtracted. The subtract-with-borrow instruction (SBB) performs this type of subtraction. In the 80486 through the Core2 processors, the instruction set also includes a compare and exchange instruction. In the 64-bit mode for the Pentium 4 and Core2, a 64-bit subtraction is also available.

Table 5–4 lists some of the many addressing modes allowed with the subtract instruction (SUB). There are well over 1000 possible subtraction instructions, far too many to list here. About the only types of subtraction not allowed are memory-to-memory and segment register subtractions. Like other arithmetic instructions, the subtract instruction affects the flag bits.

Register Subtraction. Example 5–9 shows a sequence of instructions that perform register sub- traction. This example subtracts the 16-bit contents of registers CX and DX from the contents of register BX. After each subtraction, the microprocessor modifies the contents of the flag register. The flags change for most arithmetic and logic operations.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0152

Immediate Subtraction. As with addition, the microprocessor also allows immediate operands for the subtraction of constant data. Example 5–10 presents a short sequence of instructions that subtract 44H from 22H. Here, we first load the 22H into CH using an immediate move

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0153

instruction. Next, the SUB instruction, using immediate data 44H, subtracts 44H from the 22H. After the subtraction, the difference (0DEH) moves into the CH register. The flags change as follows for this subtraction:

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0154

Both carry flags (C and A) hold borrows after a subtraction instead of carries, as after an addition. Notice in this example that there is no overflow. This example subtracted 44H ( + 68) from 22H ( + 34), resulting in a 0DEH ( – 34). Because the correct 8-bit signed result is – 34, there is no overflow in this example. An 8-bit overflow occurs only if the signed result is greater than + 127 or less than – 128.

Decrement Subtraction. Decrement subtraction (DEC) subtracts 1 from a register or the con- tents of a memory location. Table 5–5 lists some decrement instructions that illustrate register and memory decrements.

The decrement indirect memory data instructions require BYTE PTR, WORD PTR, DWORD PTR, or QWORD PTR because the assembler cannot distinguish a byte from a word or doubleword when an index register addresses memory. For example, DEC [SI] is vague because the assembler cannot determine whether the location addressed by SI is a byte, word, or double- word. Using DEC BYTE PTR[SI], DEC WORD PTR[DI], or DEC DWORD PTR[SI] reveals

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0155Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0156

the size of the data to the assembler. In the 64-bit mode, a DEC QWORD PTR[RSI] decrement the 64-bit number stored at the address pointed to by the RSI register.

Subtraction-with-Borrow. A subtraction-with-borrow (SBB) instruction functions as a regular subtraction, except that the carry flag (C), which holds the borrow, also subtracts from the differ- ence. The most common use for this instruction is for subtractions that are wider than 16 bits in the 8086–80286 microprocessors or wider than 32 bits in the 80386–Core2. Wide subtractions require that borrows propagate through the subtraction, just as wide additions propagate the carry.

Table 5–6 lists several SBB instructions with comments that define their operations. Like the SUB instruction, SBB affects the flags. Notice that the immediate subtract from memory instruction in this table requires a BYTE PTR, WORD PTR, DWORD PTR, or QWORD PTR directive.

When the 32-bit number held in BX and AX is subtracted from the 32-bit number held in SI and DI, the carry flag propagates the borrow between the two 16-bit subtractions. The carry flag holds the borrow for subtraction. Figure 5–2 shows how the borrow propagates through the carry flag (C) for this task. Example 5–11 shows how this subtraction is performed by a program. With wide subtraction, the least significant 16- or 32-bit data are subtracted with the SUB

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0157

instruction. All subsequent and more significant data are subtracted by using the SBB instruction. The example uses the SUB instruction to subtract DI from AX, then uses SBB to subtract- with-borrow SI from BX.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0158


The comparison instruction (CMP) is a subtraction that changes only the flag bits; the destination operand never changes. A comparison is useful for checking the entire contents of a register or a memory location against another value. A CMP is normally followed by a conditional jump instruction, which tests the condition of the flag bits.

Table 5–7 lists a variety of comparison instructions that use the same addressing modes as the addition and subtraction instructions already presented. Similarly, the only disallowed forms of compare are memory-to-memory and segment register compares.

Example 5–12 shows a comparison followed by a conditional jump instruction. In this example, the contents of AL are compared with 10H. Conditional jump instructions that often follow the comparison are JA (jump above) or JB (jump below). If the JA follows the comparison, the jump occurs if the value in AL is above 10H. If the JB follows the comparison, the jump occurs if the value in AL is below 10H. In this example, the JAE instruction follows the comparison. This instruction causes the program to continue at memory location SUBER if the value in AL is 10H or above. There is also a JBE (jump below or equal) instruction that could follow the comparison to jump if the outcome is below or equal to 10H. Later chapters provide additional detail on the comparison and conditional jump instructions.

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0159Arithmetic and Logic Instructions-0160

Compare and Exchange (80486–Core2 Processors Only). The compare and exchange instruction (CMPXCHG), found only in the 80486 through the Core2 instruction sets, compares the destination operand with the accumulator. If they are equal, the source operand is copied into the destination; if they are not equal, the destination operand is copied into the accumulator. This instruction functions with 8-, 16-, or 32-bit data.

The CMPXCHG CX,DX instruction is an example of the compare and exchange instruction. This instruction first compares the contents of CX with AX. If CX equals AX, DX is copied into AX; if CX is not equal to AX, CX is copied into AX. This instruction also compares AL with 8-bit data and EAX with 32-bit data if the operands are either 8- or 32-bit.

In the Pentium–Core2 processors, a CMPXCHG8B instruction is available that compares two quadwords. This is the only new data manipulation instruction provided in the Pentium–Core2 when they are compared with prior versions of the microprocessor. The compare-and-exchange- 8-bytes instruction compares the 64-bit value located in EDX:EAX with a 64-bit number located in memory. An example is CMPXCHG8B TEMP. If TEMP equals EDX:EAX, TEMP is replaced with the value found in ECX:EBX; if TEMP does not equal EDX:EAX, the number found in TEMP is loaded into EDX:EAX. The Z (zero) flag bit indicates that the values are equal after the comparison.

This instruction has a bug that will cause the operating system to crash. More information about this flaw can be obtained at There is also a CMPXCHG16B instruction available to the Pentium 4 when operated in 64-bit mode.




1. The first byte of an instruction is the , unless it contains one of the override prefixes.

2. Describe the purpose of the D- and W-bits found in some machine language instructions.

3. In a machine language instruction, what information is specified by the MOD field?

4. If the register field (REG) of an instruction contains 010 and W = 0, what register is selected, assuming that the instruction is a 16-bit mode instruction?

5. How are the 32-bit registers selected for the Pentium 4 microprocessor?

6. What memory-addressing mode is specified by R>M = 001 with MOD = 00 for a 16-bit instruction?

7. Identify the default segment registers assigned to the following:

(a) SP

(b) EBX

(c) DI

(d) EBP

(e) SI

8. Convert an 8B07H from machine language to assembly language.

9. Convert an 8B9E004CH from machine language to assembly language.

10. If a MOV SI,[BX+2] instruction appears in a program, what is its machine language equivalent?

11. If a MOV ESI,[EAX] instruction appears in a program for the Core2 microprocessor operating in the 16-bit instruction mode, what is its machine language equivalent?

12. What is the purpose of REX?

13. What is wrong with a MOV CS,AX instruction?

14. Form a short sequence of instructions that load the data segment register with a 1000H.

15. The PUSH and POP instructions always transfer a(n) -bit number between the stack and a register or memory location in the 80386–Core2 microprocessors when oper- ated in the 32-bit mode.

16. Create an instruction that places RAX onto the stack in the 64-bit mode for the Pentium 4.

17. What segment register may not be popped from the stack?

18. Which registers move onto the stack with the PUSHA instruction?

19. Which registers move onto the stack for a PUSHAD instruction?

20. Describe the operation of each of the following instructions:



(c) PUSH [BX]


(e) POP DS

(f) PUSHD 4

21. Explain what happens when the PUSH BX instruction executes. Make sure to show where BH and BL are stored. (Assume that SP = 0100H and SS = 0200H.)

22. Repeat question 21 for the PUSH EAX instruction.

23. The 16-bit POP instruction (except for POPA) increments SP by .

24. What values appear in SP and SS if the stack is addressed at memory location 02200H?

25. Compare the operation of a MOV DI,NUMB instruction with an LEA DI,NUMB instruction.

26. What is the difference between an LEA SI,NUMB instruction and a MOV SI,OFFSET NUMB instruction?

27. Which is more efficient, a MOV with an OFFSET or an LEA instruction?

28. Describe how the LDS BX,NUMB instruction operates.

29. What is the difference between the LDS and LSS instructions?

30. Develop a sequence of instructions that moves the contents of data segment memory loca- tions NUMB and NUMB + 1 into BX, DX, and SI.

31. What is the purpose of the direction flag?

32. Which instructions set and clear the direction flag?

33. Which string instruction(s) use both DI and SI to address memory data?

34. Explain the operation of the LODSB instruction.

35. Explain the operation of the LODSQ instruction for the 64-bit mode of the Pentium 4 or Core2.

36. Explain the operation of the OUTSB instruction.

37. Explain the operation of the STOSW instruction.

38. Develop a sequence of instructions that copy 12 bytes of data from an area of memory addressed by SOURCE into an area of memory addressed by DEST.

39. What does the REP prefix accomplish and what type of instruction is it used with?

40. Select an assembly language instruction that exchanges the contents of the EBX register with the ESI register.

41. Where is the I/O address (port number) stored for an INSB instruction?

42. Would the LAHF and SAHF instructions normally appear in software?

43. Write a short program that uses the XLAT instruction to convert the BCD numbers 0–9 into ASCII-coded numbers 30H–39H. Store the ASCII-coded data in a TABLE located within the data segment.

44. Explain how the XLAT instruction transforms the contents of the AL register.

45. Explain what the IN AL,12H instruction accomplishes.

46. Explain how the OUT DX,AX instruction operates.

47. What is a segment override prefix?

48. Select an instruction that moves a byte of data from the memory location addressed by the BX register in the extra segment into the AH register.

49. Develop a sequence of instructions that exchanges the contents of AX with BX, ECX with EDX, and SI with DI.

50. What is an assembly language directive?

51. What is accomplished by the CMOVNE CX,DX instruction in the Pentium 4 microprocessor?

52. Describe the purpose of the following assembly language directives: DB, DW, and DD.

53. Select an assembly language directive that reserves 30 bytes of memory for array LIST1.

54. Describe the purpose of the EQU directive.

55. What is the purpose of the .686 directive?

56. What is the purpose of the .MODEL directive?

57. If the start of a segment is identified with .DATA, what type of memory organization is in effect?

58. If the SEGMENT directive identifies the start of a segment, what type of memory organization is in effect?

59. What does the INT 21H accomplish if AH contains a 4CH?

60. What directives indicate the start and end of a procedure?

61. Explain the purpose of the USES statement as it applies to a procedure with version 6.x of MASM.

62. Develop a near procedure that stores AL in four consecutive memory locations within the data segment, as addressed by the DI register.

63. How is the Pentium 4 microprocessor instructed to use the 16-bit instruction mode?

64. Develop a far procedure that copies contents of the word-sized memory location CS:DATA4 into AX, BX, CX, DX, and SI.