Module 1 learning unit 1 • A Computer is a programmable machine. • The two principal characteristics of a computer are: • It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner. • It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program ). • Modern computers are electronic and digital. • The […]
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Communication: network architecture: local area networks (the osi model, topologies, data transmission and bridges, routers, and gateways).
9.3 Network Architecture: Local Area Networks A local area network (LAN) is a communication medium that interconnects computers over a limited geographical distance of a few kilometers at most. A LAN allows a set of closely grouped computers and other devices to share common resources such as data, software applications, printers, and mass storage. A […]
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Memory: read- only memory
7.4 Read- Only Memory When a computer program is loaded into the memory, it remains in the memory until it is overwritten or until the power is turned off. For some applications, the program never changes, and so it is hardwired into a read-only memory (ROM). ROMs are used to store programs in videogames, calculators, […]
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Binary Arithmetic Using Digital Electronics : Subtraction and Negative Numbers,Magnitude Comparators and Bus,Nomenclature and Multiplication and Division
Subtraction and Negative Numbers As you might expect, binary subtraction has many of the same issues as addition, along with a few complexities that can make it harder to work with. In this section, I will introduce some of the issues in implementing a practical ‘‘subtracter’’ as well as look at some ways in which […]
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Example 6.1 Write instructions in English-like statements to load the two data bytes 53H and F5H in registers A and B, respectively, and add the two bytes. Translate these statements into Z80 assembly language. I1lustrate the contents of registers affected in the programming model after the execution of each instruction and the status of the […]
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Microprocessors, Microcomputers, and Assembly Language
Microprocessors, Microcomputers, and Assembly Language this topic is concerned primarily with microprocessor architecture in the context of microprocessor-based products. The microprocessor-based systems are discussed in terms of three components the microprocessor, memory, and input and output and their communication process. The role of the programming languages, from the machine language to high-level languages, is presented […]
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