SUMMARY In this chapter, we examined the requirements of the Microprocessor Unit (MPU) to communicate with memory and I/O devices and to process binary data. Based on those requirements, we designed a generalized model of the M PU. We discussed memory in terms of its storage elements, namely, latches and registers and techniques of assigning […]
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MPU memory I/O
EXAMPLE OF A MICROPROCESSOR-BASED SYSTEM In the last three sections, we discussed a generalized MPU model. prime memory and its organization model. and I/Os. The discussion can be summarized in the block diagram of a microprocessor-based system as shown in Figure 14. It includes a generalized MPU, two types of prime memory. and two I/O […]
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INPUT AND OUTPUT (1/0) DEVICES Input/Output devices are the means through which the MPU communicates with "the outside world." The MPU accepts binary data as input from devices such as keyboards and analog-to-digital (A/D) converters and sends data to output devices such as LEDs or printers. There are two different methods b which an MPU […]
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Memory Classification
Memory Classification Memory can be classified into two groups: prime(or main) memory and storage memory .The RIWM and ROM discussed in the last section are examples of prime memory; this is the memory the microcomputer uses in executing and storing programs. This memory should be able to respond fast enough to keep up with the […]
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Memory Map
Memory Map Typically, in an 8-bit microprocessor system, 16 address lines are available for memory. This means it is a numbering system of 16 binary bits and is capable of identifying 216 (65,536) memory registers. each register with a 16-bit address. The entire memory addresses can range from 0000 to FFFF in Hex. A memory […]
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MEMORY Memory is an essential component of a microcomputer system; it stores binary instructions and data for the microprocessor. There are various types of memory, and they can be classified in two groups: prime (or main) memory and storage memory. In the last chapter. we saw two examples of prime memory: Read/Write Memory (R/WM) and […]
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Microprocessor as a Processing Unit
Microprocessor as a Processing Unit When the microprocessor executes instructions, it does so in a continuous sequence of fetch, decode, and execute operations. After examining these operations in more detail, we can describe the requirements of the internal architecture of our generalized microprocessor. FETCHING AN INSTRUCTION To fetch an instruction, the microprocessor places a memory […]
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Microprocessor Based System : MPU, Memory, and 1/0
Microprocessor Based System : MPU, Memory, and 1/0 A microprocessor-based system consists primarily of three components-the microprocessor unit (MPU). memory. and I/O (input / output). The MPU is the central player; it communicates with memory and I/O devices. processes data, and controls timing of all its operations. In this chapter. we will examine what the […]
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