Intel 8086 : 8086 Instruction Set , Data Transfer Instructions , Arithmetic Instructions , Bit Manipulation Instructions and String Instructions

9.5 8086 Instruction Set The 8086 has approximately 117 different instructions with about 300 op-codes. The 8086 instruction set contains no-operand, single-operand, and two-operand instructions. Except for string instructions that involve array operations, 8086 instructions do not permit memory-to-memory operations. Appendices F and H provide 8086 instruction reference data and the instruction set (alphabetical order), […]
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Intel 8086 : 8086 Addressine Modes , Register and Immediate Modes , Memory Addressing Modes , Port Addressing and Relative Addressing Mode

8086 Addressine Modes The 8086 provides various addressing modes to access instruction operands. Operands may be contained in registers, within the instruction op-code, in memory, or in I/0 ports. The 8086 has 12 addressing modes, which can be classified into five groups: 1. Register and immediate modes (two modes) 2. Memory addressing modes (six modes) […]
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INTEL 8086 : Introduction , 8086 Main Memory and 8086 Registers

INTEL 8086 This chapter covers the Intel8086 in detail. Intel’s 32-bit microprocessors are based on the Intel 8086. Therefore, the 8086 provides an excellent educational tool for understanding Intel 32- and 64-bit microprocessors. Because the 8086 and its peripheral chips are inexpensive, the implementation costs of 8086-based systems are low. This makes the 8086 appropriate […]
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