Apollo On-Board Flight Software Effort: Lessons Learned The original purpose of the empirical study, which had its beginnings in 1968, was to learn from Apollo’ s flight software and its development in order to make use of this effort for future Apollo missions as well as for the then up and coming Skylab and Shuttle […]
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Computer Systems
The Nature of Software Engineering , A New Approach .
The Nature of Software Engineering Engineers often use the term systems engineering to refer to the tasks of specifying, designing, and simulating a non-software system such as a bridge or electronic component. Although software may be used for simulation purposes, it is but one part of the systems engineering process. Software engineering, on the other […]
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Multiple Processor Systems , Memory Hierarchy , Implementation Considerations , Packaging Considerations , Technology Considerations , Wafer Scale Integration (WSI) and Multichip Modules (MCMs) .
Multiple Processor Systems Parallelism can be introduced into a computer system at several levels. Probably the simplest level is to have multiple processors in the system. If parallelism is to be incorporated at the processor level, usually one of the following structures is used: SIMD, MIMD, or multicomputers. A SIMD structure allows several data streams […]
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Software Design and Development : Introduction and The Notion of Software .
Software Design and Development Introduction A computer system can be neatly compared with a biological entity called a superorganism. Composed of software, hardware, peopleware and their interconnectivity (such as the internet), and requiring all to survive, the silicon superorganism is itself a part of a larger superorganism, for example, the business. It could be a […]
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Fundamental Architecture : Introduction , Defining a Computer Architecture and Single Processor Systems .
Fundamental Architecture Introduction The design space for computer architectures is fairly diverse and complicated. Each new architecture strives to fulfill a different set of goals and to carve out a niche in the computer world. A system can be composed of one or several processors. Many concepts apply to both multiple processor and sin- gle […]
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