Pulse Measurement Sensors used for industrial and commercial control applications frequenT1y produce pulses that contain information about the quantity sensed. Varying the sensor output frequency, using a constant duty cycle but variable frequency pulses to indicate changes in the measured variable, is most common. Varying the duration of the pulse width, resulting in constant frequency […]
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8051 Applications
8051 Applications (Putting it all Together and Summary)
Putting it all Together All of the examples presented to this point have used the free ports (Pl and parts of P3) that the "cheap" design affords. It is clear that to do a real-world design requires the use of additional port chips to enable several functions to be interfaced to the 805 l at […]
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8051 Applications (Introduction ,Keyboards and Displays)
Introduction Microcontrollers tend to be underutilized in many applications. There are several reasons for this anomaly. Principally, the devices are so inexpensive that it makes litT1e economic sense to try to select an optimal device for each application. A new microcontroller involves the expense of new development software and training for the designers and programmers […]
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