The microprocessor has two hardware interrupt inputs: nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) and interrupt request (INTR). Whenever the NMI input is activated, a type 2 interrupt occurs because NMI is internally decoded. The INTR input must be externally decoded to select a vector. Any interrupt vector can be chosen for the INTR pin, but we usually use an interrupt type number between 20H and FFH. Intel has reserved interrupts 00H through 1FH for internal and future expansion. The INTA signal is also an interrupt pin on the microprocessor, but it is an output that is used in response to the INTR input to apply a vector type number to the data bus connections D7–D0. Figure 12–5 shows the three user interrupt connections on the microprocessor.

The non-maskable interrupt (NMI) is an edge-triggered input that requests an interrupt on the positive edge (0-to-1 transition). After a positive edge, the NMI pin must remain a logic 1 until it is recognized by the microprocessor. Note that before the positive edge is recognized, the NMI pin must be a logic 0 for at least two clocking periods.

The NMI input is often used for parity errors and other major system faults, such as power failures. Power failures are easily detected by monitoring the AC power line and causing an NMI interrupt whenever AC power drops out. In response to this type of interrupt, the microprocessor stores all of the internal register in a battery-backed-up memory or an EEPROM. Figure 12–6 shows a power failure detection circuit that provides a logic 1 to the NMI input whenever AC power is interrupted.


In this circuit, an optical isolator provides isolation from the AC power line. The output of the isolator is shaped by a Schmitt-trigger inverter that provides a 60 Hz pulse to the trigger input of the 74LS122 retriggerable, monostable multivibrator. The values of R and C are chosen so that the 74LS122 has an active pulse width of 33 ms or 2 AC input periods. Because the 74LS122 is retriggerable, as long as AC power is applied, the Q output remains triggered at a logic 1 and Q remains a logic 0.

If the AC power fails, the 74LS122 no longer receives trigger pulses from the 74ALS14, which means that Q becomes a logic 0 and Q becomes a logic 1, interrupting the microprocessor through the NMI pin. The interrupt service procedure, not shown here, stores the contents of all internal registers and other data into a battery-backed-up memory. This system assumes that the system power supply has a large enough filter capacitor to provide energy for at least 75 ms after the AC power ceases.

Figure 12–7 shows a circuit that supplies power to a memory after the DC power fails. Here, diodes are used to switch supply voltages from the DC power supply to the battery. The diodes used are standard silicon diodes because the power supply to this memory circuit is elevated above +5.0 V to +5.7 V. The resistor is used to trickle-charge the battery, which is either NiCAD, lithium, or a gel cell.

When DC power fails, the battery provides a reduced voltage to the VCC connection on the memory device. Most memory devices will retain data with VCC voltages as low as 1.5 V, so the battery voltage does not need to be +5.0 V. The WR pin is pulled to VCC during a power outage, so no data will be written to the memory.



The interrupt request input (INTR) is level-sensitive, which means that it must be held at a logic 1 level until it is recognized. The INTR pin is set by an external event and cleared inside the interrupt service procedure. This input is automatically disabled once it is accepted by the micro- processor and re-enabled by the IRET instruction at the end of the interrupt service procedure. The 80386–Core2 use the IRETD instruction in the protected mode of operation. In the 64-bit mode, an IRETQ is used in protected mode. 

The microprocessor responds to the INTR input by pulsing the INTA output in anticipation of receiving an interrupt vector type number on data bus connections D7–D0. Figure 12–8 shows the timing diagram for the INTR and INTA pins of the microprocessor. There are two INTA pulses generated by the system that are used to insert the vector type number on the data bus.

Figure 12–9 illustrates a simple circuit that applies interrupt vector type number FFH to the data bus in response to an INTR. Notice that the INTA pin is not connected in this circuit.


Because resistors are used to pull the data bus connections (D0–D7) high, the microprocessor automatically sees vector type number FFH in response to the INTR input. This is the least expensive way to implement the INTR pin on the microprocessor.

Using a Three-State Buffer for INTA. Figure 12–10 shows how interrupt vector type number 80H is applied to the data bus (D0–D7) in response to an INTR. In response to the INTR, the micro- processor outputs the INTA that is used to enable a 74ALS244 three-state octal buffer. The octal buffer applies the interrupt vector type number to the data bus in response to the INTA pulse. The vector type number is easily changed with the DIP switches that are shown in this illustration.

Making the INTR Input Edge-Triggered. Often, we need an edge-triggered input instead of a level-sensitive input. The INTR input can be converted to an edge-triggered input by using a D-type flip-flop, as illustrated in Figure 12–11. Here, the clock input becomes an edge-triggered interrupt request input, and the clear input is used to clear the request when the INTA signal is output by the microprocessor. The RESET signal initially clears the flip-flop so that no interrupt is requested when the system is first powered.

The 82C55 Keyboard Interrupt

The keyboard example presented in Chapter 11 provides a simple example of the operation of the INTR input and an interrupt. Figure 12–12 illustrates the interconnection of the 82C55 with the microprocessor and the keyboard. It also shows how a 74ALS244 octal buffer is used to provide


the microprocessor with interrupt vector type number 40H in response to the keyboard interrupt during the INTA pulse.

The 82C55 is decoded at 80386SX I/O port address 0500H, 0502H, 0504H, and 0506H by a PLD (the program is not illustrated). The 82C55 is operated in mode 1 (strobed input mode), so whenever a key is typed, the INTR output (PC3) becomes a logic 1 and requests an interrupt through the INTR pin on the microprocessor. The INTR pin remains high until the ASCII data are read from port A. In other words, every time a key is typed, the 82C55 requests a type 40H interrupt through the INTR pin. The DAV signal from the keyboard causes data to be latched into port A and causes INTR to become a logic 1.

Example 12–5 illustrates the interrupt service procedure for the keyboard. It is very important that all registers affected by an interrupt are saved before they are used. In the software required to initialize the 82C55 (not shown here), the FIFO is initialized so that both pointers are equal, the INTR request pin is enabled through the INTE bit inside the 82C55, and the mode of operation is programmed.


The procedure is short because the microprocessor already knows that keyboard data are available when the procedure is called. Data are input from the keyboard and then stored in the FIFO (first-in, first-out) buffer or queue. Most keyboard interfaces contain an FIFO that is at least 16 bytes in depth. The FIFO in this example is 256 bytes, which is more than adequate for a keyboard interface. Note how the INC BYTE PTR CX:INP is used to add 1 to the input pointer and also make sure that it always addresses data in the queue.

This procedure first checks to see whether the FIFO is full. A full condition is indicated when the input pointer (INP) is one byte below the output pointer (OUTP). If the FIFO is full, the interrupt is disabled with a bit set/reset command to the 82C55, and a return from the interrupt occurs. If the FIFO is not full, the data are input from port A, and the input pointer is incremented before a return occurs.

Example 12–6 shows the procedure that removes data from the FIFO. This procedure first determines whether the FIFO is empty by comparing the two pointers. If the pointers are equal, the FIFO is empty, and the software waits at the EMPTY loop where it continuously tests the pointers. The EMPTY loop is interrupted by the keyboard interrupt, which stores data into the FIFO so that it is no longer empty. This procedure returns with the character in register AH.



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