The memory-management unit within the Pentium is upward-compatible with the 80386 and 80486 microprocessors. Many of the features of these earlier microprocessors are basically unchanged in the Pentium. The main change is in the paging unit and a new system memory- management mode.
Paging Unit
The paging mechanism functions with 4K-byte memory pages or with a new extension available to the Pentium with 4M-byte memory pages. As detailed in Chapters 1 and 17, the size of the paging table structure can become large in a system that contains a large memory. Recall that to fully repage 4G bytes of memory, the microprocessor requires slightly over 4M bytes of memory just for the page tables. In the Pentium, with the new 4M-byte paging feature, this is dramatically reduced to just a single page directory and no page tables. The new 4M-byte page sizes are selected by the PSE bit in control register 0.
The main difference between 4K paging and 4M paging is that in the 4M paging scheme there is no page table entry in the linear address. See Figure 18–10 for the 4M paging system in the Pentium microprocessor. Pay close attention to the way the linear address is used with this scheme. Notice that the leftmost 10 bits of the linear address select an entry in the page directory (just as with 4K pages). Unlike 4K pages, there are no page tables; instead, the page directory addresses a 4M-byte memory page.
Memory-Management Mode
The system memory-management mode (SMM) is on the same level as protected mode, real mode, and virtual mode, but it is provided to function as a manager. The SMM is not intended to be used as an application or a system-level feature. It is intended for high-level system functions such as power management and security, which most Pentiums use during operation, but that are controlled by the operating system.
Access to the SMM is accomplished via a new external hardware interrupt applied to the SMI pin on the Pentium. When the SMM interrupt is activated, the processor begins executing system-level software in an area of memory called the system management RAM, or SMMRAM, called the SMM state dump record. The SMI interrupt disables all other interrupts that are normally handled by user applications and the operating system. A return from the SMM interrupt is accomplished with a new instruction called RSM. RSM returns from the memory-management mode interrupt and returns to the interrupted program at the point of the interruption.
The SMM interrupt calls the software, initially stored at memory location 38000H, using CS = 3000H and EIP = 8000H. This initial state can be changed using a jump to any location within the first 1M byte of the memory. An environment similar to real mode memory addressing is entered by the management mode interrupt, but it is different because, instead of being able to address the first 1M of memory, SMM mode allows the Pentium to treat the memory system as a flat, 4G-byte system.
In addition to executing software that begins at location 38000H, the SMM interrupt also stores the state of the Pentium in what is called a dump record. The dump record is stored at memory locations 3FFA8H through 3FFFFH, with an area at locations 3FE00H through 3FEF7H that is reserved by Intel. The dump record allows a Pentium-based system to enter a sleep mode and reactivate at the point of program interruption. This requires that the SMMRAM be powered during the sleep period. Many laptop computers have a separate battery to power the SMMRAM for many hours during sleep mode. Table 18–2 lists the contents of the dump record.
The Halt auto restart and I/O trap restarts are used when the SMM mode is exited by the RSM instruction. These data allow the RSM instruction to return to the halt-state or return to the interrupt I/O instruction. If neither a halt nor an I/O operation is in effect upon entering the SMM mode, the RSM instruction reloads the state of the machine from the state dump and returns to the point of interruption.
The SMM mode can be used by the system before the normal operating system is placed in the memory and executed. It can also be used periodically to manage the system, provided that normal software doesn’t exist at locations 38000H–3FFFFH. If the system relocates the SMRAM before booting the normal operating system, it becomes available for use in addition to the normal system.
The base address of the SMM mode SMRAM is changed by modifying the value in the state dump base address register (locations 3FEF8H through 3F3FBH) after the first memory- management mode interrupt. When the first RSM instruction is executed, returning control back to the interrupted system, the new value from these locations changes the base address of the SMM interrupt for all future uses. For example, if the state dump base address is changed to