PIC Motor Applications:Motor Application Board MOT2

Motor Application Board MOT2

We will investigate these ideas via a general purpose motor test board design, MOT2, which can control a dc motor requiring up to 30 A drive current. This is provided by a full bridge driver that allows bidirectional speed and position control with pulse feedback (servo motor). MOT2 is based on the PIC 16F690 (as used in the LPC demo board). A block diagram is shown in Figure 11.2 and a circuit schematic in Figure 11.3.

A variety of motor control operations can be demonstrated using this system:

• Motor On/Off

• Motor Forward/Reverse

• Open/Closed Loop Position Control

• Open/Closed Loop Speed Control.

Command inputs can be received from an 8-bit switch bank, a remote 8-bit master controller, two push buttons, or from the analogue inputs or serial ports. The motor can be turned in either direction via a full bridge driver, providing position and speed control. Pulse width modulation (see Chapter 8) will be used to control the speed. The shaft speed and position are monitored by a shaft encoder, which has three outputs, but only the index output (one pulse per revolution) is connected in the initial design. In the simulation schematic, the motor and encoder are integrated into a single servo motor model, DCM.

PIC Microcontrollers-1285

Motor Drive

A 6 V permanent magnet motor is used since it will run from the same 5 V supply as the PIC. However, a large decoupling capacitor (C4) should be fitted because the motor will generate a lot of noise on the supply, particularly when it switches off. The motor current direction, forward or reverse, is controlled by switching on two of the four MOSFETs from RA4 or RA5. Q1 and Q3 are switched on if RA4 output goes high (motor forward), and Q2 and Q4 if RA5 goes high (motor reverse). Q1 and Q2 switch on when the gate is high (N-FET), but Q3 and Q4 switch on when the gate is low (P-FET), so an inverting bipolar stage is needed on each gate. The current flows diagonally through the bridge and motor to drive it in either direction. The bridge is rated at 30 A, so a range of small to medium dc motors could be driven successfully. In the simulation, the motor characteristics can be adjusted to represent different motors: nominal voltage, coil resistance, coil inductance, zero load rpm, effective mass of the motor and load, and the number of encoder pulses per revolution.

Output Sensor

The rotary encoder represented in the simulation circuit schematic has three outputs. Two have the same number of slots per revolution (adjustable in simulation to represent a range of encoders, default 24), but they are offset by half a slot so that the direction of rotation can be detected from the phase difference in the output signals. The third output generates an index signal once per revolution, which can be used to generate an absolute initial position, or to measure the speed as time per revolution. In hardware, an opto-sensor containing a light- emitting diode (LED) and photodetector can be mounted either side of a perforated wheel attached to the motor shaft. This allows the light to pass through holes or slots causing digital pulses to be output from the sensor via a built-in amplifier, allowing the motor speed or position to be monitored by the controller. The simplest type can have a single slot producing one pulse per revolution. Alternatively, the sensor can work by reflection from a shaft surface, or magnetically. The index output on the simulated servo in Figure 11.3 is connected to the Timer0 (T0CKI) input of the PIC, so that the shaft revolutions can be counted. Alternatively, the pulse interval can be measured using timer mode, if that will produce a more accurate measurement. The pulse may also be used to trigger a Timer0 interrupt.

Switched Inputs

The control program can use the push buttons (S1, S2) connected to RB6 and RB7 to stop, start, or change speed or direction. The binary input switches could be used to select the speed or position. Alternatively, a remotely generated digital control code can be applied to the digital input connector pins (J2) from a master controller, which could be operating a number of motors in a robot system or machine tool. In this case, part of the digital input would be a motor select code, and part would be a position or speed command. Serial commands could also be used, with the port B pins reassigned for this purpose (see Section 12.4). If the parallel input is removed from the circuit, a smaller, cheaper PIC 12FXXX series device could be used instead.

These have six input/output (I/O) pins, so there would be three inputs available with which to control the motor speed, position and/or direction. Analogue inputs are also available, if the motor needs to be voltage controlled.

Analogue Input

The analogue input could be used to receive a voltage that sets the speed or position of the motor. For example, a position servo may use a potentiometer to provide position feedback to the controller, or a temperature sensor might control the speed of a fan. The analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) must be initialized to suit, in this case using the internal supply reference to set the range. For test purposes, a pot is connected to AN10, to provide a dummy analogue input. If the jumper is closed, AN11 can be used to monitor the motor drive current as a voltage across a 0R1 current sensing resistor connected in the common arm of the bridge (100 mV/A). This can be used as a feedback signal or to shut down the output if the motor current is too high. External analogue inputs can be connected at J1.

The default internal clock frequency of the PIC 16F690 is 4 MHz to give an instruction cycle time of 1 ms. The internal clock mode needs to be selected in the configuration word at the top of the program, along with the power-up timer and MCLR enable (00E4h). MCLR is controlled from the programmer during testing, but a reset button is also provided on board. The power-on timer should be enabled during programming to ensure a reliable start. The motor drive will need an external power supply providing sufficient current for the motor connected, so the supply from the programming connector may need to be disconnected at JP2 while programming.

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