PIC Development Systems:Hardware Test

Hardware Test

When simulating correctly, the program can be downloaded. The PICkit programmer is plugged into a USB port and Programmer, Select Programmer, PICkit2 from the menus. Successful connection to the programmer should be confirmed in the output window. Sometimes an updated version of the programmer operating system needs to be downloaded. A programming toolbar also appears.

Assuming the source has been successfully assembled into program memory (View, Program Memory), download it by hitting ‘Program the Target Device’ button, and run the program using the ‘Bring Target Device MCLR to Vdd’ button. The LEDs on the LPC board should start scanning, and the speed should be controlled by the on-board pot. Note that the SW1 push button on the board has no effect as it is overridden by MCLR from the programmer.

Thus, the LPC board provides a convenient demonstration of all the main features of PIC program development, except for ICD.

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