Patterns for time-triggered embedded systems
We found the software patterns described by Gamma et al. (1995) to be useful. However, they were insufficiently specialized for use with time-triggered embedded systems. We therefore began to assemble a collection of patterns based on our experience with the development of applications for the 8051 and other families of micro- controllers.
The first version of these patterns were used ‘in house’, primarily for teaching and training purposes. We then began to publish and discuss the next versions of the pat- terns more widely, not just at pattern workshops (see, for example, Pont et al., 1999a; Pont, in press) but also at more general technical conferences (see, for example, Pont, 1998; Pont et al., 1999b). Through this process we obtained a great deal of useful feed- back on the project, and refined the collection again. The end result was the set of pat- terns described in detail throughout this book.
The structure of the final version of the patterns is illustrated in Figure 2.10. The patterns are grouped by chapter, and the book is further divided into sections. This arrangement is intended to make it easy for you to find the information you require.