1. An interrupt is a hardware- or software-initiated call that interrupts the currently executing program at any point and calls a procedure. The procedure is called by the interrupt handler or an interrupt service procedure.

2. Interrupts are useful when an I/O device needs to be serviced only occasionally at low data transfer rates.

3. The microprocessor has five instructions that apply to interrupts: BOUND, INT, INT 3, INTO, and IRET. The INT and INT 3 instructions call procedures with addresses stored in the interrupt vector whose type is indicated by the instruction. The BOUND instruction is a conditional interrupt that uses interrupt vector type number 5. The INTO instruction is a conditional interrupt that interrupts a program only if the overflow flag is set. Finally, the IRET, IRETD, or IRETQ instruction is used to return from interrupt service procedures.

4. The microprocessor has three pins that apply to its hardware interrupt structure: INTR, NMI, and INTA. The interrupt inputs are INTR and NMI, which are used to request interrupts, and INTA, an output used to acknowledge the INTR interrupt request.

5. Real mode interrupts are referenced through a vector table that occupies memory locations 0000H–03FFH. Each interrupt vector is four bytes long and contains the offset and segment addresses of the interrupt service procedure. In protected mode, the interrupts reference the interrupt descriptor table (IDT) that contains 256 interrupt descriptors. Each interrupt descriptor contains a segment selector and a 32-bit offset address.

6. Two flag bits are used with the interrupt structure of the microprocessor: trap (TF) and inter- rupt enable (IF). The IF flag bit enables the INTR interrupt input, and the TF flag bit causes interrupts to occur after the execution of each instruction, as long as TF is active.

7. The first 32 interrupt vector locations are reserved for Intel use, with many predefined in the microprocessor. The last 224 interrupt vectors are for the user’s use and can perform any function desired.

8. Whenever an interrupt is detected, the following events occur: (1) the flags are pushed onto the stack, (2) the IF and TF flag bits are both cleared, (3) the IP and CS registers are both pushed onto the stack, and (4) the interrupt vector is fetched from the interrupt vector table and the interrupt service subroutine is accessed through the vector address.

9. Tracing or single-stepping is accomplished by setting the TF flag bit. This causes an inter- rupt to occur after the execution of each instruction for debugging.

10. The non-maskable interrupt input (NMI) calls the procedure whose address is stored at inter- rupt vector type number 2. This input is positive edge-triggered.

11. The INTR pin is not internally decoded, as is the NMI pin. Instead, INTA is used to apply the interrupt vector type number to data bus connections D0–D7 during the INTA pulse.

12. Methods of applying the interrupt vector type number to the data bus during INTA vary widely. One method uses resisters to apply interrupt type number FFH to the data bus, while another uses a three-state buffer to apply any vector type number.

13. The 8259A programmable interrupt controller (PIC) adds at least eight interrupt inputs to the microprocessor. If more interrupts are needed, this device can be cascaded to provide up to 64 interrupt inputs.

14. Programming the 8259A is a two-step process. First, a series of initialization command words (ICWs) are sent to the 8259A, then a series of operation command words (OCWs) are sent.

15. The 8259A contains three status registers: IMR (interrupt mask register), ISR (in-service register), and IRR (interrupt request register).

16. A real-time clock is used to keep time in real time. In most cases, time is stored in either binary or BCD form in several memory locations.

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