The 8259A programmable interrupt controller (PIC) adds eight vectored priority encoded interrupts to the microprocessor. This controller can be expanded, without additional hardware, to accept up to 64 interrupt requests. This expansion requires a master 8259A and eight 8259A slaves. A pair of these controllers still resides and is programmed as explained here in the latest chip sets from Intel and other manufacturers.

General Description of the 8259A

Figure 12–15 shows the pin-out of the 8259A. The 8259A is easy to connect to the microprocessor because all of its pins are direct connections except the CS pin, which must be decoded, and


the WR pin, which must have an I/O bank write pulse. Following is a description of each pin on the 8259A:

D0–D7 The bidirectional data connections are normally connected to the data bus on the microprocessor.

IR0–IR7 Interrupt request inputs are used to request an interrupt and to connect to a slave in a system with multiple 8259As.

WR The write input connects to write strobe signal (IOWC) on the microprocessor.

RD The read input connects to the IORC signal.

INT The interrupt output connects to the INTR pin on the microprocessor from the master and is connected to a master IR pin on a slave.


Interrupt acknowledge is an input that connects to the INTA signal on the system. In a system with a master and slaves, only the master INTA signal is connected.

A0 The A0 address input selects different command words within the 8259A.


Chip select enables the 8259A for programming and control.

Slave program/enable buffer is a dual-function pin. When the 8259A is in buffered mode, this is an output that controls the data bus transceivers in a large microprocessor-based system. When the 8259A is not in the buffered mode, this pin programs the device as a master (1) or a slave (0).

CAS0–CAS2 The cascade lines are used as outputs from the master to the slaves for cascading multiple 8259As in a system.

Connecting a Single 8259A

Figure 12–16 shows a single 8259A connected to the microprocessor. Here the SP>EN pin is pulled high to indicate that it is a master. The 8259A is decoded at I/O ports 0400H and 0401H by the PLD (no program shown). Like other peripherals discussed in Chapter 11, the 8259A requires four wait states for it to function properly with a 16 MHz 80386SX and more for some other versions of the Intel microprocessor family.

Cascading Multiple 8259As

Figure 12–17 shows two 8259As connected to the microprocessor in a way that is often found in the ATX-style computer, which has two 8259As for interrupts. The XT- or PC-style computers use a single 8259A controller at interrupt vectors 08H–0FH. The ATX-style computer uses interrupt vector 0AH as a cascade input from a second 8259A located at vectors 70H through 77H. Appendix A contains a table that lists the functions of all the interrupt vectors used.

This circuit uses vectors 08H–0FH and I/O ports 0300H and 0302H for U1, the master; and vectors 70H–77H and I/O ports 0304H and 0306H for U2, the slave. Notice that we also include data bus buffers to illustrate the use of the SP>EN pin on the 8259A. These buffers are used only in very large systems that have many devices connected to their data bus connections. In practice, we seldom find these buffers.

Programming the 8259A

The 8259A is programmed by initialization and operation command words. Initialization command words (ICWs) are programmed before the 8259A is able to function in the system and dictate the basic operation of the 8259A. Operation command words (OCWs) are programmed during the normal course of operation. The OCWs control the operation of the 8259A.


Initialization Command Words. There are four initialization command words (ICWs) for the 8259A that are selected when the A0 pin is a logic 1. When the 8259A is first powered up, it must be sent ICW1, ICW2, and ICW4. If the 8259A is programmed in cascade mode by ICW1, then we also must program ICW3. So if a single 8259A is used in a system, ICW1, ICW2, and ICW4 must be programmed. If cascade mode is used in a system, then all four ICWs must be programmed.

Refer to Figure 12–18 for the format of all four ICWs. The following is a description of each ICW:

ICW1 Programs the basic operation of the 8259A. To program this ICW for 8086–Pentium 4 operation, place a logic 1 in bit IC4. Bits AD1, A7, A6, and A5 are don’t cares for microprocessor operation and only apply to the 8259A when used with an 8-bit 8085 microprocessor (not covered in this textbook). This ICW selects single or cascade operation by programming the SNGL bit. If cascade operation is selected, we must also program ICW3. The LTIM bit determines whether the interrupt request inputs are positive edge-triggered or level-triggered.

ICW2 Selects the vector number used with the interrupt request inputs. For example, if we decide to program the 8259A so it functions at vector locations 08H–0FH, we place 08H into this command word. Likewise, if we decide to program the 8259A for vectors 70H–77H, we place 70H in this ICW.

ICW3 Only used when ICW1 indicates that the system is operated in cascade mode. This ICW indicates where the slave is connected to the master. For example, in Figure 12–18 we connected a slave to IR2. To program ICW3


for this connection, in both master and slave, we place 04H in ICW3. Suppose we have two slaves connected to a master using IR0 and IR1. The master is programmed with an ICW3 of 03H; one slave is programmed with an ICW3 of 01H and the other with an ICW3 of 02H.

ICW4 Programmed for use with the 8086–Pentium 4 microprocessors, but is not programmed in a system that functions with the 8085 microprocessor. The rightmost bit must be a logic 1 to select operation with the 8086–Pentium 4 microprocessors, and the remaining bits are programmed as follows:

SFNM—Selects the special fully nested mode of operation for the 8259A if a logic 1 is placed in this bit. This allows the highest priority interrupt request from a slave to be recognized by the master while it is processing another interrupt from a slave. Normally, only one interrupt request is processed at a time and others are ignored until the process is complete.

BUF and M/S—Buffered and master slave are used together to select buffered operation or nonbuffered operation for the 8259A as a master or a slave.

AEOI—Selects automatic or normal end of interrupt (discussed more fully under operation command words). The EOI commands of OCW2 are used only if the AEOI mode is not selected by ICW4. If AEOI is selected, the interrupt automatically resets the interrupt request bit and does not modify priority. This is the preferred mode of operation for the 8259A and reduces the length of the interrupt service procedure.

Operation Command Words. The operation command words (OCWs) are used to direct the operation of the 8259A once it is programmed with the ICW. The OCWs are selected when the A0 pin is at a logic 0 level, except for OCW1, which is selected when A0 is a logic 1. Figure 12–19 lists the binary bit patterns for all three operation command words of the 8259A. Following is a list describing the function of each OCW:

OCW1 Used to set and read the interrupt mask register. When a mask bit is set, it will turn off (mask) the corresponding interrupt input. The mask register is read when OCW1 is read. Because the state of the mask bits is unknown when the 8259A is first initialized, OCW1 must be programmed after programming the ICW upon initialization.

OCW2 Programmed only when the AEOI mode is not selected for the 8259A. In this case, this OCW selects the way that the 8259A responds to an interrupt. The modes are listed as follows:

Nonspecific End-of-Interrupt—A command sent by the interrupt service procedure to signal the end of the interrupt. The 8259A automatically determines which interrupt level was active and resets the correct bit of the interrupt status register. Resetting the status bit allows the interrupt to take action again or a lower priority interrupt to take effect.

Specific End-of-Interrupt—A command that allows a specific interrupt request to be reset. The exact position is determined with bits L2–L0 of OCW2.

Rotate-on-Nonspecific EOI—A command that functions exactly like the Nonspecific End-of-Interrupt command, except that it rotates interrupt priorities after resetting the interrupt status register bit. The level reset by this command becomes the lowest priority interrupt. For example, if IR4 was just serviced by this command, it becomes the lowest priority interrupt input and IR5 becomes the highest priority.

Rotate-on-Automatic EOI—A command that selects automatic EOI with rotating priority. This command must only be sent to the 8259A once if this mode is desired. If this mode must be turned off, use the clear command.

Rotate-on-Specific EOI—Functions as the specific EOI, except that it selects rotating priority.

Set priority—Allows the programmer to set the lowest priority interrupt input using the L2–L0 bits.


OCW3 Selects the register to be read, the operation of the special mask register, and the poll command. If polling is selected, the P bit must be set and then output to the 8259A. The next read operation will read the poll word. The rightmost three bits of the poll word indicate the active interrupt request with the highest priority. The leftmost bit indicates whether there is an interrupt and must be checked to determine whether the rightmost three bits contain valid information.

Status Register. Three status registers are readable in the 8259A: interrupt request register (IRR), in-service register (ISR), and interrupt mask register (IMR). (See Figure 12–20 for all


three status registers; they all have the same bit configuration.) The IRR is an 8-bit register that indicates which interrupt request inputs are active. The ISR is an 8-bit register that contains the level of the interrupt being serviced. The IMR is an 8-bit register that holds the interrupt mask bits and indicates which interrupts are masked off.

Both the IRR and ISR are read by programming OCW3, and IMR is read through OCW1. To read the IMR, A0 = 1; to read either IRR or ISR, A0 = 0. Bit positions D0 and D1 of OCW3 select which register (IRR or ISR) is read when A0 = 0.

8259A Programming Example

Figure 12–21 illustrates the 8259A programmable interrupt controller connected to a 16550 programmable communications controller. In this circuit, the INTR pin from the 16550 is connected to the programmable interrupt controller’s interrupt request input IR0. An IR0 occurs whenever (1) the transmitter is ready to send another character, (2) the receiver has received a character, (3) an error is detected while receiving data, and (4) a modem interrupt occurs. Notice that the 16550


is decoded at I/O ports 40H and 47H, and the 8259A is decoded at 8-bit I/O ports 48H and 49H. Both devices are interfaced to the data bus of an 8088 microprocessor.

Initialization Software. The first portion of the software for this system must program both the 16550 and the 8259A, and then enable the INTR pin on the 8088 so that interrupts can take effect. Example 12–8 lists the software required to program both devices and enable INTR. This software uses two memory FIFOs that hold data for the transmitter and for the receiver. Each memory FIFO is 16K bytes long and is addressed by a pair of pointers (input and output).


The first portion of the procedure (INIT) programs the 16550 UART for operation with seven data bits, odd parity, one stop bit, and a baud rate clock of 9600. The FIFO control register also enables both the transmitter and receiver.

The second part of the procedure programs the 8259A, with its three ICWs and one OCW. The 8259A is set up so that it functions at interrupt vectors 80H–87H and operates with automatic EOI. The OCW enables the interrupt for the 16550 UART. The INTR pin of the micro- processor is also enabled by using the STI instruction.

The final part of the software enables the receiver and error interrupts of the 16550 UART through the interrupt control register. The transmitter interrupt is not enabled until data are avail- able for transmission. See Figure 12–22 for the contents of the interrupt control register of the 16550 UART. Notice that the control register can enable or disable the receiver, transmitter, line status (error), and modem interrupts.

Handling the 16550 UART Interrupt Request. Because the 16550 generates only one interrupt request for various interrupts, the interrupt handler must poll the 16550 to determine what type of interrupt has occurred. This is accomplished by examining the interrupt identification register (see Figure 12–23). Note that the interrupt identification register (read-only) shares the same I/O port as the FIFO control register (write-only).

The interrupt identification register indicates whether an interrupt is pending, the type of interrupt, and whether the transmitter and receiver FIFO memories are enabled. See Table 12–2 for the contents of the interrupt control bits.

The interrupt service procedure must examine the contents of the interrupt identification register to determine what event caused the interrupt and pass control to the appropriate procedure for the event. Example 12–9 shows the first part of an interrupt handler that passes control to RECV for a receiver data interrupt, TRANS for a transmitter data interrupt, and ERR for a line status error interrupt. Note that the modem status is not tested in this example.


Receiving data from the 16550 requires two procedures. One procedure reads the data register of the 16550 each time that the INTR pin requests an interrupt and stores it into the memory FIFO. The other procedure reads data from the memory FIFO from the main program.

Example 12–10 lists the procedure used to read data from the memory FIFO from the main program. This procedure assumes that the pointers (IIN and IOUT) are initialized in the initialization dialog for the system (not shown). The READ procedure returns with AL containing a character read from the memory FIFO. If the memory FIFO is empty, the procedure returns with the carry flag bit set to a logic 1. If AL contains a valid character, the carry flag bit is cleared upon return from READ.

Notice how the FIFO is reused by changing the address from the top of the FIFO to the bottom whenever it exceeds the start of the FIFO plus 16K. Notice that interrupts are enabled at the end of this procedure, in case they are disabled by a full memory FIFO condition by the RECV interrupt procedure.


Example 12–11 lists the RECV interrupt service procedure that is called each time the 16550 receives a character for the microprocessor. In this example, the interrupt uses vector type number 80H, which must address the interrupt handler of Example 12–9. Each time that this interrupt occurs, the REVC procedure is accessed by the interrupt handler reading a character from the 16550. The RECV procedure stores the character into the memory FIFO. If the memory FIFO is full, the receiver interrupt is disabled by the interrupt control register within the 16550. This may result in lost data, but at least it will not cause the interrupt to overrun valid data already stored in the memory FIFO. Any error conditions detected by the 8251A store a ? (3FH) in the memory FIFO. Note that errors are detected by the ERR portion of the interrupt handler (not shown).


Transmitting Data to the 16550. Data are transmitted to the 16550 in much the same manner as they are received, except that the interrupt service procedure removes transmit data from a second 16K-byte memory FIFO.

Example 12–12 lists the procedure that fills the output FIFO. It is similar to the procedure listed in Example 12–10, except it determines whether the FIFO is full instead of empty.


Example 12–13 lists the interrupt service subroutine for the 16550 UART transmitter. This procedure is a continuation of the interrupt handler presented in Example 12–9 and is similar to the RECV procedure of Example 12–11, except that it determines whether the FIFO is empty rather than full. Note that we do not include an interrupt service procedure for the break interrupt or any errors.


The 16550 also contains a scratch register, which is a general-purpose register that can be used in any way deemed necessary by the programmer. Also contained in the 16550 are a modem control register and a modem status register. These registers allow the modem to cause interrupt and control the operation of the 16550 with a modem. See Figure 12–24 for the contents of both the modem status register and the modem control register.

The modem control register uses bit positions 0–3 to control various pins on the 16550. Bit position 4 enables the internal loop-back test for testing purposes. The modem status register allows the status of the modem pins to be tested; it also allows the modem pins to be checked for a change or, in the case of RI, a trailing edge.

Figure 12–25 illustrates the 16550 UART, connected to an RS-232C interface that is often used to control a modem. Included in this interface are line driver and receiver circuits used to convert between TTL levels on the 16550 to RS-232C levels found on the interface. Note that RS-232C levels are usually +12 V for a logic 0 and -12 V for a logic 1 level.

In order to transmit or receive data through the modem, the DTR pin is activated (logic 0) and the UART then waits for the DSR pin to become a logic 0 from the modem, indicating that the modem is ready. Once this handshake is complete, the UART sends the modem a logic 0 on the RTS pin. When the modem is ready, it returns the CTS signal (logic 0) to the UART. Communications can now commence. The DCD signal from the modem is an indication that the modem has detected a carrier. This signal must also be tested before communications can begin.

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