The memory paging mechanism located within the 80386 and above allows any physical memory location to be assigned to any linear address. The linear address is defined as the address generated by a program. The physical address is the actual memory location accessed by a program. With the memory paging unit, the linear address is invisibly translated to any physical address, which allows an application written to function at a specific address to be relocated through the paging mechanism. It also allows memory to be placed into areas where no memory exists. An example is the upper memory blocks provided by EMM386.EXE in a DOS system.

The EMM386.EXE program reassigns extended memory, in 4K blocks, to the system memory between the video BIOS and the system BIOS ROMS for upper memory blocks. Without the paging mechanism, the use of this area of memory is impossible.

In Windows, each application is allowed a 2G linear address space from location 00000000H–7FFFFFFFH even though there may not be enough memory or memory available at these addresses. Through paging to the hard disk drive and paging to the memory through the memory paging unit, any Windows application can be executed.

Paging Registers

The paging unit is controlled by the contents of the microprocessor’s control registers. See Figure 2–11 for the contents of control registers CR0 through CR4. Note that these registers are available to the 80386 through the Core2 microprocessors. Beginning with the Pentium, an additional control register labeled CR4 controls extensions to the basic architecture provided in the Pentium or newer microprocessor. One of these features is a 2M- or a 4M-byte page that is enabled by controlling CR4.

The registers important to the paging unit are CR0 and CR3. The leftmost bit (PG) position of CR0 selects paging when placed at a logic 1 level. If the PG bit is cleared (0), the linear address generated by the program becomes the physical address used to access memory. If the PG bit is set (1), the linear address is converted to a physical address through the paging mechanism. The paging mechanism functions in both the real and protected modes.

CR3 contains the page directory base or root address, and the PCD and PWT bits. The PCD and PWT bits control the operation of the PCD and PWT pins on the microprocessor. If PCD is set (1), the PCD pin becomes a logic one during bus cycles that are not paged. This allows the external hardware to control the level 2 cache memory. (Note that the level 2 cache memory is an internal [on modern versions of the Pentium] high-speed memory that functions as a buffer between the microprocessor and the main DRAM memory system.) The PWT bit also appears on the PWT pin during bus cycles that are not paged to control the write-through cache in the system. The page directory base address locates the directory for the page translation unit. Note that this address locates the page directory at any 4K boundary in the memory system because it is appended internally with 000H. The page directory contains 1024 directory entries of 4 bytes each. Each page directory entry addresses a page table that contains 1024 entries.

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The linear address, as it is generated by the software, is broken into three sections that are used to access the page directory entry, page table entry, and memory page offset address. Figure 2–12 shows the linear address and its makeup for paging. Notice how the leftmost 10 bits address an entry in the page directory. For linear address 00000000H–003FFFFFH, the first page directory is accessed. Each page directory entry represents or repages a 4M section of the memory system. The contents of the page directory select a page table that is indexed by the next 10 bits of the linear address (bit positions 12–21). This means that address 00000000H–00000FFFH selects page directory entry of 0 and page table entry of 0. Notice this is a 4K-byte address range. The off- set part of the linear address (bit positions 0–11) next selects a byte in the 4K-byte memory page. In Figure 2–12, if the page table entry 0 contains address 00100000H, then the physical address is 00100000H-00100FFFH for linear address 00000000H–00000FFFH. This means that when the program accesses a location between 00000000H and 00000FFFH, the microprocessor physically addresses location 00100000H–00100FFFH.

Because the act of repaging a 4K-byte section of memory requires access to the page directory and a page table, which are both located in memory, Intel has incorporated a special type of cache called the TLB (translation look-aside buffer). In the 80486 microprocessor, the cache holds the 32 most recent page translation addresses. This means that the last 32 page table trans- lations are stored in the TLB, so if the same area of memory is accessed, the address is already present in the TLB, and access to the page directory and page tables is not required. This speeds program execution. If a translation is not in the TLB, the page directory and page table must be accessed, which requires additional execution time. The Pentium–Pentium 4 microprocessors contain separate TLBs for each of their instruction and data caches.

The Page Directory and Page Table

Figure 2–13 shows the page directory, a few page tables, and some memory pages. There is only one page directory in the system. The page directory contains 1024 doubleword addresses that locate up to 1024 page tables. The page directory and each page table are 4K bytes in length. If

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the entire 4G byte of memory is paged, the system must allocate 4K bytes of memory for the page directory, and 4K times 1024 or 4M bytes for the 1024 page tables. This represents a con- siderable investment in memory resources.

The DOS system and EMM386.EXE use page tables to redefine the area of memory between locations C8000H–EFFFFH as upper memory blocks. This is done by repaging extended memory to backfill this part of the conventional memory system to allow DOS access to additional memory. Suppose that the EMM386.EXE program allows access to 16M bytes of extended and conventional memory through paging and locations C8000H–EFFFFH must be repaged to locations 110000–138000H, with all other areas of memory paged to their normal locations. Such a scheme is depicted in Figure 2–14.

Here, the page directory contains four entries. Recall that each entry in the page directory corresponds to 4M bytes of physical memory. The system also contains four page tables with 1024 entries each. Recall that each entry in the page table repages 4K bytes of physical memory. This scheme requires a total of 16K of memory for the four page tables and 16 bytes of memory for the page directory.

As with DOS, the Windows program also repages the memory system. At present, Windows version 3.11 supports paging for only 16M bytes of memory because of the amount of memory required to store the page tables. Newer versions of Windows repage the entire memory system. On the Pentium–Core2 microprocessors, pages can be 4K, 2M, or 4M bytes in length. In the 2M and 4M variations, there is only a page directory and a memory page, but no page table.

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