Protected mode memory addressing (80286 and above) allows access to data and programs located above the first 1M byte of memory, as well as within the first 1M byte of memory. Protected mode is where Windows operates. Addressing this extended section of the memory system requires a change to the segment plus an offset addressing scheme used with real mode memory addressing. When data and programs are addressed in extended memory, the offset address is still used to access information located within the memory segment. One difference is that the segment address, as discussed with real mode memory addressing, is no longer present in the protected mode. In place of the segment address, the segment register contains a selector that selects a descriptor from a descriptor table. The descriptor describes the memory segment’s location, length, and access rights. Because the segment register and offset address still access memory, protected mode instructions are identical to real mode instructions. In fact, most programs written to function in the real mode will function without change in the protected mode. The difference between modes is in the way that the segment register is interpreted by the microprocessor to access the memory segment. Another difference, in the 80386 and above, is that the offset address can be a 32-bit number instead of a 16-bit number in the protected mode. A 32-bit offset address allows the microprocessor to access data within a segment that can be up to 4G bytes in length. Programs that are written for the 32-bit protected mode execute in the 64-bit mode of the Pentium 4.

Selectors and Descriptors

The selector, located in the segment register, selects one of 8192 descriptors from one of two tables of descriptors. The descriptor describes the location, length, and access rights of the seg- ment of memory. Indirectly, the segment register still selects a memory segment, but not directly as in the real mode. For example, in the real mode, if CS = 0008H, the code segment begins at location 00080H. In the protected mode, this segment number can address any memory location in the entire system for the code segment, as explained shortly.

There are two descriptor tables used with the segment registers: one contains global descriptors and the other contains local descriptors. The global descriptors contain segment definitions that apply to all programs, whereas the local descriptors are usually unique to an application. You might call a global descriptor a system descriptor and call a local descriptor an application descriptor. Each descriptor table contains 8192 descriptors, so a total of 16,384 total descriptors are available to an application at any time. Because the descriptor describes a memory segment, this allows up to 16,384 memory segments to be described for each application. Since a memory segment can be up to 4G bytes in length, this means that an application could have access to 4G * 16,384 bytes of memory or 64T bytes.

Figure 2–6 shows the format of a descriptor for the 80286 through the Core2. Note that each descriptor is 8 bytes in length, so the global and local descriptor tables are each a maximum of 64K bytes in length. Descriptors for the 80286 and the 80386–Core2 differ slightly, but the 80286 descriptor is upward-compatible.

The base address portion of the descriptor indicates the starting location of the memory segment. For the 80286 microprocessor, the base address is a 24-bit address, so segments begin at any location in its 16M bytes of memory. Note that the paragraph boundary limitation is

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removed in these microprocessors when operated in the protected mode so segments may begin at any address. The 80386 and above use a 32-bit base address that allows segments to begin at any location in its 4G bytes of memory. Notice how the 80286 descriptor’s base address is upward-compatible to the 80386 through the Pentium 4 descriptor because its most-significant 16 bits are 0000H. Refer to Chapters 18 and 19 for additional detail on the 64G memory space provided by the Pentium Pro through the Core2.

The segment limit contains the last offset address found in a segment. For example, if a segment begins at memory location F00000H and ends at location F000FFH, the base address is F00000H and the limit is FFH. For the 80286 microprocessor, the base address is F00000H and the limit is 00FFH. For the 80386 and above, the base address is 00F00000H and the limit is 000FFH. Notice that the 80286 has a 16-bit limit and the 80386 through the Pentium 4 have a 20-bit limit. An 80286 can access memory segments that are between 1 and 64K bytes in length. The 80386 and above access memory segments that are between 1 and 1M byte, or 4K and 4G bytes in length.

There is another feature found in the 80386 through the Pentium 4 descriptor that is not found in the 80286 descriptor: the G bit, or granularity bit. If G = 0, the limit specifies a segment limit of 00000H to FFFFFH. If G = 1, the value of the limit is multiplied by 4K bytes (appended with FFFH). The limit is then 00000FFFFH to FFFFFFFFH, if G = 1. This allows a segment length of 4K to 4G bytes in steps of 4K bytes. The reason that the segment length is 64K bytes in the 80286 is that the offset address is always 16 bits because of its 16-bit internal architecture. The 80386 and above use a 32-bit architecture that allows an offset address, in the protected mode operation, of the 32 bits. This 32-bit offset address allows segment lengths of 4G bytes and the 16-bit offset address allows segment lengths of 64K bytes. Operating systems operate in a 16- or 32-bit environment. For example, DOS uses a 16-bit environment, while most Windows applications use a 32-bit environment called WIN32.

In the 64-bit descriptor, the L bit (probably means large, but Intel calls it the 64-bit) selects 64-bit addresses in a Pentium 4 or Core2 with 64-bit extensions when L = 1 and 32-bit compatibility mode when L = 0. In 64-bit protected operation, the code segment register is still used to select a section of code from the memory. Notice that the 64-bit descriptor has no limit or base address. It only contains an access rights byte and the control bits. In the 64-bit mode, there is no segment or limit in the descriptor and the base address of the segment, although not placed in the descriptor, is 00 0000 0000H. This means that all code segments start at address zero for 64-bit operation. There are no limit checks for a 64-bit code segment.


The AV bit, in the 80386 and above descriptor, is used by some operating systems to indicate that the segment is available (AV = 1) or not available (AV = 0). The D bit indicates how the 80386 through the Core2 instructions access register and memory data in the protected or real mode. If D = 0, the instructions are 16-bit instructions, compatible with the 8086–80286 microprocessors. This means that the instructions use 16-bit offset addresses and 16-bit register by default. This mode is often called the 16-bit instruction mode or DOS mode. If D = 1, the instructions are 32-bit instructions. By default, the 32-bit instruction mode assumes that all offset addresses and all registers are 32 bits. Note that the default for register size and offset address is overridden in both the 16- and 32-bit instruction modes. Both the MSDOS and PCDOS operating systems require that the instructions are always used in the 16-bit instruction mode. Windows 3.1, and any application that was writ- ten for it, also requires that the 16-bit instruction mode is selected. Note that the instruction mode is accessible only in a protected mode system such as Windows Vista. More detail on these modes and their application to the instruction set appears in Chapters 3 and 4.

The access rights byte (see Figure 2–7) controls access to the protected mode segment. This byte describes how the segment functions in the system. The access rights byte allows complete control over the segment. If the segment is a data segment, the direction of growth is specified. If the segment grows beyond its limit, the microprocessor’s operating system program is interrupted, indicating a general protection fault. You can even specify whether a data segment can be written or is write-protected. The code segment is also controlled in a similar fashion and can have reading inhibited to protect software. Again, note that in 64-bit mode there is only a code segment and no other segment descriptor types. A 64-bit flat model program contains its data and stacks in the code segment.

Descriptors are chosen from the descriptor table by the segment register. Figure 2–8 shows how the segment register functions in the protected mode system. The segment register contains a 13-bit selector field, a table selector bit, and a requested privilege level field. The 13-bit selector chooses one of the 8192 descriptors from the descriptor table. The TI bit selects either the global descriptor table (TI = 0) or the local descriptor table (TI = 1). The requested privilege level (RPL) requests the access privilege level of a memory segment. The highest privilege level is 00 and the lowest is 11. If the requested privilege level matches or is higher in priority than the privilege level set by the access rights byte, access is granted. For example, if the

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requested privilege level is 10 and the access rights byte sets the segment privilege level at 11, access is granted because 10 is higher in priority than privilege level 11. Privilege levels are used in multiuser environments. Windows uses privilege level 00 (ring 0) for the kernel and driver programs and level 11 (ring 3) for applications. Windows does not use levels 01 or 10. If privi- lege levels are violated, the system normally indicates an application or privilege level violation.

Figure 2–9 shows how the segment register, containing a selector, chooses a descriptor from the global descriptor table. The entry in the global descriptor table selects a segment in the memory sys- tem. In this illustration, DS contains 0008H, which accesses the descriptor number 1 from the global descriptor table using a requested privilege level of 00. Descriptor number 1 contains a descriptor that defines the base address as 00100000H with a segment limit of 000FFH. This means that a value of 0008H loaded into DS causes the microprocessor to use memory locations 00100000H–001000FFH for the data segment with this example descriptor table. Note that descriptor zero is called the null descriptor, must contain all zeros, and may not be used for accessing memory.

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Program-Invisible Registers

The global and local descriptor tables are found in the memory system. In order to access and specify the address of these tables, the 80286–Core2 contain program-invisible registers. The program-invisible registers are not directly addressed by software so they are given this name (although some of these registers are accessed by the system software). Figure 2–10 illustrates the program-invisible registers as they appear in the 80286 through the Core2. These registers control the microprocessor when operated in protected mode.

Each of the segment registers contains a program-invisible portion used in the protected mode. The program-invisible portion of these registers is often called cache memory because cache is any memory that stores information. This cache is not to be confused with the level 1 or level 2 caches found with the microprocessor. The program-invisible portion of the segment register is loaded with the base address, limit, and access rights each time the number segment register is changed. When a new segment number is placed in a segment register, the micro- processor accesses a descriptor table and loads the descriptor into the program-invisible portion of the segment register. It is held there and used to access the memory segment until the segment number is again changed. This allows the microprocessor to repeatedly access a memory segment without referring to the descriptor table (hence the term cache).

The GDTR (global descriptor table register) and IDTR (interrupt descriptor table register) contain the base address of the descriptor table and its limit. The limit of each descriptor

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table is 16 bits because the maximum table length is 64K bytes. When the protected mode operation is desired, the address of the global descriptor table and its limit are loaded into the GDTR. Before using the protected mode, the interrupt descriptor table and the IDTR must also be initialized. More detail is provided on protected mode operation later in the text. At this point, programming and additional description of these registers are impossible.

The location of the local descriptor table is selected from the global descriptor table. One of the global descriptors is set up to address the local descriptor table. To access the local descriptor table, the LDTR (local descriptor table register) is loaded with a selector, just as a segment register is loaded with a selector. This selector accesses the global descriptor table and loads the address, limit, and access rights of the local descriptor table into the cache portion of the LDTR.

The TR (task register) holds a selector, which accesses a descriptor that defines a task. A task is most often a procedure or application program. The descriptor for the procedure or application program is stored in the global descriptor table, so access can be controlled through the privilege levels. The task register allows a context or task switch in about 17 μs. Task switching allows the microprocessor to switch between tasks in a fairly short amount of time. The task switch allows multitasking systems to switch from one task to another in a simple and orderly fashion.

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