The memory system in a Pentium-based computer (Pentium 4 or Core2) that uses the 64-bit extensions uses a flat mode memory system. A flat mode memory system is one in which there is no segmentation. The address of the first byte in the memory is at 00 0000 0000H and the last location is at FF FFFF FFFFH (address is 40-bits). The flat model does not use a segment register to address a location in the memory. The CS segment register is used to select a descriptor from the descriptor table that defines the access rights of only a code segment. The segment register still selects the privilege level of the software. The flat model does not select the memory address of a segment using the base and limit in the descriptor (see Figure 2–6). In 64-bit mode the actual address is not modified by the descriptor as in 32-bit protected mode. The offset address is the actual physical address in 64-bit mode. Refer to Figure 2–15 for the flat mode memory model.

This form of addressing is much easier to understand, but offers little protection to the system, through the hardware, as did the protected mode system discussed in Section 2.3. The real mode system is not available if the processor operates in the 64-bit mode. Protection and paging are allowed in the 64-bit mode. The CS register is still used in the protected mode operation in the 64-bit mode.

In the 64-bit mode if set to IA32 compatibility (when the L bit – 0 is in the descriptor), an address is 64-bits, but since only 40 bits of the address are brought out to the address pins, any address above 40 bits is truncated. Instructions that use a displacement address can only use a 32- bit displacement, which allows a range of ; 2G from the current instruction. This addressing mode is called RIP relative addressing, and is explained in Chapter 3. The move immediate instruction allows a full 64-bit address and access to any flat mode memory location. Other instructions do not allow access to a location above 4G because the offset address is still 32-bits.

If the Pentium is operated in the full 64-bit mode (where the L = 1 in the descriptor), the address may be 64-bits or 32-bits. This is shown in examples in the next chapter with addressing modes and in more detail in Chapter 4. Most programs today are operated in the IA32 compatible mode so current versions of Windows software operates properly, but this will change in a

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few years as memory becomes larger and most people have 64-bit computers. This is another example of how the industry makes the software obsolete as the hardware changes.

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