1. The programming model of the 8086 through 80286 contains 8- and 16-bit registers. The programming model of the 80386 and above contains 8-, 16-, and 32-bit extended registers as well as two additional 16-bit segment registers: FS and GS.

2. The 8-bit registers are AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, and DL. The 16-bit registers are AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, DI, and SI. The segment registers are CS, DS, ES, SS, FS, and GS. The 32-bit extended registers are EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESP, EBP, EDI, and ESI. The 64-bit registers in a Pentium 4 with 64-bit extensions are RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RSP, RBP, RDI, RSI, and R8 through R15. In addition, the microprocessor contains an instruction pointer (IP/EIP/RIP) and flag register (FLAGS, EFLAGS, or RFLAGS).

3. All real mode memory addresses are a combination of a segment address plus an offset address. The starting location of a segment is defined by the 16-bit number in the segment register that is appended with a hexadecimal zero at its rightmost end. The offset address is a 16-bit number added to the 20-bit segment address to form the real mode memory address.

4. All instructions (code) are accessed by the combination of CS (segment address) plus IP or EIP (offset address).

5. Data are normally referenced through a combination of the DS (data segment) and either an offset address or the contents of a register that contains the offset address. The 8086–Core2 use BX, DI, and SI as default offset registers for data if 16-bit registers are selected. The 80386 and above can use the 32-bit registers EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EDI, and ESI as default offset registers for data.

6. Protected mode operation allows memory above the first 1M byte to be accessed by the 80286 through the Core2 microprocessors. This extended memory system (XMS) is accessed via a segment address plus an offset address, just as in the real mode. The differ- ence is that the segment address is not held in the segment register. In the protected mode, the segment starting address is stored in a descriptor that is selected by the segment register.

7. A protected mode descriptor contains a base address, limit, and access rights byte. The base address locates the starting address of the memory segment; the limit defines the last location of the segment. The access rights byte defines how the memory segment is accessed via a program. The 80286 microprocessor allows a memory segment to start at any of its 16M bytes of memory using a 24-bit base address. The 80386 and above allow a memory segment to begin at any of its 4G bytes of memory using a 32-bit base address. The limit is a 16-bit number in the 80286 and a 20-bit number in the 80386 and above. This allows an 80286 memory segment limit of 64K bytes, and an 80386 and above memory segment limit of either 1M bytes (G = 0) or 4G bytes (G = 1). The L bit selects 64-bit address operation in the code descriptor.

8. The segment register contains three fields of information in the protected mode. The left- most 13 bits of the segment register address one of 8192 descriptors from a descriptor table. The TI bit accesses either the global descriptor table (TI = 0) or the local descriptor table (TI = 1). The rightmost 2 bits of the segment register select the requested priority level for the memory segment access.

9. The program-invisible registers are used by the 80286 and above to access the descriptor tables. Each segment register contains a cache portion that is used in protected mode to hold the base address, limit, and access rights acquired from a descriptor. The cache allows the microprocessor to access the memory segment without again referring to the descriptor table until the segment register’s contents are changed.

10. A memory page is 4K bytes in length. The linear address, as generated by a program, can be mapped to any physical address through the paging mechanism found within the 80386 through the Pentium 4 microprocessor.

11. Memory paging is accomplished through control registers CR0 and CR3. The PG bit of CR0 enables paging, and the contents of CR3 addresses the page directory. The page directory contains up to 1024 page table addresses that are used to access paging tables. The page table contains 1024 entries that locate the physical address of a 4K-byte memory page.

12. The TLB (translation look-aside buffer) caches the 32 most recent page table translations.

This precludes page table translation if the translation resides in the TLB, speeding the exe- cution of the software.

13. The flat mode memory contains 1T byte of memory using a 40-bit address. In the future, Intel plans to increase the address width to 52 bits to access 4P bytes of memory. The flat mode is only available in the Pentium 4 and Core2 that have their 64-bit extensions enabled.

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