1. The data-addressing modes include register, immediate, direct, register indirect, base- p1us-index, register relative, and base relative-plus-index addressing. The 80386 through the Pentium 4 microprocessors have an additional addressing mode called scaled-index addressing.

2. The program memory-addressing modes include direct, relative, and indirect addressing.

3. Table 3–12 lists all real mode data-addressing modes available to the 8086 through the 80286 microprocessors. Note that the 80386 and above use these modes, plus the many defined through this chapter. In the protected mode, the function of the segment register is to address a descriptor that contains the base address of the memory segment.

4. The 80386 through Core2 microprocessors have additional addressing modes that allow the extended registers EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EBP, EDI, and ESI to address memory. Although these addressing modes are too numerous to list in tabular form, in general, any of these registers function in the same way as those listed in Table 3–12. For example, the MOV AL,TABLE[EBX + 2*ECX + 10H] is a valid addressing mode for the 80386–Core2 microprocessors.

5. The 64-bit mode for the Pentium 4 and Core2 microprocessors use the same addressing modes as the Pentium 4 or Core2 in 32-bit mode, except the registers contain a linear address and they are 64 bits in width. An additional addressing mode called RIP relative exists for the 64-bit mode that addresses data relative to the address in the instruction pointer.

6. The MOV instruction copies the contents of the source operand into the destination operand.

The source never changes for any instruction.

7. Register addressing specifies any 8-bit register (AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, or DL) or any 16-bit register (AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, SI, or DI). The segment registers (CS, DS, ES, or SS) are also addressable for moving data between a segment register and a 16-bit register/memory location or for PUSH and POP. In the 80386 through the Core2 microprocessors, the extended registers also are used for register addressing; they consist of EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESP, EBP, EDI, and ESI. Also available to the 80386 and above are the FS and GS segment registers. In the 64-bit mode, the registers are RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RSP, RBP, RDI, RSI, and R8 through R15.

8. The MOV immediate instruction transfers the byte or word that immediately follows the opcode into a register or a memory location. Immediate addressing manipulates constant data in a program. In the 80386 and above, doubleword immediate data may also be loaded into a 32-bit register or memory location.

9. The .MODEL statement is used with assembly language to identify the start of a file and the type of memory model used with the file. If the size is TINY, the program exists in one seg- ment, the code segment, and is assembled as a command (.COM) program. If the SMALL

Addressing Modes-0086

model is used, the program uses a code and data segment and assembles as an execute (.EXE) program. Other model sizes and their attributes are listed in Appendix A.

10. Direct addressing occurs in two forms in the microprocessor: (1) direct addressing and (2) displacement addressing. Both forms of addressing are identical except that direct address- ing is used to transfer data between EAX, AX, or AL and memory; displacement addressing is used with any register-memory transfer. Direct addressing requires 3 bytes of memory, whereas displacement addressing requires 4 bytes. Note that some of these instructions in the 80386 and above may require additional bytes in the form of prefixes for register and operand sizes.

11. Register indirect addressing allows data to be addressed at the memory location pointed to by either a base (BP and BX) or index register (DI and SI). In the 80386 and above, extended registers EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EBP, EDI, and ESI are used to address memory data.

12. Base-plus-index addressing often addresses data in an array. The memory address for this mode is formed by adding a base register, index register, and the contents of a segment reg- ister times 10H. In the 80386 and above, the base and index registers may be any 32-bit register except EIP and ESP.

13. Register relative addressing uses a base or index register, plus a displacement to access memory data.

14. Base relative-plus-index addressing is useful for addressing a two-dimensional memory array. The address is formed by adding a base register, an index register, displacement, and the contents of a segment register times 10H.

15. Scaled-index addressing is unique to the 80386 through the Core2. The second of two registers (index) is scaled by a factor of 2 * , 4 * , or 8 * to access words, doublewords, or quad- words in memory arrays. The MOV AX,[EBX + 2*ECX] and the MOV [4*ECX],EDX are examples of scaled-index instructions.

16. Data structures are templates for storing arrays of data and are addressed by array name and field. For example, array NUMBER and field TEN of array NUMBER is addressed as NUMBER.TEN.

17. Direct program memory addressing is allowed with the JMP and CALL instructions to any location in the memory system. With this addressing mode, the offset address and segment address are stored with the instruction.

18. Relative program addressing allows a JMP or CALL instruction to branch forward or backward in the current code segment by ; 32K bytes. In the 80386 and above, the 32-bit displacement allows a branch to any location in the current code segment by using a dis- placement value of ; 2G bytes. The 32-bit displacement can be used only in protected mode.

19. Indirect program addressing allows the JMP or CALL instructions to address another portion of the program or subroutine indirectly through a register or memory location.

20. The PUSH and POP instructions transfer a word between the stack and a register or memory location. A PUSH immediate instruction is available to place immediate data on the stack. The PUSHA and POPA instructions transfer AX, CX, DX, BX, BP, SP, SI, and DI between the stack and these registers. In the 80386 and above, the extended register and extended flags can also be transferred between registers and the stack. A PUSHFD stores the EFLAGS, whereas a PUSHF stores the FLAGS. POPA and PUSHA are not available in the 64-bit mode.

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