An interrupt is either a hardware-generated CALL (externally derived from a hardware signal) or a software-generated CALL (internally derived from the execution of an instruction or by some other internal event). At times, an internal interrupt is called an exception. Either type interrupts the program by calling an interrupt service procedure (ISP) or interrupt handler.

This section explains software interrupts, which are special types of CALL instructions. This section describes the three types of software interrupt instructions (INT, INTO, and INT 3), provides a map of the interrupt vectors, and explains the purpose of the special interrupt return instruction (IRET).

Interrupt Vectors

An interrupt vector is a 4-byte number stored in the first 1024 bytes of the memory (00000H–003FFH) when the microprocessor operates in the real mode. In the protected mode, the vector table is replaced by an interrupt descriptor table that uses 8-byte descriptors to describe each of the interrupts. There are 256 different interrupt vectors, and each vector contains the address of an interrupt service procedure. Table 6–4 lists the interrupt vectors, with a brief description and the memory location of each vector for the real mode. Each vector contains a value for IP and CS that forms the address of the interrupt service procedure. The first 2 bytes contain the IP, and the last 2 bytes contain the CS.

Program Control InstructionsA-0234

Intel reserves the first 32 interrupt vectors for the present and future microprocessor products. The remaining interrupt vectors (32–255) are available for the user. Some of the reserved vectors are for errors that occur during the execution of software, such as the divide error interrupt. Some vectors are reserved for the coprocessor. Still others occur for normal events in the system. In a personal computer, the reserved vectors are used for system functions, as detailed later in this section. Vectors 1–6, 7, 9, 16, and 17 function in the real mode and protected mode; the remaining vectors function only in the protected mode.

Interrupt Instructions

The microprocessor has three different interrupt instructions that are available to the programmer: INT, INTO, and INT 3. In the real mode, each of these instructions fetches a vector from the vector table, and then calls the procedure stored at the location addressed by the vector. In the protected mode, each of these instructions fetches an interrupt descriptor from the interrupt descriptor table. The descriptor specifies the address of the interrupt service procedure. The interrupt call is similar to a far CALL instruction because it places the return address (IP/EIP and CS) on the stack.

INTs. There are 256 different software interrupt instructions (INTs) available to the programmer. Each INT instruction has a numeric operand whose range is 0 to 255 (00H–FFH). For example, the INT 100 uses interrupt vector 100, which appears at memory address 190H–193H. The address of the interrupt vector is determined by multiplying the interrupt type number by 4. For example, the INT 10H instruction calls the interrupt service procedure whose address is stored beginning at memory location 40H (10H × 4) in the real mode. In the protected mode, the interrupt descriptor is located by multiplying the type number by 8 instead of 4 because each descriptor is 8 bytes long.

Each INT instruction is 2 bytes long. The first byte contains the opcode, and the second byte contains the vector type number. The only exception to this is INT 3, a 1-byte special soft- ware interrupt used for breakpoints.

Whenever a software interrupt instruction executes, it (1) pushes the flags onto the stack, (2) clears the T and I flag bits, (3) pushes CS onto the stack, (4) fetches the new value for CS from the interrupt vector, (5) pushes IP/EIP onto the stack, (6) fetches the new value for IP/EIP from the vector, and (7) jumps to the new location addressed by CS and IP/EIP.

The INT instruction performs as a far CALL except that it not only pushes CS and IP onto the stack, but it also pushes the flags onto the stack. The INT instruction performs the operation of a PUSHF, followed by a far CALL instruction.

Notice that when the INT instruction executes, it clears the interrupt flag (I), which controls the external hardware interrupt input pin INTR (interrupt request). When I = 0, the micro- processor disables the INTR pin; when I = 1, the microprocessor enables the INTR pin.

Software interrupts are most commonly used to call system procedures because the address of the system function need not be known. The system procedures are common to all system and application software. The interrupts often control printers, video displays, and disk drives. Besides relieving the program from remembering the address of the system call, the INT instruction replaces a far CALL that would otherwise be used to call a system function. The INT instruction is 2 bytes long, whereas the far CALL is 5 bytes long. Each time that the INT instruction replaces a far CALL, it saves 3 bytes of memory in a program. This can amount to a sizable saving if the INT instruction often appears in a program, as it does for system calls.

IRET/IRETD. The interrupt return instruction (IRET) is used only with software or hardware interrupt service procedures. Unlike a simple return instruction (RET), the IRET instruction will (1) pop stack data back into the IP, (2) pop stack data back into CS, and (3) pop stack data back into the flag register. The IRET instruction accomplishes the same tasks as the POPF, followed by a far RET instruction.

Whenever an IRET instruction executes, it restores the contents of I and T from the stack. This is important because it preserves the state of these flag bits. If interrupts were enabled before an interrupt service procedure, they are automatically re-enabled by the IRET instruction because it restores the flag register.

In the 80386 through the Core2 processors, the IRETD instruction is used to return from an interrupt service procedure that is called in the protected mode. It differs from the IRET because it pops a 32-bit instruction pointer (EIP) from the stack. The IRET is used in the real mode and the IRETD is used in the protected mode.

INT 3. An INT 3 instruction is a special software interrupt designed to function as a breakpoint. The difference between it and the other software interrupts is that INT 3 is a 1-byte instruction, while the others are 2-byte instructions.

It is common to insert an INT 3 instruction in software to interrupt or break the flow of the software. This function is called a breakpoint. A breakpoint occurs for any software interrupt, but because INT 3 is 1 byte long, it is easier to use for this function. Breakpoints help to debug faulty software.

INTO. Interrupt on overflow (INTO) is a conditional software interrupt that tests the overflow flag (O). If O = 0, the INTO instruction performs no operation; if O = 1 and an INTO instruction executes, an interrupt occurs via vector type number 4.

The INTO instruction appears in software that adds or subtracts signed binary numbers. With these operations, it is possible to have an overflow. Either the JO instruction or INTO instruction detects the overflow condition.

An Interrupt Service Procedure. Suppose that, in a particular system, a procedure is required to add the contents of DI, SI, BP, and BX and then save the sum in AX. Because this is a common task in this system, it may occasionally be worthwhile to develop the task as a software interrupt. Realize that interrupts are usually reserved for system events and this is merely an example showing how an interrupt service procedure appears. Example 6–18 shows this software interrupt. The main difference between this procedure and a normal far procedure is that it ends with the IRET instruction instead of the RET instruction, and the contents of the flag register are saved on the stack during its execution. It is also important to save all registers that are changed by the procedure using USES.

Program Control InstructionsA-0235

Interrupt Control

Although this section does not explain hardware interrupts, two instructions are introduced that control the INTR pin. The set interrupt flag instruction (STI) places a 1 into the I flag bit, which enables the INTR pin. The clear interrupt flag instruction (CLI) places a 0 into the I flag bit, which disables the INTR pin. The STI instruction enables INTR and the CLI instruction disables INTR. In a software interrupt service procedure, hardware interrupts are enabled as one of the first steps. This is accomplished by the STI instruction. The reason interrupts are enabled early in an interrupt service procedure is that just about all of the I/O devices in the personal computer are interrupt-processed. If the interrupts are disabled too long, severe system problems result.

Program Control InstructionsA-0236

Interrupts in the Personal Computer

The interrupts found in the personal computer differ somewhat from the ones presented in Table 6–4. The reason that they differ is that the original personal computers are 8086/8088- based systems. This meant that they only contained Intel-specified interrupts 0–4. This design has been carried forward so that newer systems are compatible with the early personal computers.

Access to the protected mode interrupt structure in use by Windows is accomplished through kernel functions Microsoft provides and cannot be directly addressed. Protected mode interrupts use an interrupt descriptor table, which is beyond the scope of the text at this point. Protected mode interrupts are discussed completely in later chapters.

Figure 6–9 illustrates the interrupts available in the author’s computer. The interrupt assignments are viewable in the control panel of Windows under Performance and Maintenance by clicking on System and selecting Hardware and then Device Manager. Now click on View and select Device by Type and finally Interrupts.

64-Bit Mode Interrupts

The 64-bit system uses the IRETQ instruction to return from an interrupt service procedure. The main difference between IRET/IRETD and the IRETQ instruction is that IRETQ retrieves an 8-byte return address from the stack. The IRETQ instruction also retrieves the 32-bit EFLAG register from the stack and places it into the RFLAG register. It appears that Intel has no plans for using the leftmost 32 bits of the RFLAG register. Otherwise, 64-bit mode interrupts are the same as 32-bit mode interrupts.

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