The microprocessor allows arithmetic manipulation of both BCD (binary-coded decimal) and ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) data. This is accomplished by instructions that adjust the numbers for BCD and ASCII arithmetic.

The BCD operations occur in systems such as point-of-sales terminals (e.g., cash registers) and others that seldom require complex arithmetic. The ASCII operations are performed on ASCII data used by many programs. In many cases, BCD or ASCII arithmetic is rarely used today, but some of the operations can be used for other purposes.

None of the instructions detailed in this section of the chapter function in the 64-bit mode of the Pentium 4 or Core2. In the future it appears that the BCD and ASCII instruction will become obsolete.

BCD Arithmetic

Two arithmetic techniques operate with BCD data: addition and subtraction. The instruction set provides two instructions that correct the result of a BCD addition and a BCD subtraction. The DAA (decimal adjust after addition) instruction follows BCD addition, and the DAS (decimal adjust after subtraction) follows BCD subtraction. Both instructions correct the result of the addition or subtraction so that it is a BCD number.

For BCD data, the numbers always appear in the packed BCD form and are stored as two BCD digits per byte. The adjustment instructions function only with the AL register after BCD addition and subtraction.

DAA Instruction. The DAA instruction follows the ADD or ADC instruction to adjust the result into a BCD result. Suppose that DX and BX each contain 4-digit packed BCD numbers. Example 5–18 provides a short sample program that adds the BCD numbers in DX and BX, and stores the result in CX.

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Because the DAA instruction functions only with the AL register, this addition must occur 8 bits at a time. After adding the BL and DL registers, the result is adjusted with a DAA instruction before being stored in CL. Next, add BH and DH registers with carry; the result is then adjusted with DAA before being stored in CH. In this example, a 1234 is added to 3099 to generate a sum of 4333, which moves into CX after the addition. Note that 1234 BCD is the same as 1234H.

DAS Instruction. The DAS instruction functions as does the DAA instruction, except that it follows a subtraction instead of an addition. Example 5-19 is the same as Example 5–18, except that it subtracts instead of adds DX and BX. The main difference in these programs is that the DAA instructions change to DAS, and the ADD and ADC instructions change to SUB and SBB instructions.

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ASCII Arithmetic

The ASCII arithmetic instructions function with ASCII-coded numbers. These numbers range in value from 30H to 39H for the numbers 0–9. There are four instructions used with ASCII arithmetic operations: AAA (ASCII adjust after addition), AAD (ASCII adjust before division), AAM (ASCII adjust after multiplication), and AAS (ASCII adjust after subtraction). These instructions use register AX as the source and as the destination.

AAA Instruction. The addition of two one-digit ASCII-coded numbers will not result in any useful data. For example, if 31H and 39H are added, the result is 6AH. This ASCII addition (1 + 9) should produce a two-digit ASCII result equivalent to a 10 decimal, which is a 31H and a 30H in ASCII code. If the AAA instruction is executed after this addition, the AX register will contain a 0100H. Although this is not ASCII code, it can be converted to ASCII code by adding 3030H to AX which generates 3130H. The AAA instruction clears AH if the result is less than 10, and adds 1 to AH if the result is greater than 10.

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Example 5–20 shows the way ASCII addition functions in the microprocessor. Please note that AH is cleared to zero before the addition by using the MOV AX,31H instruction. The operand of 0031H places 00H in AH and 31H into AL.

AAD Instruction. Unlike all other adjustment instructions, the AAD instruction appears before a division. The AAD instruction requires that the AX register contain a two-digit unpacked BCD number (not ASCII) before executing. After adjusting the AX register with AAD, it is divided by an unpacked BCD number to generate a single-digit result in AL with any remainder in AH.

Example 5–21 illustrates how 72 in unpacked BCD is divided by 9 to produce a quotient of 8. The 0702H loaded into the AX register is adjusted by the AAD instruction to 0048H. Notice that this converts a two-digit unpacked BCD number into a binary number so it can be divided with the binary division instruction (DIV). The AAD instruction converts the unpacked BCD numbers between 00 and 99 into binary.

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AAM Instruction. The AAM instruction follows the multiplication instruction after multiplying two one-digit unpacked BCD numbers. Example 5–22 shows a short program that multiplies 5 times 5. The result after the multiplication is 0019H in the AX register. After adjusting the result with the AAM instruction, AX contains 0205H. This is an unpacked BCD result of 25. If 3030H is added to 0205H, it has an ASCII result of 3235H.

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The AAM instruction accomplishes this conversion by dividing AX by 10. The remainder is found in AL, and the quotient is in AH. Note that the second byte of the instruction contains 0AH. If the 0AH is changed to another value, AAM divides by the new value. For example, if the second byte is changed to 0BH, the AAM instruction divides by 11. This is accomplished with DB 0D4H, 0BH in place of AAM, which forces the AMM instruction to multiply by 11.

One side benefit of the AAM instruction is that AAM converts from binary to unpacked BCD. If a binary number between 0000H and 0063H appears in the AX register, the AAM instruction converts it to BCD. For example, if AX contains a 0060H before AAM, it will con- tain 0906H after AAM executes. This is the unpacked BCD equivalent of 96 decimal. If 3030H is added to 0906H, the result changes to ASCII code.

Example 5–23 shows how the l6-bit binary content of AX is converted to a four-digit ASCII character string by using division and the AAM instruction. Note that this works for numbers between 0 and 9999. First DX is cleared and then DX–AX is divided by 100. For example, if AX = 24510, AX = 2 and DX = 45 after the division. These separate halves are converted to BCD using AAM, and then 3030H is added to convert to ASCII code.

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Example 5–24 uses the DOS 21H function AH = 02H to display a sample number in decimal on the video display using the AAM instruction. Notice how AAM is used to convert AL into BCD. Next, ADD AX,3030H converts the BCD code in AX into ASCII for display with DOS INT 21H. Once the data are converted to ASCII code, they are displayed by loading DL with the most significant digit from AH. Next, the least significant digit is displayed from AL. Note that the DOS INT 2lH function calls change AL.

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AAS Instruction. Like other ASCII adjust instructions, AAS adjusts the AX register after an ASCII subtraction. For example, suppose that 35H subtracts from 39H. The result will be 04H, which requires no correction. Here, AAS will modify neither AH nor AL. On the other hand, if 38H is subtracted from 37H, then AL will equal 09H and the number in AH will decrement by 1. This decrement allows multiple-digit ASCII numbers to be subtracted from each other.

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