The basic logic instructions include AND, OR, Exclusive-OR, and NOT. Another logic instruction is TEST, which is explained in this section of the text because the operation of the TEST instruction is a special form of the AND instruction. Also explained is the NEG instruction, which is similar to the NOT instruction.

Logic operations provide binary bit control in low-level software. The logic instructions allow bits to be set, cleared, or complemented. Low-level software appears in machine language or assembly language form and often controls the I/O devices in a system. All logic instructions affect the flag bits. Logic operations always clear the carry and overflow flags, while the other flags change to reflect the condition of the result.

When binary data are manipulated in a register or a memory location, the rightmost bit position is always numbered bit 0. Bit position numbers increase from bit 0 toward the left, to bit 7 for a byte, and to bit 15 for a word. A doubleword (32 bits) uses bit position 31 as its leftmost bit and a quadword (64-bits) uses bit position 63 as it leftmost bit.


The AND operation performs logical multiplication, as illustrated by the truth table in Figure 5–3. Here, two bits, A and B, are ANDed to produce the result X. As indicated by the truth table, X is a logic 1 only when both A and B are logic 1s. For all other input combinations of A and B, X is a logic 0. It is important to remember that 0 AND anything is always 0, and 1 AND 1 is always 1.

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The AND instruction can replace discrete AND gates if the speed required is not too great, although this is normally reserved for embedded control applications. (Note that Intel has released the 80386EX embedded controller, which embodies the basic structure of the personal computer system.) With the 8086 microprocessor, the AND instruction often executes in about a microsecond. With newer versions, the execution speed is greatly increased. Take the 3.0 GHz Pentium with its clock time of 1/3 ns that executes up to three instruction per clock (1/9 ns per AND operation). If the circuit that the AND instruction replaces operates at a much slower speed than the microprocessor, the AND instruction is a logical replacement. This replacement can save a considerable amount of money. A single AND gate integrated circuit (74HCT08) costs approximately 40¢, while it costs less than 1/100¢ to store the AND instruction in read-only memory. Note that a logic circuit replacement such as this only appears in control systems based on microprocessors and does not generally find application in the personal computer.

The AND operation clears bits of a binary number. The task of clearing a bit in a binary number is called masking. Figure 5–4 illustrates the process of masking. Notice that the left- most 4 bits clear to 0 because 0 AND anything is 0. The bit positions that AND with 1s do not change. This occurs because if a 1 ANDs with a 1, a 1 results; if a 1 ANDs with a 0, a 0 results.

The AND instruction uses any addressing mode except memory-to-memory and segment register addressing. Table 5–16 lists some AND instructions and comments about their operations.

An ASCII-coded number can be converted to BCD by using the AND instruction to mask off the leftmost four binary bit positions. This converts the ASCII 30H to 39H to 0–9. Example 5–25 shows a short program that converts the ASCII contents of BX into BCD. The AND instruction in this example converts two digits from ASCII to BCD simultaneously.

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The OR operation performs logical addition and is often called the Inclusive-OR function. The OR function generates a logic 1 output if any inputs are 1. A 0 appears at the output only when all inputs are 0. The truth table for the OR function appears in Figure 5–5. Here, the inputs A and

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B OR together to produce the X output. It is important to remember that 1 ORed with anything yields a 1.

In embedded controller applications, the OR instruction can also replace discrete OR gates. This results in considerable savings because a quad, two-input OR gate (74HCT32) costs about 40¢, while the OR instruction costs less than 1/100¢ to store in a read-only memory.

Figure 5–6 shows how the OR gate sets (1) any bit of a binary number. Here, an unknown number (XXXX XXXX) ORs with a 0000 1111 to produce a result of XXXX 1111. The right- most 4 bits set, while the leftmost 4 bits remain unchanged. The OR operation sets any bit; the AND operation clears any bit.

The OR instruction uses any of the addressing modes allowed to any other instruction except segment register addressing. Table 5–17 illustrates several example OR instructions with comments about their operation.

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Suppose that two BCD numbers are multiplied and adjusted with the AAM instruction. The result appears in AX as a two-digit unpacked BCD number. Example 5–26 illustrates this multiplication and shows how to change the result into a two-digit ASCII-coded number using the OR instruction. Here, OR AX,3030H converts the 0305H found in AX to 3335H. The OR operation can be replaced with an ADD AX,3030H to obtain the same results.

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The Exclusive-OR instruction (XOR) differs from Inclusive-OR (OR). The difference is that a 1,1 condition of the OR function produces a 1; the 1,1 condition of the Exclusive-OR operation produces a 0. The Exclusive-OR operation excludes this condition; the Inclusive-OR includes it.

Figure 5–7 shows the truth table of the Exclusive-OR function. (Compare this with Figure 5–5 to appreciate the difference between these two OR functions.) If the inputs of the

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Exclusive-OR function are both 0 or both 1, the output is 0. If the inputs are different, the out- put is 1. Because of this, the Exclusive-OR is sometimes called a comparator.

The XOR instruction uses any addressing mode except segment register addressing. Table 5–18 lists several Exclusive-OR instructions and their operations.

As with the AND and OR functions, Exclusive-OR can replace discrete logic circuitry in embedded applications. The 74HCT86 quad, two-input Exclusive-OR gate is replaced by one XOR instruction. The 74HCT86 costs about 40¢, whereas the instruction costs less than 1/100¢ to store in the memory. Replacing just one 74HCT86 saves a considerable amount of money, especially if many systems are built.

The Exclusive-OR instruction is useful if some bits of a register or memory location must be inverted. This instruction allows part of a number to be inverted or complemented. Figure 5–8 shows how just part of an unknown quantity can be inverted by XOR. Notice that when a 1 Exclusive-ORs with X, the result is X. If a 0 Exclusive-ORs with X, the result is X.

Suppose that the leftmost 10 bits of the BX register must be inverted without changing the rightmost 6 bits. The XOR BX,0FFC0H instruction accomplishes this task. The AND instruction clears (0) bits, the OR instruction sets (1) bits, and now the Exclusive-OR instruction inverts bits. These three instructions allow a program to gain complete control over any bit stored in any reg- ister or memory location. This is ideal for control system applications in which equipment must be turned on (1), turned off (0), and toggled from on to off or off to on.

A common use for the Exclusive-OR instruction is to clear a register to zero. For example, the XOR CH,CH instruction clears register CH to 00H and requires 2 bytes of memory to store the instruction. Likewise, the MOV CH, 00H instruction also clears CH to 00H, but requires 3 bytes of memory. Because of this saving, the XOR instruction is often used to clear a register in place of a move immediate.

Example 5–27 shows a short sequence of instructions that clears bits 0 and 1 of CX, sets bits 9 and 10 of CX, and inverts bit 12 of CX. The OR instruction is used to set bits, the AND instruction is used to clear bits, and the XOR instruction inverts bits.

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Test and Bit Test Instructions

The TEST instruction performs the AND operation. The difference is that the AND instruction changes the destination operand, whereas the TEST instruction does not. A TEST only affects the condition of the flag register, which indicates the result of the test. The TEST instruction uses the same addressing modes as the AND instruction. Table 5–19 lists some TEST instructions and their operations.

The TEST instruction functions in the same manner as a CMP instruction. The difference is that the TEST instruction normally tests a single bit (or occasionally multiple bits), whereas the CMP instruction tests the entire byte, word, or doubleword. The zero flag (Z) is a logic 1 (indicating a zero result) if the bit under test is a zero, and Z = 0 (indicating a nonzero result) if the bit under test is not zero.

Usually the TEST instruction is followed by either the JZ ( jump if zero) or JNZ ( jump if not zero) instruction. The destination operand is normally tested against immediate data. The value of immediate data is 1 to test the rightmost bit position, 2 to test the next bit, 4 for the next, and so on.

Example 5–28 lists a short program that tests the rightmost and leftmost bit positions of the AL register. Here, 1 selects the rightmost bit and 128 selects the leftmost bit. (Note: A 128 is an 80H.) The JNZ instruction follows each test to jump to different memory locations, depending on the outcome of the tests. The JNZ instruction jumps to the operand address (RIGHT or LEFT in the example) if the bit under test is not zero.

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The 80386 through the Pentium 4 processors contain additional test instructions that test single bit positions. Table 5–20 lists the four different bit test instructions available to these microprocessors.

All four forms of the bit test instruction test the bit position in the destination operand selected by the source operand. For example, the BT AX,4 instruction tests bit position 4 in AX. The result of the test is located in the carry flag bit. If bit position 4 is a 1, carry is set; if bit position 4 is a 0, carry is cleared.

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The remaining 3-bit test instructions also place the bit under test into the carry flag and change the bit under test afterward. The BTC AX,4 instruction complements bit position 4 after testing it, the BTR AX,4 instruction clears it (0) after the test, and the BTS AX,4 instruction sets it (1) after the test.

Example 5–29 repeats the sequence of instructions listed in Example 5–27. Here, the BTR instruction clears bits in CX, BTS sets bits in CX, and BTC inverts bits in CX.

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Logical inversion, or the one’s complement (NOT), and arithmetic sign inversion, or the two’s complement (NEG), are the last two logic functions presented (except for shift and rotate in the next section of the text). These are two of a few instructions that contain only one operand. Table 5–21 lists some variations of the NOT and NEG instructions. As with most other instructions, NOT and NEG can use any addressing mode except segment register addressing.

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The NOT instruction inverts all bits of a byte, word, or doubleword. The NEG instruction two’s complements a number, which means that the arithmetic sign of a signed number changes from positive to negative or from negative to positive. The NOT function is considered logical, and the NEG function is considered an arithmetic operation.

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