Microprocessors and Microcontrollers/Architecture of Micro controllers part1.



•Inside 8051




• Definition of a Microcontroller

• Difference with a Microprocessor

• Microcontroller is used where ever


• It is a single chip

• Consists of Cpu, Memory

• I/O ports, timers and other peripherals



Where ever

• Small size

• Low cost

• Low power


•Harvard university

The Architecture given by Harvard University has the following advantages:

1: Data Space and Program Space are distinct

2: There is no Data corruption or loss of data

Disadvantage is:

1: The circuitry is very complex.


• 8 bit cpu

• 64k Program memory (4k on chip)

• 64k Data memory

• 128 Bytes on chip

• 32 I/O

• Two 16 bit timers

• Full duplex UART

• 6 Source/5 Vector interrupts with two level priority levels

• On chip clock Oscillator.





Overview of 8096 16 bit microcontroller


• 232 Byte Register File.

• Register to Register Architecture.

• 10 bit A/D Converter with S/H.

• Five 8 bit I/O ports.

• 20 Interrupt Sources.

• Pulse Width Modulation Output.

• High speed I/O subsystem.

• Dedicated Baud Rate Generator.

• Full Duplex Serial Port.

• 16 bit Watchdog Timer.


• The MSC-96 family members are all high performance microcontroller with a 16 bit CPU and atleast 230 bytes of on-chip RAM.

• Intel MSC-96 family easily handles high speed calculations and fast input/out operations.

• All of the MCS-96 components share a common instruction set and architecture.

• However the CHMOS components have enhancements to provide higher performance with lower power consumption.

• These microcontroller contains dedicated I/O subsystem and perform 16-bit arithmetic instructions including multiply and divide operations.

CPU: The major components of the MCS-96 CPU are the Register File and the Register / Arithmetic Logic Unit (RALU).

• Location 00H through 17H are the I/O control registers or Special function registers (SFR).

• Locations 18H and 19H contains the stack pointer, which can serve as general purpose RAM when not performing stack operations.

• The remaining bytes of the register file serve as general purpose RAM, accessible as bytes, words or double-words.

• Calculations performed by the CPU take place in the RALU. The RALU contains a 17bit ALU, the program status word (PSW), the program Counter (PC), a loop counter and three temporary registers.

• The RALU operates directly on the Register Files, thus eliminating accumulator bottleneck and providing for direct control of I/O operations through the SFR.

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