Input, output, and communication involve the transfer of information between transmitters and receivers. The transmitters, receivers, and methods of communication are often mismatched in terms of speed and in how information is represented, and so an important consideration is how to match input and output devices with a system using a particular method of communication.

A bus provides a fixed bandwidth that is shared among a number of devices. A hierarchy of busses can be interconnected with bridges, so that independent transfers can take place simultaneously. From a programmer’s perspective, communication is handled via programmed I/O, interrupt driven I/O, or DMA.

Mass storage devices come in a variety of forms. Examples of mass storage devices are hard magnetic disks and magnetic tape drives. Optical storage provides greater density per unit area than magnetic storage, but is more expensive and does not offer the same degree of user writability. An example of an optical storage device is a CD ROM.

There is a wide range of other input/output devices. The few that we studied in this chapter that are not mass storage devices can be grouped into input devices and output devices. Examples of input devices are keyboards, bit pads, mice, trackballs, lightpens, touchscreens, and joysticks. Examples of output devices are laser printers and video displays.


Intel data sheets and other literature, including the Pentium, Pentium II, and Pentium Pro hardware and programmer’s manuals can be ordered from Intel Literature Sales, PO Box 7641, Mt. Prospect IL 60056-7641, or, in the U. S. and Canada, by calling (800) 548-4725. The source of the material on the dual Pentium II Xeon configuration is

(Hamacher et al., 1990) provides explanations of communication devices and a number of peripherals such as an alphanumeric CRT controller. (Tanenbaum, 1999) and (Stallings, 1996) also give readable explanations of peripheral devices. The material on synchronous and asynchronous busses, and bus arbitration, is influenced by a presentation in (Tanenbaum, 1999).

Hamacher, V. C., Z. G. Vranesic, and S. G. Zaky, Computer Organization, 3/e, McGraw Hill, (1990).

Stallings, W., Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance, 4/e, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, (1996).

Tanenbaum, A., Structured Computer Organization, 4/e, Prentice Hall, Engle- wood Cliffs, (1999).


8.1 What is the minimum time needed to transfer 100 MB from the Audio device to a Pentium II, using the bridge architecture and parameters shown in Figure 8-7?

8.2 Why must the CPU ensure that interrupts are disabled before handing control over to the interrupt service routine?

8.3 Show the Manchester encoding for the bit sequence: 10011101.

8.4 A disk that has 16 sectors per track uses an interleave factor of 1:4. What is the smallest number of revolutions of the disk required to read all of the sec- tors of a track in sequence?

8.5 A hard magnetic disk has two surfaces. The storage area on each surface has an inner radius of 1 cm and an outer radius of 5 cm. Each track holds the same number of bits, even though each track differs in size from every other. The maximum storage density of the media is 10,000 bits/cm. The spacing between corresponding points on adjacent tracks is .1 mm, which includes the inter-track gap. Assume that the inter-sector gaps are negligible, and that a track exists on each edge of the storage area.

(a) What is the maximum number of bits that can be stored on the disk?

(b) What is the data transfer rate from the disk to the head in bits per second at a rotational speed of 3600 RPM?

8.6 A disk has 128 tracks of 32 sectors each, on each surface of eight platters.

The disk spins at 3600 rpm, and takes 15 ms to move between adjacent tracks. What is the longest time needed to read an arbitrary sector located any- where on the disk?

8.7 A 300 Mbyte (300 ´ 220 bytes) disk has 815 cylinders, with 19 heads, a track-to-track speed of 7.5 m/s (that is, 7.5 meters per second), and a rotation rate of 3600 RPM. The fact that there are 19 heads means that there are 10 platters, and only 19 surfaces are used for storing data. Each sector holds the same amount of data, and each track has the same number of sectors. The transfer time between the disk and the CPU is 300 Kbytes/sec. The track-to-track spacing is .25 mm.

(a) Compute the time to read a track (not the time to transmit the track to a host). Assume that interleaving is not used.

(b) What is the minimum time required to read the entire disk pack to a CPU, given the best of all possible circumstances? Assume that the head of the first surface to be read is positioned at the beginning of the first sector of the first track, and that an entire cylinder is read before the arm is moved. Also assume that the disk unit can buffer an entire cylinder, but no more. During operation, the disk unit first fills its buffer, then it empties it to the CPU, and only then does it read more of the disk.

8.8 A fixed head disk has one head per track. The heads do not move, and thus, there is no head movement component in calculating the access time. For this problem, calculate the time that it takes to copy one surface to another surface. This is an internal operation to the disk, and does not involve any communication with the host. There are 1000 cylinders, each track holds 10 sectors, and the rotation rate of the disk is 3000 RPM. The sectors all line up with each other. That is, within a cylinder, sector 0 on each track lines up with sector 0 on every other track, and within a surface, sector 0 on each track begins on the same line drawn from the center of the surface to the edge.

An internal buffer holds a single sector. When a sector is read from one track, it is held in the buffer until it is written onto another track. Only then can

another sector be read. It is not possible to simultaneously read and write the buffer, and the buffer must be entirely loaded or entirely emptied – partial reads or writes are not allowed. Calculate the minimum time required to copy one surface to another, given the best starting conditions. The surfaces must be direct images of each other. That is, sector i in the source surface must be directly above or below sector i in the destination surface.

8.9 Compute the storage capacity of a 6250 byte per inch (BPI) tape that is 600 ft long and has a record size of 2048 bytes. The size of an inter-record gap is .5 in.

8.10 A bit mapped display is 1024 pixels wide by 1024 pixels high. The refresh rate is 60 Hz, which means that every pixel is rewritten to the screen 60 times a second, but only one pixel is written at any time. What is the maximum time allowed to write a single pixel?

8.11 How many bits need to be stored in the LUT in Figure 8-32? If the LUT is removed, and the RAM is changed to provide the 24-bit R, G, and B out- put directly, how many additional bits need to be stored in the RAM? Assume that the initial size of the RAM is 210 ´ 29 = 219 words ´ 8 bits/word.

8.12 The MCB as presented in Section 8.2.1 keeps track of every sector on the disk. An alternative organization, which significantly reduces the size of the MCB, is to store blocks in chains. The idea is to store only the first block of a file in the MCB, and then store a pointer to the succeeding block at the end of the first block. Each succeeding block is linked in a similar manner.

(a) How does this approach affect the time to access the middle of a file?

(b) After a system crash, would a disk recovery be easier if only the first sector of a file is stored in the MCB, and the remaining list of sectors is stored in a header at the beginning of each file? How does this approach affect storage?

8.13 You are now the administrator for a computer system that is maintained by Mega Equipment Corporation (MEC). As part of routine maintenance, MEC realigns the heads on one of the disks, and now the disk cannot be read or written without producing errors. What went wrong? Would this happen with or without the use of a timing track?

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