Memory: virtual memory (overlays and paging).

Virtual Memory

Despite the enormous advancements in creating ever larger memories in smaller areas, computer memory is still like closet space, in the sense that we can never have enough of it. An economical method of extending the apparent size of the main memory is to augment it with disk space, which is one aspect of virtual memory that we cover in this section. Disk storage appears near the bottom of the memory hierarchy, with a lower cost per bit than main memory, and so it is reasonable to use disk storage to hold the portions of a program or data sets that do not entirely fit into the main memory. In a different aspect of virtual memory, complex address mapping schemes are supported, which give greater flexibility in how the memory is used. We explore these aspects of virtual memory below.


An early approach of using disk storage to augment the main memory made use of overlays, in which an executing program overwrites its own code with other code as needed. In this scenario, the programmer has the responsibility of man- aging memory usage. Figure 7-20 shows an example in which a program contains a main routine and three subroutines A, B, and C. The physical memory is smaller than the size of the program, but is larger than any single routine. A strategy for managing memory using overlays is to modify the program so that it keeps track of which subroutines are in memory, and reads in subroutine code as


needed. Typically, the main routine serves as the driver and manages the bulk of the bookkeeping. The driver stays in memory while other routines are brought in and out.

Figure 7-20 shows a partition graph that is created for the example program. The partition graph identifies which routines can overlay others based on which subroutines call others. For this example, the main routine is always present, and supervises which subset of subroutines are in memory. Subroutines B and C are kept in the same partition in this example because B calls C, but subroutine A is in its own partition because only the main routine calls A. Partition #0 can thus overlay partition #1, and partition #1 can overlay partition #0.

Although this method will work well in a variety of situations, a cleaner solution might be to let an operating system manage the overlays. When more than one program is loaded into memory, however, then the routines that manage the overlays cannot operate without interacting with the operating system in order to find out which portions of memory are available. This scenario introduces a great deal of complexity into managing the overlay process since there is a heavy inter- action between the operating system and each program. An alternative method that can be managed by the operating system alone is called paging, which is described in the next section.


Paging is a form of automatic overlaying that is managed by the operating sys- tem. The address space is partitioned into equal sized blocks, called pages. Pages are normally an integral power of two in size such as 210 = 1024 bytes. Paging makes the physical memory appear larger than it truly is by mapping the physical memory address space to some portion of the virtual memory address space, which is normally stored on a disk. An illustration of a virtual memory mapping scheme is shown in Figure 7-21. Eight virtual pages are mapped to four physical page frames.


An implementation of virtual memory must handle references that are made out- side of the portion of virtual space that is mapped to physical space. The following sequence of events is typical when a referenced virtual location is not in physical memory, which is referred to as a page fault:

1) A page frame is identified to be overwritten. The contents of the page frame are written to secondary memory if changes were made to it, so that the changes are recorded before the page frame is overwritten.

2) The virtual page that we want to access is located in secondary memory and is written into physical memory, in the page frame located in (1) above.

3) The page table (see below) is updated to map the new section of virtual memory onto the physical memory.

4) Execution continues.

For the virtual memory shown in Figure 7-21, there are 213 = 8192 virtual locations and so an executing program must generate 13-bit addresses, which are interpreted as a 3-bit page number and a 10-bit offset within the page. Given the 3-bit page number, we need to find out where the page is: it is either in one of the four page frames, or it is in secondary memory. In order to keep track of which pages are in physical memory, a page table is maintained, as illustrated in Figure 7-22, which corresponds to the mapping shown in Figure 7-21.


The page table has as many entries as there are virtual pages. The present bit indicates whether or not the corresponding page is in physical memory. The disk address field is a pointer to the location that the corresponding page can be found on a disk unit. The operating system normally manages the disk accesses, and so the page table only needs to maintain the disk addresses that the operating system assigns to blocks when the system starts up. The disk addresses normally do not change during the course of computation. The page frame field indicates which physical page frame holds a virtual page, if the page is in physical memory. For pages that are not in physical memory, the page frame fields are invalid, and so they are marked with “xx” in Figure 7-22.

In order to translate a virtual address to a physical address, we take two page frame bits from the page table and append them to the left of the 10-bit offset, which produces the physical address for the referenced word. Consider the situation shown in Figure 7-23, in which a reference is made to virtual address 1001101000101. The three leftmost bits of the virtual address (100) identify the


page. The bit pattern that appears in the page frame field (11) is appended to the left of the 10-bit offset (1101000101), and the resulting address (111101000101) indicates which physical memory address holds the referenced word.

It may take a relatively long period of time for a program to be loaded into memory. The entire program may never be executed, and so the time required to load the program from a disk into the memory can be reduced by loading only the portion of the program that is needed for a given interval of time. The demand paging scheme does not load a page into memory until there is a page fault. After a program has been running for a while, only the pages being used will be in physical memory (this is referred to as the working set), so demand paging does not have a significant impact on long running programs.

Consider again the memory mapping shown in Figure 7-21. The size of the virtual address space is 213 words, and the physical address space is 212 words. There are eight pages that each contain 210 words. Assume that the memory is initially empty, and that demand paging is used for a program that executes from memory locations 1030 to 5300. The execution sequence will make accesses to pages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in that order. The page replacement policy is FIFO. Figure 7-24 shows the configuration of the page table as execution proceeds. The first access to memory will cause a page fault on virtual address 1030, which is in page #1. The page is brought into physical memory, and the valid bit and page frame field are updated in the page table. Execution continues, until page #5


must be brought in, which forces out page #1 due to the FIFO page replacement policy. The final configuration of the page table in Figure 7-24 is shown after location 5300 is accessed.

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