The instruction set architecture : input and output in assembly language and case study: the java virtual machine Isa.

Input and Output in Assembly Language

Finally, we come to ways in which an assembly language program can communicate with the outside world: input and output (I/O) activities. One way that communication between I/O devices and the rest of the machine can be handled is with special instructions, and with a special I/O bus reserved for this purpose. An alternative method for interacting with I/O devices is through the use of memory mapped I/O, in which devices occupy sections of the address space where no ordinary memory exists. Devices are accessed as if they are memory locations, and so there is no need for handling devices with new instructions.

As an example of memory mapped I/O, consider again the memory map for the ARC, which is illustrated in Figure 4-20. We see a few new regions of memory,


for two add-in video memory modules and for a touchscreen. A touchscreen comes in two forms, photonic and electrical. An illustration of the photonic version is shown in Figure 4-21. A matrix of beams covers the screen in the horizon-


tal and vertical dimensions. If the beams are interrupted (by a finger for example) then the position is determined by the interrupted beams. (In an alternative version of the touchscreen, the display is covered with a touch sensitive surface. The user must make contact with the screen in order to register a selection.)

The only real memory occupies the address space between 222 and 223 – 1. (Remember: 223 – 4 is the address of the leftmost byte of the highest word in the big-endian format.) The rest of the address space is occupied by other components. The address space between 0 and 216 – 1 (inclusive) contains built-in pro- grams for the power-on bootstrap operation and basic graphics routines. The address space between 216 and 219 – 1 is used for two add-in video memory modules, which we will study in Problem Figure 4.3. Note that valid information is available only when the add-in memory modules are physically inserted into the machine.

Finally, the address space between 223 and 224 – 1 is used for I/O devices. For this system, the X and Y coordinates that mark the position where a user has made a selection are automatically updated in registers that are placed in the memory map. The registers are accessed by simply reading from the memory locations where these registers are located. The “Screen Flash” location causes the screen to flash whenever it is written.

Suppose that we would like to write a simple program that flashes the screen whenever the user changes position. The flowchart in Figure 4-22 illustrates how this might be done. The X and Y registers are first read, and are then compared with the previous X and Y values. If either position has changed, then the screen is flashed and the previous X and Y values are updated and the process repeats. If neither position has changed, then the process simply repeats. This is an example of the programmed I/O method of accessing a device. (See problem 4.3 at the end of the chapter for a more detailed description.)

Case Study: The Java Virtual Machine ISA

Java is a high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that has taken a prominent position in the programming community. A key aspect of Java is that Java binary codes are platform-independent, which means that the same compiled code can run without modification on any computer that sup- ports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM is how Java achieves its plat- form-independence: a standard specification of the JVM is implemented in the native instruction sets of many underlying machines, and compiled Java codes can then run in any JVM environment.

Programs that are written in fully compiled languages like C, C++, and Fortran, are compiled into the native code of the target architecture, and are generally not portable across platforms unless the source code is recompiled for the target


machine. Interpreted languages, like Perl, Tcl, AppleScript, and shell script, are largely platform independent, but can execute 100 to 200 times slower than a fully compiled language. Java programs are compiled into an intermediate form known as bytecodes, which execute on the order of 10 times more slowly than fully compiled languages, but the cross-platform compatibility and other language features make Java a favorable programming language for many applications.

A high level view of the JVM architecture is shown in Figure 4-23. The JVM is a stack-based machine, which means that the operands are pushed and popped from a stack, instead of being transferred among general purpose registers. There are, however, a number of special purpose registers, and also a number of local variables that serve the function of general purpose registers in a “real” (non-virtual) architecture. The Java Execution Engine takes compiled Java bytecodes at its input, and interprets the bytecodes in a software implementation of the JVM, or executes the bytecodes directly in a hardware implementation of the JVM.


Figure 4-24 shows a Java implementation of the SPARC program we studied in Figure 4-13. The figure shows both the Java source program and the bytecodes into which it was compiled. The bytecode file is known as a Java class file (which is what a compiled Java program is called.)

Only a small number of bytes in a class file actually contain instructions; the rest is overhead that the file must contain in order to run on the JVM. In Figure 4-25 we have “disassembled” the bytecodes back to their higher-level format. The bytecode locations are given in hexadecimal, starting at location 0x00. The first 4 bytes contain the magic number 0xcafebabe which identifies the program as a compiled Java class file. The major version and minor version numbers refer to the Java runtime system for which the program is compiled. The number of entries in the constant pool follows, which is actually 17 in this example: the first entry (constant pool location 0) is always reserved for the JVM, and is not included in the class file, although indexing into the constant pool starts at location 0 as if it is explicitly represented. The constant pool contains the names of methods (functions), attributes, and other information used by the runtime sys-


The remainder of the file is mostly composed of the constant pool, and executable Java instructions. We will not cover all details of the Java class file here. The reader is referred to (Meyer & Downing, 1997) for a full description of the Java class file format.

The actual code that corresponds to the Java source program, which simply adds the constants 15 and 9, and returns the result (24) to the calling routine on the stack, appears in locations 0x00e3 – 0x00ef. Figure 4-26 shows how that portion of the bytecode is interpreted. The program pushes the constants 15 and 9 onto the stack, using local variables 0 and 1 as intermediaries, and invokes the iadd instruction which pops the top two stack elements, adds them, and places the result on the top of the stack. The program then returns.

A cursory glance at the code shows some of the reasons why the JVM runs 10 times slower than native code. Notice that the program stores the arguments in


local variables 1 and 2, and then transfers them to the Java stack before adding them. This transfer would be viewed as redundant by native code compilers for other languages, and would be eliminated. Given this example alone, there is probably considerable room for speed improvements from the 10´ slower execu-


tion time of today’s JVMs. Other improvements may also come in the form of just in time (JIT) compilers. Rather than interpreting the JVM bytecodes one by one into the target machine code each time they are encountered, JIT compilers take advantage of the fact that most programs spend most of their time in


loops and other iterative routines. As the JIT encounters each line of code for the first time, it compiles it into native code and stores it away in memory for possible later use. The next time that code is executed, it is the native, compiled form that is executed rather than the bytecodes.

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