SUMMARY of Software Development Systems and Assemblers


A software development system and an assembler are essential tools for writing, assembling, testing, and debugging large assembly language programs.

A disk-based microcomputer, its operating system, and assembler pro­grams can serve as a development system. All the operations of the computer are managed and directed by the operating system of the computer. The Assem­bler and other utility programs assist the user in developing software. The Edi­tor allows the user to enter text, and the Assembler translates mnemonics into machine code and provides error messages. The Debugger assists in debugging the program. The cross-assembler is an assembler program that operates under one type of MPU and can translate mnemonics of another MPU.

The program thus assembled is in many ways similar to that of the hand assembly program except that the program written for the assembler includes assembler directives, which are instructions concerning how to assemble the program. The assembler has many advantages over manual assembly; without the assembler, it would be extremely difficult to develop industry-standard software.

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