The appendix at the end of this chapter illustrates 12 different failures in three-phase stator windings.
Predictive maintenance requires the establishment of trends to monitor for vibration, temperatures, and oil contamination (wear particles) to identify potential problems. Predictive maintenance improves the performance of the motor and reduces the failure rate. This
results in a reduction in the operating and maintenance costs and an increase in efficiency and reliability.
The philosophy behind predictive maintenance is to anticipate impending equipment failures by using modern technologies, and to eliminate the root cause before it can result in catastrophic failure. The benefits of predictive maintenance are as follows:
1. Repetitive problems are identified and eliminated.
2. Equipment installation is performed to precise standards.
3. Performance verification ensures that new and rebuilt equipment is free of defects. Predictive maintenance technologies include
1. Vibration spectrum analysis for rotating equipment
2. Oil and wear analysis
3. Thermography for all electrical equipment