Circuits of the DC Machine

A DC motor or machine has three basic circuits:

clip_image002 Armature and interpole leads, Al and A2


clip_image002[4] Series field leads, Sl and S2

clip_image002[5] Shunt field leads, Fl and F2

They are designed with various combinations and connections to suit the needs of a given load. A more in-depth explanation of each component will come later in this chapter.

As previously stated, the DC machine is interchangeable as a motor or a generator, so the word machine is used in this book when explanations apply to both motor and generator.

The armature generates all the power as a generator. It creates all the torque as a motor. The armature and interpoles are a series circuit. The purpose of the interpoles is to improve brush commutation. They are

clip_image002[8] connected either between Al and the armature or between the armature and A2.

clip_image002[9] The series field is connected in series with the armature and interpoles.

Its purpose is to stabilize the output of the machine as the load changes.

clip_image002[10] The shunt field provides magnetism for the armature. Lines of force or flux (produced by the shunt field) create power (VA) in the armature as a generator and create torque as a motor.

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