The eyes : glaucoma , Symptoms and Diagnostic Path , Treatment Options and Outlook , Risk Factors and Preventive Measures , Graves’s ophthalmopathy , Symptoms and Diagnostic Path , Treatment Options and Outlook and Risk Factors and Preventive Measures

glaucoma A serious and progressive EYE condition in which the cells at the front of the OPTIC NERVE where it intersects with the RETINA, the retinal ganglia, die, resulting in vision loss. Early diagnosis and treatment can minimize vision loss. Health experts estimate that 5 million Americans have glaucoma, though only about 2 million of […]
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The eyes : glaucoma , Symptoms and Diagnostic Path , Treatment Options and Outlook , Risk Factors and Preventive Measures , Graves’s ophthalmopathy , Symptoms and Diagnostic Path , Treatment Options and Outlook and Risk Factors and Preventive Measures

glaucoma A serious and progressive EYE condition in which the cells at the front of the OPTIC NERVE where it intersects with the RETINA, the retinal ganglia, die, resulting in vision loss. Early diagnosis and treatment can minimize vision loss. Health experts estimate that 5 million Americans have glaucoma, though only about 2 million of […]
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The eyes : flashes , floaters and fluorescein staining

farsightedness See HYPEROPIA. flashes Visual phantoms that appear as spots of light. An ophthalmologist should evaluate occurrences of flashes, as they can be symptoms of RETI- NAL DETACHMENT or other conditions affecting the RETINA. Flashes represent stimulation of the rods and cones, the cells of vision carpeting the retina, that occurs when the gelatinous fluid […]
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The eyes : flashes , floaters and fluorescein staining

farsightedness See HYPEROPIA. flashes Visual phantoms that appear as spots of light. An ophthalmologist should evaluate occurrences of flashes, as they can be symptoms of RETI- NAL DETACHMENT or other conditions affecting the RETINA. Flashes represent stimulation of the rods and cones, the cells of vision carpeting the retina, that occurs when the gelatinous fluid […]
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The eyes : ectropion , electroretinography , entropion , enucleation , episcleritis , exophthalmos , eye and eye strain

ectropion Loss of elasticity or control of the eyelid, usually the lower eyelid, that causes it to sag away from the EYE. Ectropion allows tears to over- flow the lid rather than remaining in the eye. It also fails to protect the eye, and especially the CORNEA, permitting dryness and exposure to environmental particles that […]
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The eyes : ectropion , electroretinography , entropion , enucleation , episcleritis , exophthalmos , eye and eye strain

ectropion Loss of elasticity or control of the eyelid, usually the lower eyelid, that causes it to sag away from the EYE. Ectropion allows tears to over- flow the lid rather than remaining in the eye. It also fails to protect the eye, and especially the CORNEA, permitting dryness and exposure to environmental particles that […]
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The eyes : dacryocystitis , dacryostenosis , dark adaptation test , diplopia and dry eye syndrome .

dacryocystitis INFLAMMATION of the lacrimal (tear) ducts, typically the nasolacrimal ducts in the corners of the EYE near the NOSE. Dacryocystitis develops when there is a blockage of the lacrimal duct, which may result from DACRYOSTENOSIS (narrowing of the lacrimal duct), INFECTION, or chronic irritation such as might occur with ALLERGIC RHINI- TIS or ALLERGIC […]
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The eyes : dacryocystitis , dacryostenosis , dark adaptation test , diplopia and dry eye syndrome .

dacryocystitis INFLAMMATION of the lacrimal (tear) ducts, typically the nasolacrimal ducts in the corners of the EYE near the NOSE. Dacryocystitis develops when there is a blockage of the lacrimal duct, which may result from DACRYOSTENOSIS (narrowing of the lacrimal duct), INFECTION, or chronic irritation such as might occur with ALLERGIC RHINI- TIS or ALLERGIC […]
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