

operations manager

A programmer is a person who produces or amends computer programs.

There are two main types of programmer:

1 Applications programmer-a programmer who writes programs to carry out specific applications for computer users. The applications programmer:

(a) Has to have an understanding of the application itself.

(b) usually works in a a high-level language

2 systems programmer – a programmer who writes systems software . The systems programmer:

(a) Has to be very familiar with a particular computer and operating system.

(b) Often works in a low-level language.


1 Discussing the program specifications with the designer.

2 Producing detailed program flowcharts.

3 Coding, ie. writing the source program.

4 Testing and debugging.

5 Producing program documentation .

6 Program maintenance:

(a) Eliminating errors not discovered during testing.

(b) Making improvements.

(c) Making modifications to allow for changing business methods or new equipment.


Many large installations have programmers with special responsibilities. These people may include senior programmers, chief programmers, perhaps a programming manager. Their special duties would include:

1 Liaison with the data processing manager and the operations manager about general programming needs, for example:

(a) Training for junior programmers.

(b) Languages and equipment needed.

(c) Need for more staff.

2 Liaison with systems analysts about programs.

3 Allocation of work to programmers.

4 Supervision of programmers.


1 Programmers write programs. They are not usually involved with designing them. Those programmers who are involved with design work are called analyst/programmers.

2 Programmers are not usually involved with operating computers.

3 Programmers usually work on a project as a team. This is why it is so important to write good documentation and to produce programs that are easy to understand.

Operations Manager

The operations manager (or computer manager) is the person responsible for the day-to­day efficiency of data processing operations.


1 Supervising and coordinating:

(a) Data reception and control.

(b) Data preparation.

(c) Operations in the computer room

2 Planning:

(a) Organizing the solution of any problems the staff cannot deal with.

(b) Working out procedures to deal with emergencies.

(c) Working out staff timetables.

3 Liaison with the data processing manager or other management staff about, for example:

(a) Staff problems.

(b) Staff training.

(c) Possible improvements in methods of working or in equipment.

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