5 Quick and Easy Health Tips

cc licensed flickr photo shared by katerha
Many Americans live hectic and rushed lifestyles that lead to added stress. When we eat on the run, or over self- indulge in bad habits, it becomes more cumbersome to pay attention to our health. Every day on the news, we hear about new research and studies that say what to eat and not eat. It is important to pay attention to the fast-paced change of health news with light consideration, and stay focused on the most basic rules. That is to balance life with a healthy lifestyle, diet, and exercise. Here are some beneficial health tips to keep in mind:
1. Aerobics Will Make a Significant Impact in Improving Health
Most people are aware that aerobic exercise is great for losing weight. However, intensive exercise that maintains elevated heartbeat and breathing levels is good particularly for losing fat in areas of the body where it is difficult to lose, such as the lower abdomen. Aerobics contributes in keeping the heart, lungs, and muscles strong. Exercise and the mind are also closely related. Research has been discovering that aerobics is good for the brain as well. Scientists now know that the brain is plastic, meaning that it can heal itself. Research on people who exercise daily for a minimum of half an hour have reflected growing more neurons over a period of six months. If you are not in shape enough to do aerobics at this point, you can start out small and work your way up. Moving more in general keeps the body flexible and more agile for exercise.
2. Find the Time for Meditation throughout Your Day
Meditation and relaxation is good for sound of mind and a sense of wellbeing. We all need a time to distress and clear our head. Meditation can include sitting peacefully while clearing thoughts and listening to music. Just general quiet time outside of everyday stress and chores can provide a change of pace that is meditational. Try to take a soothing long bath or a walk in the park with family and friends.
3. Drink plenty of fluids
Many of us do not drink enough liquid. We all need to drink at least two liters a day if not much more. How much liquid we need depends on our activity level that causes us to sweat. Water is detrimental for the body’s circulation, skin, muscles, and keeping organs healthy. Without sufficient water, our bodies can become severely strained to perform everyday functioning. The best way to stay well hydrated is to drink water. Try to limit soda, coffee, and alcohol, as these can be dehydrating to the body.
4. Eat a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables
Studies show that the more variety we have in our diets, the healthier we are. Most Americans need to eat more vegetable. The best vegetables to eat are rich in color and come in a spectrum of shades. With green leafy vegetables, the darker their shade of green, the more nutrients they pack. When at the grocery store, try shopping around the outside edges of the store. This is where the most healthy, fresh, and non-processed food is usually kept. Only after those staples have been picked up, work your way through the center isles. If you are not accustomed to cooking with vegetables, try to buy more frozen vegetables in the beginning. Frozen vegetables will not go bad nearly as fast, and are flash frozen during their peak of ripeness.
5. Always Eat Breakfast and Afternoon Snacks
Rather than eating a couple large meals a day, eat the same amount of food spread throughout the day. When you snack regularly, you are giving your body a steady supply of nutrients and fuel. Eating snacks and moderately sized meals will help to keep the urge to over eat or indulge in temptingly unhealthy food at bay. The most important meal of the day is breakfast. Eating a bit of protein such as eggs, cheese, and bagels, will help you feel more full and energetic. Oatmeal is also filling and full of healthy fiber, which can help to lower bad cholesterol.

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