Stay Skinny in College: It’s Easy

Whether you’re a geek, prep, jock or rocker, you want to stay skinny in college. Assuming you’ve arrived on campus in a slim package, there are many ways to keep those goods lean and mean. One of the best ways to stay slim is to exercise. Even though you’re rising early for classes, walking across campus and raving it at night, you need an exercise that’ll get your heart rate pumping to burn those calories. To keep it on the skinny, you’ve got to burn off more calories than your body takes in.
Try to plan at least three days a week for a cardio workout. Exercise on campus is free, so there are no excuses. Do a two-mile run on the campus track. To make it more fun, ask a college friend to join you and stick to a schedule of how many days you’ll meet. Every campus has an indoor pool, so take advantage of it. Plan to do laps that include at least a half hour of swimming. Every campus also has a gym. Get on the treadmill and get walking. You can even study while on a treadmill, so this activity packs a two punch. If you like team sports, join the college football, soccer, basketball or track teams.
In addition to working out, you need to be a smart foodie. That means eating low-fat snacks, healthy foods with protein and plenty of veggies and fruits. Get and stay in the zone of healthy choice. Before you eat it, take a moment to reflect what it is you’re eating. That powder-sugared donut is not going to keep you in the skinny. Choose a low-fat yogurt instead. There are so many yummy flavors that will make you not miss that donut, including Boston cream pie, raspberry cheesecake, chocolate mousse or apple bisque.
Choose your meals wisely, including breakfast, lunch and dinner. Pumpkin pancakes with lots of syrup are not on the skinny menu. Go with a whole grain cereal with fruits and nuts instead. For lunch, go vegan instead of meat. Salad bars in college dining halls offer a huge variety of leafy lettuces and nutritional veggies to go on top. These foods are on the skinny menu, and you may have them. Just go easy on the salad dressing and choose a low-fat dressing. For dinner, choose lean meats or fish for protein, vegetables and a little bit of starchy food, such as rice. Baked, broiled and steamed are on the skinny menu. Fried and covered with cheese are not. Once you become a smart foodie, you’ll be well-versed in all the cooking styles.
Eating in moderation is a tricky feat for some college student, so you will want to keep a watchful eye on how much food you put on your plate. Whatever you do, keep in mind that skinny people aren’t allowed seconds. Try and fill your plate with one half veggies, one quarter meat or fish and one quarter rice or potato. This is a balanced combination of foods that will keep you looking good in those skinny jeans.

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