Safe Representing the Subconscious

Like dreams, art often contains symbols that represent facets of the human mind. There is tremendous similarity in these symbols and their meanings; members of radically different cultures often represent the same things with similar, and sometimes identical, objects. When correctly interpreted, these symbols turn into useful tools for self discovery.
Japanese Garden
common household Safe
Many symbols represent objects, ideas or events that do not exist in the conscious mind, but lurk in the subconscious. Safes, however, frequently represent the subconscious mind itself. This is not surprising; safes are heavy, locked, guarded containers that conceal other objects and only reveal their contents to people who know the lock’s combination.
The items in the safe symbol may be placed there for several reasons. They may be memories of a traumatic event that the dreamer has shoved out of the conscious mind; they may also be closely guarded secrets.
The lock is also symbolically important, and may represent feelings of being trapped, stuck, or unsure. Locks are also associated with denied opportunities.
Skill is Required
Even the strongest, most secure safes can be cracked by a locksmith with sufficient skill. The same is true of the subconscious mind. By learning how to open the safe of the subconscious, an individual accesses the thoughts, emotions and memories that were previously hidden there. Some mental safes are simple to crack; these usually hold information that is less upsetting or confusing than the ideas and memories tamped down into the deepest reaches of mind.
The information held in the subconscious may be highly distressing and unpleasant to confront. However, many psychologists contend that these must be brought into the conscious mind so they may be dealt with in a productive way. This is the only way by which an individual may liberate him or herself from the painful subconscious contents. It is important to understand that many safes may also be breached using physical means, such as cutting tools and blow torches. This brute entry approach often works, but is obviously not an option for entering the subconscious mind. Those who want to explore their subconscious have several techniques from which to choose.
Softly, Softly Approach
Some individuals first experience their subconscious with the aid of a psychologist or therapist who guides them through the process over a series of weeks or months. Hypnosis is another possible route; this may be used alone or in conjunction with talk therapy. It’s even possible to learn self-hypnosis, although learning this skill takes considerable time.
Hacking the Subconscious
Another method of accessing, or “hacking,” the subconscious mind involves targeted brain wave therapy. Throughout each day, the human mind cycles through several different phases or states of consciousness. Each state makes the brain particularly receptive to certain subconscious suggestions. People who wish to plant subconscious suggestions in their own minds, for example, the suggestion to eat less and lose weight, can increase the efficacy of those messages by exposing themselves to the correct brain wave. The waves are inaudible to most adults, and may be embedded within musical recordings. Persistent exposure to the desired brain wave encourages the subconscious to receive suggestions and apply them to daily life.
The human subconscious is a vast repository of information that is still somewhat shrouded in mystery. There are still many questions and few solid answers. It is important to understand that forceful attempts to access and explore the subconscious may have deleterious effects, just as a safe that is opened with a crowbar and blowtorch suffers permanent damage that renders it unusable. Gentler methods are preferable; the goal is to obtain the “security code” — an understanding of the mind — and enter the subconscious safe through its intended passage. However, individuals who wish to know themselves more completely must not overlook this integral part of the mind.

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